You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 13
Shell Scripts
- Shell scripts are included in the
directory of a cTAKES installation - These scripts can ONLY be run in a cTAKES installation
- They cannot be used within a source code project
Linux / Mac shell scripts
Windows batch shell scripts
Starts a simple GUI to fetch the cTAKES umls (snomed, rxnorm) dictionary.
# Starts a simple GUI to fetch the cTAKES umls (snomed, rxnorm) dictionary.
# Requires Java 17
# Sets up environment for cTAKES
. ${HOME}/setenv.sh
java -cp "$CLASS_PATH" -Xms512M -Xmx3g $DICT_DOWNLOADER "$@"
Runs the default clinical pipeline with provided parameters.
Required parameters are:
-i , --inputDir {inputDirectory}
-o , --outputDir {outputDirectory}
--key {umlsKey}
Optional standard parameters are:
-s , --subDir {subDirectory} (for i/o)
--xmiOut {xmiOutputDirectory} (if different from -o)
-l , --lookupXml {dictionaryConfigFile} (fast only)
-? , --help
# Runs the default clinical pipeline with provided parameters.
# Required parameters are:
# -i , --inputDir {inputDirectory}
# -o , --outputDir {outputDirectory}
# --key {umlsKey}
# Optional standard parameters are:
# -s , --subDir {subDirectory} (for i/o)
# --xmiOut {xmiOutputDirectory} (if different from -o)
# -l , --lookupXml {dictionaryConfigFile} (fast only)
# -? , --help
# Requires Java 17
# Sets up environment for cTAKES
. ${HOME}/setenv.sh
java -cp "$CLASS_PATH" -Xms512M -Xmx3g $PIPE_RUNNER -p $FAST_PIPER "$@"
Starts a GUI that can facilitate creation of a dictionary.
The created dictionary contains SQL that can be used by the
ctakes-dictionary-lookup-fast module.
# Starts a GUI that can facilitate creation of a dictionary.
# The created dictionary contains SQL that can be used by the
# [ctakes-dictionary-lookup-fast](ctakes-dictionary-lookup-fast) module.
# Requires Java 17
# Sets up environment for cTAKES
. ${HOME}/setenv.sh
java -cp "$CLASS_PATH" -Xms512M -Xmx3g org.apache.ctakes.gui.dictionary.DictionaryCreator
Starts a GUI that can facilitate creation of a pipeline.
# Starts a GUI that can facilitate creation of a pipeline.
# Requires Java 17
# Sets up environment for cTAKES
. ${HOME}/setenv.sh
if [ "$1" = "-a" ]; then
elif [ "$1" = "-h" ]; then
echo "Adding -h will also add unofficial components"
java -cp "$CLASS_PATH" $ALL_IMPL -Xms512M -Xmx3g org.apache.ctakes.gui.pipeline.PiperCreator
Runs the pipeline in the piper file specified by -p {piperfile} with provided parameters.
Standard parameters are:
-i , --inputDir {inputDirectory}
-o , --outputDir {outputDirectory}
-s , --subDir {subDirectory} (for i/o)
--xmiOut {xmiOutputDirectory} (if different from -o)
-l , --lookupXml {dictionaryConfigFile} (fast only)
--key {umlsKey}
-? , --help
Other parameters may be declared in the piper file using the cli command:
cli {parameterName}={singleCharacter}
For instance, for declaration of ParagraphAnnotator path to regex file optional parameter PARAGRAPH_TYPES_PATH,
in the custom piper file add the line:
and when executing this script use:
runPiperFile -p path/to/my/custom.piper -t path/to/my/custom.bsv ...
# Runs the pipeline in the piper file specified by -p {piperfile} with provided parameters.
# Standard parameters are:
# -i , --inputDir {inputDirectory}
# -o , --outputDir {outputDirectory}
# -s , --subDir {subDirectory} (for i/o)
# --xmiOut {xmiOutputDirectory} (if different from -o)
# -l , --lookupXml {dictionaryConfigFile} (fast only)
# --key {umlsKey}
# -? , --help
# Other parameters may be declared in the piper file using the cli command:
# cli {parameterName}={singleCharacter}
# For instance, for declaration of ParagraphAnnotator path to regex file optional parameter PARAGRAPH_TYPES_PATH,
# in the custom piper file add the line:
# and when executing this script use:
# runPiperFile -p path/to/my/custom.piper -t path/to/my/custom.bsv ...
# Requires Java 17
# Sets up environment for cTAKES
. ${HOME}/setenv.sh
java -cp "$CLASS_PATH" -Xms512M -Xmx3g $PIPE_RUNNER "$@"
Starts a GUI that can run a pipeline.
# Starts a GUI that can run a pipeline.
# Requires Java 17
# Sets up environment for cTAKES
. ${HOME}/setenv.sh
java -cp "$CLASS_PATH" -Xms512M -Xmx3g $PIPE_RUNNER_GUI "$@"
Starts a GUI that can run a pipeline.
Deprecated: Identical to the runPiperGUI script.
# Starts a GUI that can run a pipeline.
# Deprecated: Identical to the runPiperGUI script.
# Requires Java 17
# Sets up environment for cTAKES
. ${HOME}/setenv.sh
java -cp "$CLASS_PATH" -Xms512M -Xmx3g $PIPE_RUNNER_GUI "$@"
Sets up the standard environment for cTAKES.
This script is called by cTAKES run scripts.
# Sets up the standard environment for cTAKES.
# This script is called by cTAKES run scripts.
# Requires Java 17
while [ -h "$PRG" ]; do
ls=`ls -ld "$PRG"`
link=`expr "$ls" : '.*-> \(.*\)$'`
if expr "$link" : '/.*' > /dev/null; then
PRG=`dirname "$PRG"`/"$link"
PRGDIR=`dirname "$PRG"`
# Only set CTAKES_HOME if not already set
[ -z "$CTAKES_HOME" ] && CTAKES_HOME=`cd "$PRGDIR/.." >/dev/null; pwd`
Script Contents
#! /bin/sh
# simple script to start jetty with the desc/ctakes-ytex-web web app
# Requires Java 17
# Sets up environment for cTAKES
. ${HOME}/setenv.sh
java -cp "${CLASSPATH}" -XX:MaxPermSize=128m -Xmx512m org.eclipse.jetty.runner.Runner ${CTAKES_HOME}/desc/ctakes-ytex-web
Starts a simple GUI to fetch the cTAKES umls (snomed, rxnorm) dictionary.
:: Starts a simple GUI to fetch the cTAKES umls (snomed, rxnorm) dictionary.
:: Requires Java 17
:: The setenv script sets up the environment needed by cTAKES.
@call %~sdp0\setenv.bat
java -cp "%CLASS_PATH%" %LOG4J_PARM% -Xms512M -Xmx3g %DICT_DOWNLOADER% %*
Runs the default clinical pipeline with provided parameters.
Required parameters are:
-i , --inputDir {inputDirectory}
-o , --outputDir {outputDirectory}
--key {umlsKey}
Optional standard parameters are:
-s , --subDir {subDirectory} (for i/o)
--xmiOut {xmiOutputDirectory} (if different from -o)
-l , --lookupXml {dictionaryConfigFile} (fast only)
-? , --help
:: Runs the default clinical pipeline with provided parameters.
:: Required parameters are:
:: -i , --inputDir {inputDirectory}
:: -o , --outputDir {outputDirectory}
:: --key {umlsKey}
:: Optional standard parameters are:
:: -s , --subDir {subDirectory} (for i/o)
:: --xmiOut {xmiOutputDirectory} (if different from -o)
:: -l , --lookupXml {dictionaryConfigFile} (fast only)
:: -? , --help
:: Requires Java 17
:: The setenv script sets up the environment needed by cTAKES.
@call %~sdp0\setenv.bat
java -cp "%CLASS_PATH%" -Xms512M -Xmx3g %PIPE_RUNNER% -p %FAST_PIPER% %*
Starts a GUI that can facilitate creation of a dictionary.
The created dictionary contains SQL that can be used by the
ctakes-dictionary-lookup-fast module.
:: Starts a GUI that can facilitate creation of a dictionary.
:: The created dictionary contains SQL that can be used by the
:: [ctakes-dictionary-lookup-fast](ctakes-dictionary-lookup-fast) module.
:: Requires Java 17
:: The setenv script sets up the environment needed by cTAKES.
@call %~sdp0\setenv.bat
java -cp "%CLASS_PATH%" -Xms512M -Xmx3g org.apache.ctakes.gui.dictionary.DictionaryCreator
Starts a GUI that can facilitate creation of a pipeline.
:: Starts a GUI that can facilitate creation of a pipeline.
:: Requires Java 17
:: The setenv script sets up the environment needed by cTAKES.
@call %~sdp0\setenv.bat
java -cp "%CLASS_PATH%" %ALL_IMPL% -Xms512M -Xmx3g org.apache.ctakes.gui.pipeline.PiperCreator
Runs the pipeline in the piper file specified by -p {piperfile} with provided parameters.
Standard parameters are:
-i , --inputDir {inputDirectory}
-o , --outputDir {outputDirectory}
-s , --subDir {subDirectory} (for i/o)
--xmiOut {xmiOutputDirectory} (if different from -o)
-l , --lookupXml {dictionaryConfigFile} (fast only)
--key {umlsKey}
-? , --help
Other parameters may be declared in the piper file using the cli command:
cli {parameterName}={singleCharacter}
For instance, for declaration of ParagraphAnnotator path to regex file optional parameter PARAGRAPH_TYPES_PATH,
in the custom piper file add the line:
and when executing this script use:
runPiperFile -p path/to/my/custom.piper -t path/to/my/custom.bsv ...
:: Runs the pipeline in the piper file specified by -p {piperfile} with provided parameters.
:: Standard parameters are:
:: -i , --inputDir {inputDirectory}
:: -o , --outputDir {outputDirectory}
:: -s , --subDir {subDirectory} (for i/o)
:: --xmiOut {xmiOutputDirectory} (if different from -o)
:: -l , --lookupXml {dictionaryConfigFile} (fast only)
:: --key {umlsKey}
:: -? , --help
:: Other parameters may be declared in the piper file using the cli command:
:: cli {parameterName}={singleCharacter}
:: For instance, for declaration of ParagraphAnnotator path to regex file optional parameter PARAGRAPH_TYPES_PATH,
:: in the custom piper file add the line:
:: and when executing this script use:
:: runPiperFile -p path/to/my/custom.piper -t path/to/my/custom.bsv ...
:: Requires Java 17
:: The setenv script sets up the environment needed by cTAKES.
@call %~sdp0\setenv.bat
java -cp "%CLASS_PATH%" -Xms512M -Xmx3g %PIPE_RUNNER% %*
Starts a GUI that can run a pipeline.
:: Starts a GUI that can run a pipeline.
:: Requires Java 17
:: The setenv script sets up the environment needed by cTAKES.
@call %~sdp0\setenv.bat
java -cp "%CLASS_PATH%" -Xms512M -Xmx3g %PIPE_RUNNER_GUI% %*
Starts a GUI that can run a pipeline.
Deprecated: Identical to the runPiperGUI script.
:: Starts a GUI that can run a pipeline.
:: Deprecated: Identical to the runPiperGUI script.
:: Requires Java 17
:: The setenv script sets up the environment needed by cTAKES.
@call %~sdp0\setenv.bat
java -cp "%CLASS_PATH%" -Xms512M -Xmx3g %PIPE_RUNNER_GUI% %*
Sets up the standard environment for cTAKES.
This script is called by cTAKES run scripts.
:: Sets up the standard environment for cTAKES.
:: This script is called by cTAKES run scripts.
:: Requires Java 17
:: Guess CTAKES_HOME if not defined
set CURRENT_DIR=%cd%
if not "%CTAKES_HOME%" == "" goto gotHome
if exist "%CTAKES_HOME%\bin\runClinicalPipeline.bat" goto okHome
cd ..
set CTAKES_HOME=%cd%
if exist "%CTAKES_HOME%\bin\runClinicalPipeline.bat" goto okHome
echo The CTAKES_HOME environment variable is not defined correctly
echo This environment variable is needed to run this program
goto end
@set PATH=%PATH%;%CTAKES_HOME%\lib\auth\x64
@REM use JAVA_HOME if set
if exist "%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java.exe" set PATH=%JAVA_HOME%\bin;%PATH%
set CLASS_PATH=%CTAKES_HOME%\desc\;%CTAKES_HOME%\resources\;%CTAKES_HOME%\config\*;%CTAKES_HOME%\lib\*
REM set LOG4J_PARM=-Dlog4j.configuration="file:\%CTAKES_HOME%\config\log4j.xml"
set PIPE_RUNNER=org.apache.ctakes.core.pipeline.PiperFileRunner
set PIPE_RUNNER_GUI=org.apache.ctakes.gui.pipeline.PiperRunnerGui
set DICT_DOWNLOADER=org.apache.ctakes.gui.dictionary.DictionaryDownloader
set FAST_PIPER=resources\org\apache\ctakes\clinical\pipeline\DefaultFastPipeline.piper
Script Contents
@rem simple script to start jetty with the desc\ctakes-ytex-web web app
@rem YOU MUST use a Java, not JRE.
@rem typical windows Paths include the JRE, not the JDK
@rem do one of the following:
@rem * change java in this script to the full path of java from the JDK
@rem * or modify setenv.bat to put the JDK bin directory at the beginning of the path
@rem * or modify the PATH system environment variable and put the JDK bin directory at the beginning
@call %~dp0setenv.bat
@REM java -cp "%CLASSPATH%" -Dlog4j.configuration="file:\%CTAKES_HOME%\config\log4j.xml" -XX:MaxPermSize=128m -Xmx512m org.eclipse.jetty.runner.Runner "%CTAKES_HOME%\desc\ctakes-ytex-web"
java -cp "%CLASSPATH%" -XX:MaxPermSize=128m -Xmx512m org.eclipse.jetty.runner.Runner "%CTAKES_HOME%\desc\ctakes-ytex-web"
- Piper File Submitter
- UMLS Package Fetcher
- Dictionary Creator
- Simple Pipeline Fabricator
- Pipeline Installation Facility
- ctakes-pbj module
- Getting started with PBJ
- Python pbj-component
- Python pbj-pipeline
- Python pbj-scripts
- Python pbj-tools
- pbj-user-pipeline
- examples
- ctakes-assertion
- ctakes-assertion-zoner
- ctakes-chunker
- ctakes-clinical-pipeline
- ctakes-constituency-parser
- ctakes-context-tokenizer
- ctakes-core
- ctakes-coreference
- ctakes-dependency-parser
- ctakes-dictionary-lookup
- ctakes-dictionary-lookup-fast
- ctakes-distribution
- ctakes-dockhand
- ctakes-drug-ner
- ctakes-examples
- ctakes-fhir
- ctakes-gui
- ctakes-lvg
- ctakes-mastif-zoner
- ctakes-ne-contexts
- ctakes-pbj
- ctakes-pos-tagger
- ctakes-preprocessor
- ctakes-regression-test
- ctakes-relation-extractor
- ctakes-side-effect
- ctakes-smoking-status
- ctakes-template-filler
- ctakes-temporal
- ctakes-tiny-rest
- ctakes-type-system
- ctakes-utils
- ctakes-web-rest
- ctakes-ytex
- ctakes-ytex-uima
- ctakes-ytex-web