Yet Another Config Parser. Convert YAML, JSON, and Custom files to python objects and back.
- JsonParser uses inbuilt json module
- YamlParser uses inbuilt yaml module
- CustomParser uses a simple parser which requires a syntax to be passed.
- Install using pip
pip3 install git+/~
- Clone and install
git clone /~
python3 install
- Buid a class with members (or without)
class Settings:
def __init__(self):
self._name = None
self._age = None
settings = Settings()
- Loading a file into the object
## the parser type will be determined using the file name
settings = yacp.load(filename=YOUR_FILE, cls=OBJECT)
- Dumping an object
yacp.dump(filename=YOUR_FILE, cls=OBJECT)
- For custom files use syntax attribute [NOTE: Primitive data types are preserved using regexps]
# syntax should contain two strings (key, val)
object = yacp.load(filename=FILE, cls=OBJECT, syntax="%s:%s")
yacp.dump(filename=FILE, cls=OBJECT, syntax="%s:%s")
- Use override for class with no members [This will add attributes to the object that are not declared in the class but available in the file]
object = yacp.load(filename, cls, override=True)