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aomdahl committed Apr 26, 2018
1 parent 467163e commit f5f7a74
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262 changes: 262 additions & 0 deletions Toolkit_scripts/MotifRecognition/
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#!/usr/bin/env python
#Formatting for SLimSuite CompariMotif tool
#Copyright 2016 aomdahl <aomdahl@ECO-12>

import sys
import os
import re
import argparse
import subprocess
import cPickle as pickle
import MotifList #??
import refMotif ##? from refMotif import refMotif.
import errorReporting as ER
import HomerTools as HT
import GeneUtils as GU


#Map of species names to abbreviations in the database for easy access
#Stored as {SpeciesName : [GeneHeader, gene abbreviation]
#TODO: Validate all these
speciesMap = {"Cucumis sativus" : ["Cucsa", "csa"], "Arabidopsis thaliana" : ["AT", "ara"], "Capsicum annuum": ["Capana", "can"],
"Solanum melongena": ["Sme","sme"], "Solanum lycopersicum": ["Solyc", "sly"], "Nicotiana obtusifolia":["NIOBT", "nio"],
"Vitis vinifera" : ["GSVIVT", "vvi"], "Glycine max" : ["Glyma", "gma"], "Mimulus guttatus" : ["Migut", "mgu"], "Nicotiana attenuata" : ["NIAT", "nat"],
"Populus trichocarpa" : ["Potri", "ptr"], "Oryza sativa":["Os", "osa"]}

ABBR = 1
global searchDB

#List to regulate the reporting of a unavailable species to minimize output
globalReportingList = list()
#Simple method to check and see if a submitted
#GeneID and species are available in the database and match up
def checkGeneID(geneID, species, contRun = False):
if not inSpeciesMap(species):
if contRun:
if species not in globalReportingList :
print "BLASTp data unavailable for given species:", species
return False
print "This species isn't available in the database."
speciesName = inSpeciesMap(species)
speciesGeneKey = speciesMap[speciesName][GENE_KEY]
if speciesGeneKey not in geneID and speciesGeneKey not in unusalConversions(geneID):
if contRun:
#Write out the report to a file
outStream = open("irregGeneIDBLAST.txt", 'a')
outStream.write("Irregular GeneID encountered" + geneID + ' '+ speciesName)
#print "Irregular GeneID encountered", geneID, species
return False
print "This species doesn't seem to match the geneID you've given"
print "Try the prefix id:", speciesGeneKey, "for", speciesName
return True

#Checks to see if a species is actually in the species map or not.
#This requires its own function because its a bit more complicated- lists appear, etc.
#Returns the speices name or None if the name isn't there.
def inSpeciesMap(species):
if species in speciesMap:
return species
sList = species.split(',')
for s in sList:
if s in speciesMap:
return s.replace(" ", "")
for stanSpec in speciesMap:
for s in sList:
if stanSpec in s:
return stanSpec
return None

#Makes the actual grep call
#@param geneID to search for
#@param species to specify the species, should make it go faster.
#@return a list of the hits
def BLASTPgrepSearch(geneID, species = None, db = GU.BLASTP_PATH_NIAT):
#Clean up the geneID search query- sometimes, we get funny things....
query = cleanQuery(geneID)
if species:
motifOverlaps = subprocess.check_output(["grep", species, db, "|", "grep", query]).split('\n')
motifOverlaps = subprocess.check_output(["grep", query, db]).split('\n')

except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
return []
return filter(None, motifOverlaps)

#A simple regular expression for checking geneIDs and cleaning them up, where possible
#@param geneID
#@return potentially cleaned up gene id.
def cleanQuery(geneID):
cleanedID = unusalConversions(geneID)
regex = "([\w\d\.\_]+)"
reResponse =, cleanedID)
if reResponse:
print "Possible invalid geneID:", geneID
return geneID

#This tool has a map of different gene nomenclatures
#and converts them to the format available in our BLASTp database
#2param the geneid
#@return the converted thing.
def unusalConversions(geneID):

unusualConversions = {"testCase":"replace"}
for word in unusualConversions:
if word in geneID:
print "Unusual case", word
return geneID.replace(word, unusualConversions[word])
return geneID

#This parses through and filters out the results of the BLASTp search
#@param results- grep results to actualy search
#@param responseNumber- the number of hits to return, script default is 1
#@param eThresh- the eThreshold to accept, default is all of them
#@param geneID- the gene ID we searched for
#@return the top responses in a list
def parseBLASTPResults(results, responseNumber, eThresh, geneID):
if len(results) == 0: #If we got no results, return empty table
return results

splitData = [x.split('\t') for x in results] #split up the grep hits by the columns
splitData = [i for i in splitData if (geneID in i[0])] #Keep those with the correct query search
splitData.sort(key=lambda y:y[2], reverse = True) #sort by the %identity
if eThresh != -1: #Keep only those passing the threshold as specified
splitData = [z for z in splitData if float(z[10]) < float(eThresh)]
#Returning the number back based on response number
upperBounds = min(len(splitData)-1, responseNumber)
return splitData[0:upperBounds]

#This function prints to the console the blast results with the following output:
#specifiedGene blastpHitGene %Similiarity %Value
#@param blastHits- the parsed grep search data.
#@return: All of the data printed to the console, if another function wants access to it.
#@return: this includes the [species, query, NIAT_response, %Overlap, e-value]
#@return: If there are no hits, it returns none.
#@param printOut: if you actually want the data to print out, or just want it to return.

def printBLASTResults(blastHits, species, geneID, printOut):
retList =list()
if not blastHits:
if printOut:
print "No results from search....", geneID
open("NoBLASTPResults.txt", "a").write("No results from search: " + geneID + '\n')
#return None
return [[species, geneID, "No hits", "", ""]]
for hitData in blastHits:
if printOut:
print (species + '\t' + hitData[0][4:] + '\t' + hitData[1][4:]+'\t'+hitData[2]+'\t' + hitData[10])
retList.append([species, hitData[0][4:], hitData[1][4:], hitData[2], hitData[10]])
return retList

#This function makes the BLASTP database call, using a greative grep gethod :)
#@param geneID to search for
#@param species we are interested in looking for
#@return a list containing all of the fianl responses.
def searchBLASTPDatabase(geneID, species, responseNumber, eThresh, contRun=False, printOut = True):
#Make sure the species name is valid:
species_f = species.replace("_", " ")
query = cleanQuery(geneID)
#Make sure the geneID is valid
if not checkGeneID(query, species_f, contRun = contRun): #Returns false if its a no good id.
#Run a grep search for that gene
finalHits = parseBLASTPResults(BLASTPgrepSearch(query), responseNumber, eThresh, geneID)
#Format this to a format that's pretty and nice for reading.
return printBLASTResults(finalHits, species_f, geneID, printOut)

#This is another tool to optimize searching for lists of genes from the same species.
#Hopefully this bumps up our speed.
def searchListBLASTpBySpecies(species, geneList, responseNumber, eThresh, printOut = True):
#Make sure the species names are valid
species_f = species.replace("_", " ")
retList = list()
#Cont run must be true here to get through the entire list.
cleanGeneList = [unusalConversions(i) for i in geneList if checkGeneID(i, species_f, contRun = True)] #Keep those with the correct query search
subSearchKey = speciesMap[inSpeciesMap(species_f)][ABBR]
except KeyError:
print "Species", species_f, "not in database"
#Account for all those that aren't available.
for i in cleanGeneList:
reList.append([species_f, i, "Not in database", "", ""])
return retList

#Preliminary grep call
with open("blast_subsearch.txt", 'w') as subSearchFile:["grep", subSearchKey, searchDB], stdout = subSearchFile) #Create a subfile with the faster search material

for geneID in cleanGeneList:
query = cleanQuery(geneID)
finalHits = parseBLASTPResults(BLASTPgrepSearch(query, db="blast_subsearch.txt"), responseNumber,eThresh, query)
tabularResults = printBLASTResults(finalHits, inSpeciesMap(species_f), geneID, printOut)
if tabularResults:
#Remove the subsearch file- its quite big.["rm", "blast_subsearch.txt"])
return retList

if __name__ == '__main__':
#Argument parsing
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Performs a search of the NIAT BLASTp results. If no option is specified, the program will automatically go from the local pickle dump file' +
'Output prints to the console in format of: specifiedGene\tblastpHitGene\t%Similiarity\t%Value')
parser.add_argument("-f", "--geneFile", help="Select this option to submit a file path with genes to search for their NIAT BLASTp match")
parser.add_argument("-g", "--geneID",help = "Select this option to search for just a specific gene")
parser.add_argument("-s", "--species", help = "The species from which the gene comes-- please give the full name: \"Genus species\"")
parser.add_argument("-n", "--numberResponses",default = 1, type=int, help = "The maximum number of of blast hits to show. Default shows only top hit.")
parser.add_argument("-e", "--eThreshold", default = -1, type= float, help = "E-value threshold of values to accept, the default is all values.")
parser.add_argument("--full", action = "store_true", help = "Specify if you wish to search the ALL x ALL BLASTp results. Default is the NIAT hits only")
parser.add_argument("-cp", "--consPVal", type = float, default = 1, help = "Specify a conservation p-value threshold for the motifs to search. Only for master list case. Default searches all")
args = parser.parse_args()

##Set the search database

if args.full:
print "Using the full source database"

if args.geneFile and args.species:
globalReportingList = list()
fileStream = open(args.geneFile, 'r')
#parse the file
#Call the response on each one
#Spit out output
print "This case"
elif args.geneID and args.species: #Only searching for a specific gene.
#Search just for that one
searchBLASTPDatabase(args.geneID, args.species, args.numberResponses, args.eThreshold)

elif (args.geneFile or args.geneID) and not args.species:
print "Please be sure to indicate the species from which the gene(s) come(s)."
print "Default: using the serialzied data."
masterMotifList = pickle.load(open(os.getcwd() + "/v3" + GU.SER_MOTIF_MAP, "rb"))
masterMotifList.BLASTpSearchAllMotifs(args.numberResponses, args.eThreshold, consPValue= args.consPVal)
GU.updateSerializedMotifData(os.getcwd() + "/vF" + GU.SER_MOTIF_MAP, masterMotifList)

print "Unusual geneIDs written out to the file \'irregGeneIDBLAST.txt\'."


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