This repository contains a JWT (JSON Web Token) Authentication System developed using the MERN Stack (MongoDB, Express, React, Node.js). The system focuses on session management, access token, and refresh token mechanisms with an expiration time of 30 seconds and 2 minutes, respectively. Additionally, it provides features like password reset, email verification, and silent authentication with access token renewal. The primary aim of this project is to delve into the details of JWT and authentication, emphasizing session management.
- Introduction
- Features
- Requirements
- Installation
- Configuration
- Usage
- API Endpoints
- Contributing
- License
This JWT Authentication System serves as a backend-focused project to demonstrate the workings of JWT and session management in a MERN application. JSON Web Tokens are used to authenticate users and maintain their sessions securely. The system implements access and refresh tokens, each with different expiration times, to achieve improved security and usability.
For development and project showcase, the expiration time of tokens is kept short
- Access token: 30 seconds
- Refresh token: 2 minutes
- reset password token: 3 minutes
- account Activation token: 30 minutes
You can change these according to your needs
- User registration with Email verification
- User login with email and password
- Password reset functionality with email confirmation.
- Access token renewal (Silent Authentication)
- Secure Session Management with Token Expiration
- Protected Account route with Token authentication
- Clone this repository on your local machine
git clone /~
- Install dependencies by running
pnpm i -r
Before running the application, you need to configure some settings.
Create a .env file from env.example in the API root folder and set the following environment variables:
DATABASE="Your mongodb connection URL "
SEND_IN_BLUE_USERNAME="sendinblue username"
SEND_IN_BLUE_PASSWORD="send in blue password"
NODEMAIL_EMAIL_FROM="email for sending mails to user"
Make sure to replace the key's value with an actual value, You can generate secret keys with crypto as follows:
- run node command
- Now generate a random string with given command
To start the application, run the following command from the project root:
cd api && pnpm dev
cd client && pnpm dev
The backend will be available at http://localhost:3000 Frontend will be available at http://localhost:5173
The API provides the following endpoints:
POST api/auth/signin
: Singin and get access token and refresh tokenPOST api/auth/signup
: Register new User with email verificationPOST api/auth/forgotpassword
: Send mail for password reset linkPOST api/auth/resetpassword
: reset passwordPOST api/auth/send-verification-mail
: send account verification mailGET api/auth/verifyemail
: verify the user mail with tokenGET api/auth/refresh
: refresh(renew) the access tokenGET api/auth/signout
: signout the UserGET api/user
: get the user details
Contributions to this project are welcome. Please fork the repository, make your changes, and submit a pull request. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss the proposed changes.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.