git clone ~/.dotfiles
cd ~/.dotfiles
source ~/.bash_profile
# edit ~/.gitconfig and personalize it
Coding projects in ~/Projects can easily be accessed (and tab completed) with the "p" command.
p project-name<tab>
There is also an "h" command which behaves similar, but acts on the home path.
h doc<tab>
Tab completion is also added to rake and cap commands:
rake db:mi<tab>
cap de<tab>
To speed things up, the results are cached in local .rake_tasks~ and .cap_tasks~. It is smart enough to expire the cache automatically in most cases, but you can simply remove the files to flush the cache.
There are a few key bindings set. Many of these require option to be set as the meta key. Option-left/right arrow will move cursor by word, and control-left/right will move to beginning and end of line. Control-option-N will open a new tab with the current directory under Mac OS X Terminal.
If you're using git, you'll notice the current branch name shows up in the prompt while in a git repository.
If you're using Rails, you'll find some handy aliases (below). You can also use show_log and hide_log in script/console to show the log inline.
rs # rails server
rc # rails console
rg # rails generate
a # autotest
tlog # tail -f log/development.log
rst # touch tmp/restart.txt
migrate # rake db:migrate db:test:clone
See the other aliases in ~/.zsh/aliases
If there are some shell configuration settings which you want secure or specific to one system, place it into a ~/.localrc file. This will be loaded automatically if it exists.
There are several features enabled in Ruby's irb including history, completion and auto-indent. Many convenience methods are added as well such as "ri" which can be used to get inline documentation in IRB. See irbrc and railsrc files for details.