A zero-cost, no-database, super-flexible “Linktree-style” page for TV automation— or any link-in-bio use case.
Want to deploy your own version of TV Auto Linktree? Use the tools below to get started in minutes:
Click below to deploy to Netlify instantly:
- Paying monthly fees to third-party link hosts?
- Handing over SEO to them instead of building your domain’s credibility?
- Managing certs & complicated servers just for a simple link page?
- Sifting through random template code to change your name or links?
TV Auto Linktree addresses these pains. It’s fully open-source, easy to configure in one place using a .env
file, and deployable at zero cost on platforms like Netlify, Vercel, or GitHub Pages.
- Local apps (Plex, Sonarr, Radarr, Transmission, etc.) typically can’t run on a free static host because they need databases/storage. But you can point a static front-end to your local IPs—no monthly cost for the link page itself.
- Also great as a general link-in-bio site for social media.
- nip.io wildcard DNS support for local IPs (e.g.,
). - Simplifies setup by eliminating the need for a load balancer—no manual port specification required for each app.
Live Demo: tvauto.io
(Note: The links won’t work unless your LAN IPs match. This is just a sample for layout/style.)
# 1. Clone or fork
git clone /~https://github.com/anitguru/tvauto-linktree-template
cd tvauto-linktree-template
# 2. Install dependencies
npm install
# 3. Create/edit .env
cp .env.example .env
# (Add your IPs, site title, social handles, etc.)
# 4. Run dev server
npm run dev
Then open Astro’s local server link (often http://localhost:4321
# .env
# IPs for your local Docker host / LAN
# Basic site info
PAGE_TITLE="TV Auto Links"
PAGE_DESCRIPTION="A Linktree-style page for TV automation"
PAGE_AUTHOR="Vector Sigma"
PAGE_OGDESCRIPTION="Links to Plex, Sonarr, Radarr, etc."
PAGE_FOOTER="tvauto.io © 2025."
# Universal SVG logo / favicon
# Social handles
(For Netlify/Vercel/GitHub Pages, set these environment variables in their respective dashboards.)
Forked from nevthereal/linktree-template, we added:
- Scrolling fix for desktop (no more clipped content).
- Modular config (
) so you only edit one place for site data. - Environment variables for IP addresses, metadata, and social handles—no hunting in code.
- nip.io logic in
for local IP → domain mapping. - TV automation examples: Plex, Sonarr, Transmission, etc. with default ports.
- Tailwind remains for easy styling, but you can also override or remove it if you like.
├── .env # Your environment variables
├── astro.config.mjs # Astro config with Tailwind integration
├── netlify.toml # Netlify deploy config (optional)
├── package.json
├── public
│ ├── Geist.ttf
│ ├── favicon.svg
│ └── robots.txt
├── src
│ ├── components
│ │ ├── Card.astro
│ │ ├── Chip.astro
│ │ ├── FaIcon.astro
│ │ └── LinksList.astro
│ ├── data
│ │ ├── links.ts # Port-based link definitions (Sonarr, Radarr, etc.)
│ │ └── site.ts # Site-wide metadata & social links (reads from .env)
│ ├── lib
│ │ ├── buildLinks.ts # Creates final IP/port links, uses nip.io if desired
│ │ └── utils.ts # e.g., ipToDash() for -> 10-0-0-187
│ └── pages
│ └── index.astro
├── tailwind.config.mjs
└── tsconfig.json
- Netlify
- Create new site → link GitHub repo → set build command to
npm run build
, publish dir =dist
. - Add your
vars in site settings.
- Create new site → link GitHub repo → set build command to
- Vercel
- “Import Project” → select Astro → add environment vars → deploy.
- GitHub Pages
- Build locally, push
branch → enable Pages in repo settings.
- Build locally, push
- Anywhere that serves static files: No servers or DB required.
- Instant SSL (if you use Netlify or Vercel).
- Use IP-based or domain-based hosting with no extra cost.
- No database—just a few
files and a.env
. - Font Awesome icons: pick any free icon from fontawesome.com.
- One config approach:
for all your site data, so no guesswork.
Pain -> Solution: Ever wanted a fast, flexible “linktree” that you control and can host for free? Tada!
And for your local apps that do require a DB or big storage, you simply link to them behind the scenes—best of both worlds.
- Zero monthly hosting fees.
- No domain needed (you can use nip.io or a free .github.io domain).
- Dev labor 5 minutes vs. building a link page from scratch or paying for premium Linktree.
- Keep your SEO on your domain vs. Linktree’s domain.
- Star this repo if it saves you time or money!
- PRs and issues welcome—share your suggestions or improvements.
Licensed under Apache License 2.0. Copy, modify, and share freely.
Stop fussing with expensive or limited link-in-bio services. Embrace TV Auto Linktree for a no-hassle, 5-minute setup that leaves your local media apps right where they belong—on your own LAN—while you enjoy a fast, free static front-end.
Try it now and keep your SEO & brand in your own hands!