Personality plays a vital role in todays world.This uses the Twitter REST API to mine tweets for personality identification. We will use n-grams and word vectors for the hashtags, emoticons and phrases using NLP techniques. We will train the machine to classify the personality types by using a Naive- Bayes Text Classifier and to accurately predict the user’s Myers-Briggs personality type using 10- fold cross validation. We will generate a naive bayes classifier models for all 4 different classes. It will generate few scores which will give the training data size and the features used while training the model.
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We wanted to perform Personality Classification by Suggestion Mining. Unlike other methods we wanted the project to only take the Twitter Username as the input. For this to work we tried to use the Twitter REST API to mine tweets. All the papers only showcased to classify the personality into 4 classes ( Good, Bad, Neutral, N/A) but here we will be using Myers-Briggs Types Indicator and classify into 16 different types.
To get a local copy up and running follow these simple steps.
This is an example of how to list the packages that you need to run this project.
cd TwiP
cat requirements.txt
- Clone the repo
git clone /~
- Install required packages
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
- Train the Model
$ cd TwiP $ python3
- Run the Model
$ python3
For more examples, please refer to the Documentation
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Anirudh Tulasi - @AnirudhTulasi
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