DalVacationHome is a serverless web application designed to streamline the booking and management of vacation homes. This project encompasses modules for user management, virtual assistance, message passing, notifications, and data visualization.
This module manages Users of DalVacationHome and ensures secure access to the application using multi-factor authentication.
Key components include:
- AWS Cognito: Manages user authentication and user pool creation.
- AWS Lambda: Handles security question validation and Caesar cipher authentication.
- Amazon DynamoDB: Stores user details and authentication data.
Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA): Combines three layers of authentication—username/password, security questions, and a custom Caesar cipher—for robust access security.
Role-Based Access Control: Differentiates user access (Guest vs. Agent) based on role, enabling protected routes to pages like room management only for authorized roles (Agent).
Session Management: Stores session tokens in HTTPOnly cookies, preventing client-side access and ensuring secure user sessions.
API Gateway Integration: Secures endpoints via AWS API Gateway and Cognito authorizer, validating JWTs to prevent unauthorized access.
The virtual assistant is powered by Amazon Lex V1 and provides a natural language interface for users. It assists with website navigation, booking information, and customer feedback.
Key components include:
- Amazon Lex V1: Manages natural language processing, recognizing user intents for booking inquiries, login guidance, and general help.
- AWS Lambda: Executes functions for booking detail retrieval, user validation, and ticket creation.
- Amazon DynamoDB: Stores booking details and supports dynamic data retrieval for user inquiries.
- AWS Cognito: Ensures secure user validation, preventing unauthorized access to booking information.
Intent Recognition: Configured Amazon Lex bot with intents like BookingDetailsIntent and HowToRegisterIntent to respond accurately to user inquiries about bookings, registration, and general help.
Dynamic Booking Detail Retrieval: Utilizes AWS Lambda to fetch real-time booking details from DynamoDB, confirming user identities via AWS Cognito for secure data handling.
Ticketing System: SAllows users to create support tickets through natural language, enhancing customer service and issue tracking.
Custom Chat Window: Integrated React-based chat component for seamless interaction across the whole application, providing a unified user experience.
The Message Passing Module enables customers to raise support tickets via Amazon Lex and connects them to property agents using Google Cloud Pub/Sub. Firebase facilitates real-time chat for seamless, ticket-based customer-agent communication.
Key components include:
- Google Cloud Pub/Sub: Facilitates asynchronous messaging, allowing customers to publish booking-related concerns that are processed and assigned to random property agents.
- Google Cloud Functions: Subscribes to Pub/Sub topics, processes messages, and routes them to a randomly selected property agent.
- Firebase Real-Time Database: Creates and maintains a real-time chat between customers and assigned agents, enhancing responsiveness and customer support.
Asynchronous Messaging with Google Cloud Pub/Sub: Ensures efficient, decoupled communication by allowing customers to publish booking concerns based on reference codes, improving system responsiveness.
Agent Assignment via Google Cloud Functions: Processes messages and dynamically assigns each inquiry to a random property agent, optimizing workload distribution.
Real-Time Customer-Agent Chat: Utilizes Firebase Real-Time Database to create instant, live chat connections for active ticket resolutions, enhancing user support and engagement.
User notifications for registration, login, and booking confirmations are handled by AWS SNS and AWS SQS. The module sends real-time updates and manages internal application processes efficiently.
Key components include:
- AWS SNS: Sends email notifications to users upon successful registration, login, and booking status updates, ensuring timely communication.
- AWS SQS: Manages booking requests by queuing them for asynchronous processing, enabling efficient and decoupled handling of requests.
- AWS Lambda: Processes booking requests from the SQS queue, handling approvals and triggering SNS to notify users of booking confirmations or rejections.
- Automated User Notifications with AWS SNS: Delivers real-time updates to users on critical actions, such as registration, login, and booking confirmations or rejections.
- Asynchronous Booking Request Management via AWS SQS: Queues booking requests to reduce system dependencies and ensure reliable, decoupled processing.
- Streamlined Approval Process with AWS Lambda: Efficiently processes queued booking requests from SQS and triggers SNS notifications, providing users with timely updates and enhancing system efficiency.
The front-end is built using React and hosted on Google Cloud Run. Deployment is automated using AWS CloudFormation and GCP Cloud Deployment Manager, ensuring a robust and scalable application infrastructure.
Follow these steps to set up and run the DalVacationHome project:
Navigate to your S3 bucket: Choose or create an S3 bucket where the Lambda function zip files will be stored.
Upload Lambda ZIP files: Upload all the Lambda function zip files to the
directory within the S3 bucket.aws s3 cp path/to/auto-confirm-user-v1.zip s3://your-bucket-name/lambda/auto-confirm-user-v1.zip aws s3 cp path/to/user-login-email-password-v1.zip s3://your-bucket-name/lambda/user-login-email-password-v1.zip aws s3 cp path/to/user-registeration-v1.zip s3://your-bucket-name/lambda/user-registeration-v1.zip
Update Lambda Configuration in CloudFormation: In the CloudFormation script (
), update theCodeUri
property for each Lambda function to point to the S3 keys of the uploaded zip files.Resources: MyLambdaFunction: Type: 'AWS::Lambda::Function' Properties: Code: S3Bucket: your-bucket-name S3Key: s3Key ...
Create the Role: Create a new IAM Role or use an existing one with the necessary permissions (e.g.,
).aws iam create-role --role-name LabRole --assume-role-policy-document file://trust-policy.json
Attach Policies: Attach the necessary policies to the Role to allow Lambda functions to execute.
aws iam attach-role-policy --role-name LabRole --policy-arn arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/service-role/AWSLambdaBasicExecutionRole
Update Role ARN in CloudFormation: In the CloudFormation script, update the
property for each Lambda function to include the ARN of the created Role.Resources: MyLambdaFunction: Type: 'AWS::Lambda::Function' Properties: Role: arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/LabRole ...
Navigate to the Infrastructure as Code (IaC) directory:
cd /iac
Deploy the CloudFormation stack: Use the AWS CLI to create or update the stack with the provided CloudFormation template.
aws cloudformation deploy --template-file DalVacationHome-CF.yaml --stack-name DalVacationHomeStack
Monitor the Deployment: Check the CloudFormation console to monitor the progress and ensure the stack is created successfully.
Build a docker image and push it to the Google Artifact Registry:
docker build --platform linux/amd64 -t image .
docker tag image us-central1-docker.pkg.dev/my-project-99692-428401/my-repo/image
docker push us-central1-docker.pkg.dev/my-project-99692-428401/my-repo/image
Deploy the changes to Google CloudRun:
gcloud run deploy my-service \ --image us-central1-docker.pkg.dev/my-project-99692-428401/my-repo/image2 \ --platform managed \ --region us-central1 \ --allow-unauthenticated
- Create a default Firestore database.
- Create 2 functions - publishMessage and createChat.
- Generate WebApps Client for our frontend and get the keys
- Create an .env file at