Implement a set of webpages of increasing complexity in a couple different frameworks to see how they each grow with complexity
- angular ivy
- ember/glimmer
- inferno
- lit-element?
- qwik
- astro
- stencil
- alpine.js
Static Hello World
7 GUIs (Based on
- CRUD (let's make it async)
- Circle Drawer
- undo/redo
- SVG custom drawing
- dialog control (the challenge of retaining context between successive GUI operations)
- Cells (e.g. virtual lists? many components? fine-grain updates?)
Simple TODO
Tic-Tac-Toe (/~
News site clone?
Github repo list?
Consider eventually adding a app that delay loads component from separate chunk.
Consider adding an app that has nested components with local state (e.g. building a design system and using it in an app)
Also check out
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