My first React project: a simple webpage which shows descriptions of emojis. Based on, and extrapolated from, my solution to a lesson from Angela Yu's 'The Complete 2024 Web Development Bootcamp' on Udemy.
The foundation of this project/concepts are from Angela's course. My solution is based on my working through the problems and coming up with my own take, including new CSS styling.
Emojis are sourced from:
Here's a screenshot of the webapp:
Update npm (global):
npm install -g npm@latest
Install and use the latest Node.js version:
nvm install latest
nvm use <version_number> # Example: nvm use 23.6.0
- Create and navigate to new project folder
npm create vite@latest my-first-react-app --template react
- Select
. (might be slightly different syntax...)
cd my-first-react-app
npm install
npm run dev
Start React App:
cd ../myFirstReactApp/my-first-react-app
npm run dev
I began with Angela's starter code and built my own solution, including a long array of emoji description objects, a favicon I made with GIMP and a CSS color scheme.
Here's a look at the project files/directory:
Andrew Blais