This is the code accompanying the RecSys submission "Exploring Longitudinal Effects of Session-based Recommendations".
The code is based on the session-based framework by Ludewig et al. (/~
After downloading the datasets, to run the simulations run: python conf/example_simulation.yml
In the cofiguration file you can indicate:
- the dataset to use in the 'data' section
- the algorithm to use in the 'algorithms' section
- in 'simulation' section you can enable 'rerank' (True|False) and specify the kind ('user'|'popular')
In the file conf/example_simulation.yml
you can find an example for the nowplaying dataset and we also provide
another example of configuration file for 30music dataset in conf/example_simulation_30music.yml
session-rec is a Python-based framework for building and evaluating recommender systems (Python 3.5.x). It
implements a suite of state-of-the-art
algorithms and baselines for session-based recommendation.
Parts of the framework and its algorithms are based on code developed and shared by:
- Rendle et al., BPR: Bayesian Personalized Ranking from Implicit Feedback, UAI 2009. (Original Code).
- Mi et al., Context Tree for Adaptive Session-based Recommendation, 2018. (Code shared by the authors).
- Hidasi et al., Recurrent Neural Networks with Top-k Gains for Session-based Recommendations, CoRR abs/1706.03847, 2017. (Original Code).
- Liu et al., STAMP: Short-Term Attention/Memory Priority Model for Session-based Recommendation, KDD 2018. (Original Code).
- Li et al., Neural Attentive Session-based Recommendation, CIKM 2017. (Original Code).
- Yuan et al., A Simple but Hard-to-Beat Baseline for Session-based Recommendations, CoRR abs/1808.05163, 2018. (Code shared by the authors).
- Rendle et al., Factorizing Personalized Markov Chains for Next-basket Recommendation. WWW 2010. (Original Code).
- Kabbur et al., FISM: Factored Item Similarity Models for top-N Recommender Systems, KDD 2013. (Original Code).
- He and McAuley. Fusing Similarity Models with Markov Chains for Sparse Sequential Recommendation. CoRR abs/1609.09152, 2016. (Original Code).
- Anaconda 4.X (Python 3.5+)
- Pympler
- NumPy
- SciPy
- Sklearn
- Dill
- Pandas
- Theano
- Tensorflow
- Download and Install Docker (
- Run the following commands:
docker pull 042019/session-rec-docker
git clone /~
- example_next.yml to predict the next item in the session.
- example_multiple.yml to predict the remaining items of the session.
- Unzip any dataset file to the data folder, i.e., rsc15-clicks.dat will then be in the folder data/rsc15/raw
Open and edit any configuration file in the folder conf/preprocess/.. to configure the preprocessing method and parameters.
- See, e.g., conf/preprocess/window/rsc15.yml for an example with comments.
Run a configuration with the following command:
./dpython conf/preprocess/window/rsc15.yml
- Configure a configuration file *.yml and put it in conf/in folder. Examples of configuration files are listed in the the conf folder. It is possible to configure multiple files and put them all in the conf/in folder.
Run the following command from the main folder:
./dpython conf/in conf/out
If you want to run a specific configuration file, run the following command:
./dpython conf/example_next.yml
- Results and run times will be displayed and saved to the results folder as config.
Entry | Example | Description |
type | single | Values: single (one single training-test split), window (sliding-window protocol), opt (parameters optimization). |
evaluation | evaluation_multiple | Values: evaluation (evaluation in term of the next item), evaluation_last (evaluation in term of the last item of the session), evaluation_multiple (evaluation in terms of the remaining items of the sessions). |
slices | 5 | Number of slices for the window protocol. |
opts | opts: {sessions_test: 10} | Number of session used as a test during the optimization phase. |
metrics | -class: accuracy.HitRate length: [5,10,15,20] |
List of accuracy measures (HitRate, MRR, Precision, Recall, MAP, Coverage, Popularity,
Time_usage_training, Time_usage_testing, Memory_usage).
If you want to save the files with the recommedation lists use the option: - class: saver.Saver
It's possible to use the saved recommendations using the ResultFile class.
opts | opts: {sessions_test: 10} | Number of session used as a test during the optimization phase. |
optimize | class: accuracy.MRR length: [20] iterations: 100 #optional |
Measure to which optimize the parameters. |
algorithms | - | See the example.yml, example_opt.yml and example_hybrid_opt.yml for a complete list of the
algorithms and their parameters. |
- Make your new algorithm class.
- Write the following functions:
- __init__()
- fit()
- predict_next()
- clear()
Algorithm | File | Description |
Association Rules | | Simplified version of the association rule mining technique with a maximum rule size of two. |
Markov Chains | | Variant of association rules with a focus on sequences in the data. The rules are extracted from a first-order Markov Chain. |
Sequential Rules | | Variation of mc or ar respectively. It also takes the order of actions into account, but in a less restrictive manner. |
BPR-MF | | Rendle et al., BPR: Bayesian Personalized Ranking from Implicit Feedback, UAI 2009. |
Context Tree | | Mi et al., Context Tree for Adaptive Session-based Recommendation, 2018. |
Algorithm | File | Description |
Item-based kNN | | Considers the last element in a given session and then returns those items as recommendations that
are most similar to it in terms of their co-occurrence in other sessions. |
Session-based kNN | | Recommend items from the most similar sessions, where session distance is determined with the cosine similarity function or the jaccard index. |
Vector Multiplication Session-Based kNN | | More emphasis on the more recent events of a session when computing the similarities. The weights of the other elements are determined using a linear decay function that depends on the position of the element within the session, where elements appearing earlier in the session obtain a lower weight. |
Algorithm | File | Description |
Gru4Rec | | Hidasi et al., Recurrent Neural Networks with Top-k Gains for Session-based Recommendations, CoRR
abs/1706.03847, 2017. |
STAMP | | Liu et al., STAMP: Short-Term Attention/Memory Priority Model for Session-based Recommendation, KDD 2018. |
NARM | | Li et al., Neural Attentive Session-based Recommendation, CIKM 2017. |
NextItNet | | Yuan et al., A Simple but Hard-to-Beat Baseline for Session-based Recommendations, CoRR abs/1808.05163, 2018. |
Algorithm | File | Description |
Factorized Personalized Markov Chains | | Rendle et al., Factorizing Personalized Markov Chains for Next-basket Recommendation. WWW 2010. |
Factored Item Similarity Models | | Kabbur et al., FISM: Factored Item Similarity Models for top-N Recommender Systems, KDD 2013. |
Factorized Sequential Prediction with Item Similarity Models | | He and McAuley. Fusing Similarity Models with Markov Chains for Sparse Sequential Recommendation. CoRR abs/1609.09152, 2016. |
Session-based Matrix Factorization | | It combines factorized Markov chains with classic matrix factorization. In addition, the method considers the cold-start situation of session-based recommendation scenarios. |
RSC15 | The e-commerce dataset used in the 2015 ACM RecSys Challenge. |
RETAILROCKET | An e-commerce dataset from the company Retail Rocket. |
ZALANDO | A private dataset consisting of interaction logs from a European fashion retailer. |
NOWPLAYING | Music listening logs obtained from Twitter. |
30MUSIC | Music listening logs obtained from |
AOTM | A public music dataset containing hand-crafted music playlists. |
8TRACKS | A private music dataset with hand-crafted playlists. |
Actions | 31,708,461 | 5,426,961 | 13,418,695 | 212,182 | 4,536,950 |
Sessions | 7,981,581 | 1,375,128 | 1,774,729 | 59,962 | 365,126 |
Items | 37,483 | 28,582 | 425,348 | 31,968 | 189,328 |
Timespan in Days | 182 | 31 | 90 | 27 | 90 |
Actions per Session | 3.97 | 3.95 | 7.56 | 3.54 | 12.43 |
Unique Items per Session | 3.17 | 3.17 | 5.56 | 2.56 | 8.39 |
Actions per Day | 174,222.31 | 175,063.26 | 149,096.61 | 7,858.59 | 50,410.56 |
Sessions per Day | 43,854.84 | 44,358.97 | 19,719.22 | 2220.84 | 4056.96 |
Actions | 1,499,645 | 638,933 | 306,830 | 271,177 | 5,540,486 |
Sessions | 132,453 | 37,333 | 21,888 | 27,005 | 1,644,442 |
Items | 376,422 | 210,633 | 91,166 | 75,169 | 742 |
Timespan in Days | 90 | 90 | 90 | 90 | 6 |
Actions per Session | 11.32 | 17.11 | 14.02 | 10.04 | 3.37 |
Unique Items per Session | 11.31 | 14.47 | 14.01 | 9.38 | 3.17 |
Actions per Day | 16,662.72 | 7099,26 | 3,409.22 | 3,013.08 | 923,414 |
Sessions per Day | 1,471.70 | 414.81 | 243.20 | 300.06 | 274,074 |