This package provides a rough interface to libFM using the executable with R. It does this in two ways:
, andmatrix_libFM()
convert data into libFM (also LIBSVD) formatmodel_frame_libFM()
is very fast when your data consists of factors with many levelssp_matrix_libFM()
is very fast when your data is a sparse matrix
- It calls the libFM executable with your data and returns the resulting prediction
First, you will need to download the libFM windows executable and save it on your computer, for example in C:\libFM
Then, it is recommended that you add the directory that you saved libFM in to you system path. This webpage provides one way to do that. If you do not or cannot do that, you can enter the directory as exe_loc
argument into the libFM()
function, for example libFM(..., exe_loc = "C:\\libFM")
First, you will need to download the libFM C++ source code and install it on your computer, for example in /usr/local/share/libFM/bin
. You can also download the development code from Steffen Rendle's github repository.
Then, it is recommended that you add the directory that you saved libFM in to you system path. This webpage worked for me. If you do not or cannot do that, you can enter the directory as exe_loc
argument into the libFM()
function, for example libFM(..., exe_loc = "/usr/local/share/libFM/bin")
You can verify that the path contains the libFM directory by running Sys.getenv('PATH')
. Verify that the program works by running system("libFM -help")
With the devtools
package, you can install this package by running the following.
# install.package("devtools")
libFM does well with categorical variables with lots of levels. The canonical example is for collaborative filtering, where there is one categorical variable for the users and one for the items. It also works well with sparse data.
The main advantage of this package is being able to try many different models. For example, trying different combinations of variables, trying different dim
of the two-way interactions, or trying different init_stdev
. In fact, you can use cv_libFM()
to select dim
with cross validation.
As with the defaults of libFM, I suggest using method = "mcmc"
because it automatically integrates over the regularization parameters, taking the hard work out of factorization. You can also use the grouping
argument to group the regularization parameters by, for example, users and items.
Using the Movie Lens 100k data, we can predict what ratings users will give to movies.
train_rows =, nrow(movie_lens) * 2 / 3)
train = movie_lens[train_rows, ]
test = movie_lens[-train_rows, ]
predFM = libFM(train, test, Rating ~ User + Movie,
task = "r", dim = 10, iter = 500)
mean((predFM - test$Rating)^2)
#> [1] 0.818236
This gives a mean squared error of 0.818236 with dimension 10. This is also very quick. It only took 19.449 seconds to convert the data to libFM format and run libFM for 500 iterations.
We can compare to something simpler, such as ridge regression. Ridge regression cannot model interactions of users and movies because each interaction is observed at most once.
spmat = sparse.model.matrix(Rating ~ User + Movie, data = movie_lens)
trainsp = spmat[train_rows, ]
testsp = spmat[-train_rows, ]
mod = cv.glmnet(x = trainsp, y = movie_lens$Rating[train_rows], alpha = 0)
predRR = predict(mod, testsp, s = "lambda.min")
mean((predRR - test$Rating)^2)
#> [1] 0.8954028
Ridge regression gives a mean squared error of 0.8954028. To compare timing, glmnet
took 10.49 seconds to run without any factorization.
For comparison, we can run libFM with dim = 0
, which is basically the same as ridge regression.
predFM_RR = libFM(train, test, Rating ~ User + Movie,
task = "r", dim = 0, iter = 100)
mean((predFM_RR - test$Rating)^2)
#> [1] 0.8882477
This gives a mean squared error of 0.8882477, nearly the same as ridge regression. Also, it only took 1.511 seconds to convert the data and run 100 iterations.
In the above, I randomly chose dim = 10
. We can use cross validation to select the dimension with lowest mean squared error.
mses = cv_libFM(train, Rating ~ User + Movie,
task = "r", dims = seq(0, 20, by = 5), iter = 500)
#> inti_stdev
#> dim 0.1
#> 0 0.8910423
#> 5 0.8364435
#> 10 0.8347964
#> 15 0.8350468
#> 20 0.8347670
According to cross validation, we should use a dimension of 20.
I have licensed this code GPL-3, the same as the source code for libFM. Note that if you downloaded the executable or source code from the website, it is licensed for non-commercial use only.
c++ source code is available for libFM. Let me know if you would like to help build an implementation that calls the source code.