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Demonstration of Manger’s oracle against RSAES-OAEP

A small program that demonstrates Manger’s oracle against a server that incorrectly reports errors when using RSAES-OAEP.

How it works

A bit of notation

  • OAEP_ENCODE(m) Performs an OAEP encoding of m
  • bytes2int(m) Transforms message m into an integer (big-endian)
  • numbytes(n) Returns the byte length of integer n

recall that RSAES-OAEP works as follows:

m' = 0x00 || m'
m' = bytes2int(m')
c = (m')^e mod n

where the publickey is (n, e). Let

k = numbytes(n)
B = 2^(8(k - 1))

In a nutshell, Manger’s attack works if we can distinguish between the two cases

  1. (c^d mod n) >= B
  2. (c^d mod n) < B

Note that the first corresponds to the case where m’ is not 0x00 above.

If this fact can be observered, we have an oracle that essentially allows us to do a search for m’ and thus learn the original m (since OAEP decoding is deterministic).

See Manger’s paper for details


The demo consists of two programs: a client and a server. (And an OAEP implementation that is included for the sake of simplifying the demo implementation.)

HTTP Server

The server, when started, creates a flag of the form

flag = flag{32 random bytes}

an RSA keypair (pk, sk), and sets

c = Enc(sk, flag)

where Enc performs an RSAES-OAEP encryption.

The server exposes a couple of HTTP endpoints

/encrypted_flagreturns c
/publickeyreturns pk
/decrypt?hex(c)performs an RSAES-OAEP decryption on c and returns “OK” if everything went well, otherwise returns an error
/test_flag?fasks the server to compare f to flag

Clearly, decrypt exposes an oracle we can use :-)


The client implements Manger’s decryption oracle and interacts with the server in the following way:

  1. Aquire server’s publickey
  2. Aquire encrypted flag
  3. Run decryption oracle in order to get m’
  4. Perform the OAEP decoding process to recover original m (i.e., the flag)
  5. Test the flag against the server’s stored flag (query test_flag)


  • Manger, James. “A chosen ciphertext attack on RSA optimal asymmetric encryption padding (OAEP) as standardized in PKCS# 1 v2. 0.” Advances in Cryptology—CRYPTO 2001. Springer Berlin/Heidelberg, 2001.

Another implementation of the oracle can be found here, which also contains some relevant errata for Manger’s paper.


Demo of Manger's CCA against RSA-OAEP







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