A website to help michigan students find where their favorite food is being served currently live @ tendiesti.me.
Makes use of the michigan-dining-api hosted on heroku and the corresponding mdining-proto library.
Clone the repo (note the --recursive
flag to also clone submodules):
git clone /~https://github.com/anders617/tendiestime.git --recursive
This project is written with pure HTML/CSS/JS using the AngularJS framework. To run the server locally just use:
python3 -m http.server
The stats page is located here
The stats page is built using ReactJS and is located in the /stats-dev directory
Install the yarn dependency management tool
Run the following to install dependencies
Run the following to start the dev server
yarn start
yarn build
This will create a production build of the code in stats-dev and will place it in the top level stats directory which can be pushed to github to be served by Github Pages.
Feel free to make feature requests in issues, this app is a constant work in progress. PRs are welcome!