M2k: prepare for v0.21
cc8b4ae Makefile: switch to arm-linux-gnueabihf toolchain found in the 2017.4 SDK
d07d777 Makefile: Build device tree for M2k HW Rev.D
Submodule buildroot f87e89f..1f06980:
> board/m2k/post-build.sh: Add update firmware script
> configs/zynq_m2k_defconfig: Switch to arm-linux-gnueabihf toolchain
> board/pluto/update_frm: Add update firmware script
> board/sidekiqz2/S23udc: Use proper EpiqSolutions USB VID 0x2FA2
> Revert "sidekiqz2: use Pluto's msd data"
> Merge pull request #5 from analogdevicesinc/sidekiqz2-symlink-pluto-msd
> board/sidekiqz2/device_config: Fix FIRMWARE name
Submodule hdl 3cf33db..d79ca23:
> daq3: ZCU102 project not supported in this release
> adv7511:mitx045: Remove, as it's not part of the release
> adv7511:ac701: Remove, as it's not part of the release
> cn0363:microzed: Remove, as it's not part of the release
> fmcomms2:mitx045: Remove, as it's not part of the release
> m2k:zed: Remove, as it's not part of the release
> imageon:zc706: Remove, as it's not part of the release
> ad7768evb: Remove, as it's not part of the release
> daq7980_sdz: Remove, as it's not part of the release
> ad77681evb: Remove, as it's not part of the release
> ad7616_sdz: Remove, as it's not part of the release
> ad738x_fmc: Remove, as it's not part of the release
> ad7134_fmc: Remove, as it's not part of the release
> ad5766_sdz: Remove, as it's not part of the release
> motcon2_fmc: Add additional clock constraints and set delays for ethernet
> motcon2_fmc: Connect GPO pins to controller 1
> motcon2_fmc: Sync transfer start for the current monitor DMAs
> motcon2_fmc: Ethernet MDIO set to EMIO
> motcon2_fmc: Update to revision C
> axi_dacfifo: Always use equal or not equal
> axi_dacfifo: Fix address buffer read logic
> axi_dacfifo: Counters must use 1'b1 for incrementation
> axi_dacfifo: Delete unused registers/nets
> adrv9009: Throughput improvements
> util_dacfifo_bypass: Update comments
> _dacfifo: Fix the util_dacfifo_module
> axi_dacfifo: Cosmetic changes in util_dacfifo_bypass
> util_dacfifo: Fix gray coder/decoder
> axi_dacfifo: Remove unused signals
> axi_dacfifo: Add missing read-enable signal to ad_mem instance
> daq3: ZCU102: Fix AXI_ADXCVR IPs XCVR_TYPE parameter
> de10: Remove, as it's not supported in this release
> fmcomms2: AC701: Remove, as it's not supported in this release
> daq2|3: Set up OPTIMIZATION_MODE to improve timing
> fmcjesdadc1: increase DMAC FIFO size
> adrv9009: Removed ZC706 based project
> adrv9009: Improved data throughput and DAC FIFO size
Submodule linux 105835a..83e5509:
> arm: dts: add zynq-m2k Rev D,E,F device trees
Submodule u-boot-xlnx 73aff3d..f5f001e:
> configs/zynq_sidekiqz2_defconfig: Use USB PID 0x5A32 in DFU mode
> sidekiqz2: update u-boot env settings with manufacturer specs
Signed-off-by: Michael Hennerich <michael.hennerich@analog.com>