Welcome to Conway's Game of Life! This popular game was written in JavaScript using HTML and CSS. Tested and developed in Google Chrome only so far. Also usable for smartphone, but not possible to optimize because of a static game-grid.
- Clone this repository
- Open the index.html in your Browser
- Enjoy gaming
No settings to do, all settings can be done by the user. WARNING: Do not increase the maximum grid size of 50 x 50 fields. This may could make the game real slow.
- Variable game speed (0.5 FPS to 10 FPS)
- Variable grid size (10x10 to 50x50)
- Configuration informations (static, oscillators, space ships)
- List of game rules
- Draggable game field
- Clear actual field
- Play / Pause game
- Show next step of current game status
- Actual data display (speed, size, generation)
Check out my live version for getting a first impression.
game-of-life is licensed under the MIT license