Welcome to my personal portfolio website! This website showcases my projects, skills, education, and experience in web development and software engineering. It also includes a smooth navigation experience with animations and a responsive design, making it accessible on all devices.
You can check out the live version of my portfolio here.
This portfolio is designed to highlight my expertise and personal projects in a visually appealing and user-friendly way. Below are the main features of the website:
- About Me: A brief introduction of myself, my background, and my goals.
- Projects: A section showcasing various projects I've worked on, with descriptions, technologies used, and links to live demos.
- Education: A table that lists my high school, college, university education, and courses I've completed or am interested in.
- Experience: A detailed overview of my professional experience, skills, and tools.
- Skills & Tools: Visual representation of tools and languages I use, like .NET, C#, Python, and more.
- Smooth Scroll Animation: When navigating between sections using the navbar, the website scrolls smoothly for a better user experience.
- Responsive Design: The website is fully responsive, ensuring it looks great on mobile, tablet, and desktop devices.
- Frontend: HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap 5, JavaScript
- Backend: ASP.NET Core
- Tools: Visual Studio, Git, GitHub
- Version Control: Git
- Hosting: GitHub Pages / (Your preferred hosting platform)
Clone the repository:
git clone /~https://github.com/aminul-islam-niloy/My-Portfolio
Navigate to the project directory:
cd My-Portfolio
in your browser to view the website locally. -
You can also deploy it to GitHub Pages or any static hosting platform.
- Click on the navigation links in the top menu to navigate between sections.
- Scroll down to view each section (About Me, Projects, Education, Experience).
- Projects section includes links to live demos of my work.
- Skills and tools icons show the languages and frameworks I use.
If you'd like to improve the website or add features, feel free to fork the repository and create a pull request. All contributions are welcome!
Fork the repository.
Create a new branch for your feature:
git checkout -b feature-new-feature
Commit your changes:
git commit -m "Add new feature"
Push the branch:
git push origin feature-new-feature
Create a pull request.
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.
Feel free to adjust the details such as the project link, hosting platform, and technologies used as per your specific portfolio project!