endpointdiff is a simple wrapper script around LinkFinder (/~https://github.com/GerbenJavado/LinkFinder) to quickly identify whether endpoints have changed based on diffs of JS files.
endpointdiff supports Python3. It depends on LinkFinder, so it will also need the dependencies LinkFinder has.
# After cloning this repository, clone `LinkFinder` within:
git clone /~https://github.com/GerbenJavado/LinkFinder.git
# Install the dependencies
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
The structure should look like:
├── endpointdiff
│ ├── LinkFinder/
Short Form | Long Form | Description |
-n | --new | Input a new: URL, file or folder. For folders a wildcard can be used (e.g. '/*.js'). |
-o | --old | Input an old: URL, file or folder. For folders a wildcard can be used (e.g. '/*.js'). |
-r | --regex | RegEx for filtering purposes against found endpoints (e.g. ^/api/) |
-s | --save | File location to save the diff output to. |
-c | --cookies | Add cookies to the request |
-h | --help | show the help message and exit |
Most if not all of the LinkFinder
functionality should be able to be leveraged. Some examples on usage are:
If you want to determine the diff in endpoints for 2 JS URLs:
python3 endpointdiff.py -o https://site.com/oldjs -n https://site.com/newjs
If you want to determine the diff in endpoints for a saved local version, and then save the output:
python3 endpointdiff.py -o old/js/file.js -n https://site.com/newjs -s path/to/save.txt
If you want to analyze entire folders against each other:
python3 endpointdiff.py -o old/*.js -n new/*.js