contains a correspondence table matching harmonised local authority districts (LAD20X) covering the whole of England and Wales to Tolbert-Sizer commuting zones (CZ). -
is a list containing the following data frames:-
commdat[["dir annual by LAD"]]
contains directed commuting flows by UK Census year (1991, 2001, 2011) and 2001 Interaction District pair (for 1991, 2001) or Census Merged LAD pair (for 2011). -
commdat[["undir annual by LAD"]]
contains gross commuting flows by UK Census year (1991, 2001, 2011) and 2001 Interaction District pair (for 1991, 2001) or Census Merged LAD pair (for 2011). -
commdat[["dir annual by LAD20X"]]
contains directed commuting flows by UK Census year (1991, 2001, 2011) and LAD20X pair. -
commdat[["undir annual by LAD20X"]]
contains gross commuting flows by UK Census year (1991, 2001, 2011) and LAD20X pair. -
commdat[["resworkers annual by LAD20X"]]
contains the resident workforce by UK Census year (1991, 2001, 2011) and LAD20X. -
commdat[["minresworkers annual by LAD20X"]]
contains the minimum resident workforce UK Census year (1991, 2001, 2011) and LAD20X pair. -
commdat[["T-S annual by LAD20X"]]
contains Tolbert-Sizer commuting dissimilarity measures by Census year (1991, 2001, 2011) and LAD20X pair. -
commdat[["T-S average by LAD20X"]]
contains average Tolbert-Sizer commuting dissimilarity across Census years (1991, 2001, 2011) by LAD20X pair.
contains CZ boundary data. -
contains a map of LAD20X and CZ.
In harmonising commuting flows across Census years, the script
converts the data to the harmonised local authority district classification (LAD20X) using the correspondence table./rawdata/lad_lad20x.csv
. -
Commuting zones are then derived by the script
in the following steps:-
For LAD20X pairs
$rr'$ and Census years$t$ , compute the Tolbert-Sizer commuting dissimilarity measure:$$D_{rr't}=\frac{Commuters_{rr't} + Commuters_{r'rt}}{min(ResidentWorkers_{rt},ResidentWorkers_{r't})}$$ -
Compute the mean commuting dissimilarity across Census years
$D_{rr'}$ . -
Cluster the LAD20X using agglomerative hierarchical clustering with average linkage, based on
$D_{rr'}$ .Note: This approach is identical to that of Tolbert and Sizer (1996) with the exception that commuting dissimilarity is averaged across years instead of being taken for a single year.
is the correspondence table matching local authority district (LAD) codes that were live between 2001 and 2020 to a harmonised local authority district (LAD20X) equivalent or parent. The code and data used to produce this table are available in the Harmonised-Local-Authorities-EW repository. -
contains LAD20X boundary data. -
contains files downloaded from the the UK Data Service WICID database:-
./rawdata/commuting/UK DATA SERVICE - 1991 commuting flows by IDT01 (Set SWS C).csv
holds the directed commuting flow matrix from the 1991 UK Census by 2001 Interaction Data District pair. -
./rawdata/commuting/UK DATA SERVICE - 2001 commuting flows by IDT01 (Set SWS 1).csv
holds the directed commuting flow matrix from the 2001 UK Census by 2001 Interaction Data District pair. -
./rawdata/commuting/UK DATA SERVICE - 2011 commuting flows by CMLAD11 (Table WU02UK).csv
holds the directed commuting flow matrix from the 2011 UK Census by Census Merged LAD pair.
- Tolbert, C.M. and Sizer, M., 1996. US commuting zones and labor market areas: A 1990 update (No. 1486-2018-6805). [link]
- Contains public sector information licensed under the Open Government Licence v3.0.
- Contains Ordnance Survey (OS) data © Crown copyright and database right 2022.