To start clone repository and do:
> make lin
In case if you have Linux and you should download graphviz before.> make win
In case if you have Windows.
Now you are ready to start with Akinator.
With this game you can:
- Make your own database with yes/no answers
- Make graph of your database
- Check differences between two things in database
- Check common attributes between two things in database
- Just play game with your friends and have fun
Gameplay example:
What do you want to do?
- To play the game press [1]
- To check attributes press [2]
- To check difference press [3]
- To check all tree press [4]
- To print new database press [5]
- To exit [6]
In repository you can see example of database made by MIPT students 😇. And also here you can find example of graph of our database.