Read temperature and humidity from SHT31 via i2c on a Raspberry Pi.
- Have Node v6 or newer installed.
- I2C enabled. See this link for more information about enabling I2C on Raspberry Pi.
npm install --save sht31
or if you're using yarnpkg
yarnpkg add sht31
const SHT31 = require(`sht31`);
// NOTE: you might need to change the I2C bus number or
// SHT31 address.
// In this case, SHT31 address is 0x44
// and I2C bus number is 1
const sht31 = new SHT31(0x44, 1);
.then(() => sht31.readSensorData())
.then((data) => {
// data object follows this format:
// { temperature: Number, humidity: Number }
// temperature is in celcius unit.
.catch((err) => {
// Handle error here
// ...