Schematic, PCB and other stuff to make ROM Cartridge for use with Sinclair QL Computer
(C) 2022 Alvaro Alea Fdz.
License under: CERN Open Hardware Licence Version 2 - Strongly Reciprocal
This folder contain the schematic of the original Sinclair cartridge as far as i can get from pictures from internet.
It also contains 3D pieces to do vacum form of the case
- Schematic - Working, tested
- Case - Design, Non tested
This version need a 16Kb eprom, and is intended as a replacement of Toolkit II cartridge an others.
This version need a 64Kb eprom, and is intended to replace the internal ROM of the QL.
Is very important to remove the 2 ROM chips from the QL before use.
Be aware that this lock the rom cartridge, and the QL will not work without it.
The 8full_rom is a version of full_rom with 3 switch to allow 8 diferent version of the ROM of the QL.
Is very important to remove the 2 ROM chips from the QL before use.
Be aware that this lock the rom cartridge, and the QL will not work without it.