- 收集的所有开源工具: 超过18K, 包括Markdown和Json两种格式
- 逆向资源: IDA/Ghidra/x64dbg/OllDbg/WinDBG/CuckooSandbox/Radare2/BinaryNinja/DynamoRIO/IntelPin/Frida/QEMU/Android安全/iOS安全/Window安全/Linux安全/macOS安全/游戏Hacking/Bootkit/Rootkit/Angr/Shellcode/进程注入/代码注入/DLL注入/WSL/Sysmon/...
- 网络相关的安全资源: 代理/GFW/反向代理/隧道/VPN/Tor/I2P,以及中间人/PortKnocking/嗅探/网络分析/网络诊断等
- 攻击性网络安全资源: 漏洞/渗透/物联网安全/数据渗透/Metasploit/BurpSuite/KaliLinux/C&C/OWASP/免杀/CobaltStrike/侦查/OSINT/社工/密码/凭证/威胁狩猎/Payload/WifiHacking/无线攻击/后渗透/提权/UAC绕过/...
- 跟网络相关的安全资源,包括:代理/GFW/反向代理/隧道/VPN/Tor/I2P,以及中间人/PortKnocking/嗅探/网络分析/网络诊断等。超过1700开源安全工具。相关文章待添加。
- English Version
- 工具
- 代理&&Proxy
- 翻墙&&GFW
- 匿名网络
- 隧道&&穿透&&反向代理
- 中间人&&MITM
- 分析&&取证&&诊断&&探查&&检测&&嗅探
- 网络攻击
- Android
- iOS
- [1787星][4y] caesar0301/awesome-pcaptools 用于处理网络痕迹的工具收集
- [12024星][2m] [Go] buger/goreplay 实时捕获HTTP流量并输入测试环境,以便持续使用真实数据测试你的系统
- [8180星][5d] [JS] netflix/pollyjs Record, Replay, and Stub HTTP Interactions.
- [4625星][5d] [Ruby] vcr/vcr Record your test suite's HTTP interactions and replay them during future test runs for fast, deterministic, accurate tests.
- [4597星][4d] [C++] mozilla/rr 记录与重放App的调试执行过程
- [3450星][6m] [C] session-replay-tools/tcpcopy tcpcopy:TCP 流量回放工具,可用于性能测试、稳定性测试、压力测试、加载测试、smoke 测试等
- [1461星][2y] [C++] acaudwell/logstalgia a visualization tool that replays or streams web server access logs as a retro arcade game simulation.
- [1417星][1m] [Java] chrisk44/hijacker Aircrack, Airodump, Aireplay, MDK3 and Reaver GUI Application for Android
- [605星][30d] [Py] webrecorder/pywb 重放和记录Web存档
- [565星][10d] [C] appneta/tcpreplay Pcap 编辑和重放工具(针对*nix和Windows)
- [262星][2m] [Py] felixweyne/imaginaryc2 Imaginary C2 is a python tool which aims to help in the behavioral (network) analysis of malware. Imaginary C2 hosts a HTTP server which captures HTTP requests towards selectively chosen domains/IPs. Additionally, the tool aims to make it easy to replay captured Command-and-Control responses/served payloads.
- [149星][28d] [Py] swehner/foos Instant replay system for foosball table
- [126星][4y] [C] ctxis/rdp-replay 重播pcap文件中的RDP流量
- [87星][8m] [Go] seborama/govcr HTTP mock for Golang: record and replay HTTP/HTTPS interactions for offline testing
- [82星][2y] [JS] dmarcos/aframe-motion-capture-components Capture entity motions and replay them on other entities
- [78星][1y] [Py] ionelmc/python-aspectlib An aspect-oriented programming, monkey-patch and decorators library. It is useful when changing behavior in existing code is desired. It includes tools for debugging and testing: simple mock/record and a complete capture/replay framework.
- [74星][4m] [Lua] dns-oarc/drool DNS Replay Tool
- [73星][2y] [Java] spiderlabs/burplay Burplay is a Burp Extension allowing for replaying any number of requests using same modifications definition. Its main purpose is to aid in searching for Privilege Escalation issues.
- [72星][28d] [C++] rigtorp/udpreplay 重播pcap文件中的UDP数据包
- [69星][9d] [Py] catch-up-tv-and-more/plugin.video.catchuptvandmore Replay, Live TV and websites videos addon for Kodi
- [66星][1m] [Py] hatching/httpreplay 根据TLS主密钥,重播PCAP文件中的HTTP和HTTPS请求
- [60星][3y] [Py] iamckn/mousejack_transmit Wireless mouse/keyboard attack with replay/transmit poc
- [59星][23d] [C++] whid-injector/whid-31337 WHID Elite is a GSM-enabled Open-Source Multi-Purpose Offensive Device that allows a threat actor to remotely inject keystrokes, bypass air-gapped systems, conduct mousejacking attacks, do acoustic surveillance, RF replay attacks and much more. In practice, is THE Wet Dream of any Security Consultant out there!
- [56星][2m] [Shell] 125k/pwrdeauther This script allows you to deauth a specific SSID or an entire channel with mdk3 (MDK3 is more powerful than Aireplay)
- [56星][2m] [Shell] 125k/pwrdeauther This script allows you to deauth a specific SSID or an entire channel with mdk3 (MDK3 is more powerful than Aireplay)
- [54星][26d] [Java] vy/hrrs Record, transform, and replay HTTP requests in Java EE and Spring applications.
- [46星][1y] [HTML] octosavvi/espkey Wiegand data logger, replay device and micro door-controller
- [43星][1y] [Py] nirizr/pytest-idapro 辅助对IDAPython脚本进行单元测试
- [34星][24d] [C] dns-oarc/dnsjit Engine for capturing, parsing and replaying DNS
- [33星][29d] [C] root670/cheatdeviceps2 Game enhancer for PlayStation 2 similar to Action Replay, GameShark, and CodeBreaker.
- [27星][11d] [C] microsoft/wafbench WAFBench (wb) is a tool to measure the performance of WAF(Web Application Firewall) . It's based on latest code of ab (ApacheBench), and adds support for real trace replaying, framework of testing waf (FTW), and some other features.
- [26星][1m] [Go] linus4/csgoverview A 2D demo replay tool for Counter Strike: Global Offensive.
- [25星][4d] [TS] airtasker/proxay Proxay is a record/replay proxy server that helps you write faster and more reliable tests.
- [21星][2y] [Py] pure-l0g1c/aircrack Automatic Wifi Cracker. Uses Airodump, Aircrack, Aireplay
- [20星][3y] [JS] tunnelshade/pocuito A tiny chrome extension to record and replay your web application proof-of-concepts.
- [19星][3y] cn0xroot/gr-replay 用于Gnuradio的信号捕捉和重放
- [17星][2y] [C] deanjerkovich/rage_fuzzer a dumb protocol-unaware packet fuzzer/replayer
- [16星][2y] [Lua] withlin/kong-plugin-http-anti-replay-attack 防重放攻击
- [15星][6m] yuangongnd/remasc ReMASC: Realistic Replay Attack Corpus for Voice Controlled Systems
- [15星][2y] [C#] hackingthings/can-bus-arduino-tool A tool for performing replay and sniffing CAN bus traffic.
- [3星][5y] [Haskell] maurer/tachyon Record/Replay for syscall streams
- [1692星][5m] [C] networkprotocol/netcode.io 基于UDP的安全通信协议
- [2530星][1m] [C] yrutschle/sslh 应用协议多路复用器(例如,在同一端口上共享SSH和HTTPS)。接受指定端口上的连接,并根据对第一个数据包的测试结果将其转发
- [1056星][20d] [C++] simsong/tcpflow TCP/IP 数据包分用器
- [797星][2m] [Go] trivago/gollum An n:m message multiplexer written in Go
- [728星][1m] [C++] stealth/sshttp SSH/HTTP(S) multiplexer. Run a webserver and a sshd on the same port w/o changes.
- [31星][6m] [Py] innogames/polysh Polysh, the remote shell multiplexer
- [25星][2y] [Py] qiaofei32/tcp-multiplexer A TCP service multiplexer in Python
- [7星][2m] [Py] adafruit/adafruit_circuitpython_tca9548a CircuitPython driver for the TCA9548A I2C Multiplexer.
- [3922星][5d] [Py] secureauthcorp/impacket Python类收集, 用于与网络协议交互
- [381星][1m] [Py] fox-it/bloodhound.py 基于Python的BloodHound Ingestor,基于Impacket
- [288星][11m] maaaaz/impacket-examples-windows The great impacket example scripts compiled for Windows
- [203星][5d] [Py] ropnop/impacket_static_binaries Standalone binaries for Linux/Windows of Impacket's examples
- [88星][10m] [Py] dirkjanm/impacket Impacket is a collection of Python classes for working with network protocols.
- [71星][7m] [Py] zer1t0/ticket_converter A little tool to convert ccache tickets into kirbi (KRB-CRED) and vice versa based on impacket.
- [67星][3y] [Py] harmj0y/impdump This is a simple parser for/decrypter for Impacket's esentutl.py utility. It assists with decrypting hashes and hash histories from ntds.dit databases.
- [4857星][5d] [Go] gcla/termshark A terminal UI for tshark, inspired by Wireshark
- [2409星][4d] [C] wireshark/wireshark Wireshark
- [988星][23d] [Py] kiminewt/pyshark Python wrapper for tshark, allowing python packet parsing using wireshark dissectors
- [593星][1y] [Py] softscheck/tplink-smartplug TP-Link WiFi SmartPlug Client and Wireshark Dissector
- [499星][8m] [Rust] cloudflare/wirefilter An execution engine for Wireshark-like filters
- [354星][2y] [Shell] koenbuyens/kalirouter 将 KaliLinux 主机转变为路由器,使用 Wireshark 记录所有的网络流量,同时将 HTTP/HTTPS 流量发送到其他主机的拦截代理(例如 BurpSuite)
- [343星][6y] [JS] evilcos/cookiehacker Cookie利用
- [295星][2m] [Lua] pentesteracademy/patoolkit 一组流量分析插件,用于将Wireshark的功能从微分析工具和协议解析器扩展到宏分析器和威胁猎人。
- [184星][1y] [Lua] ntop/wireshark-ntop Extensions for Wireshark
- [163星][10m] [C] davidgfnet/wireshark-whatsapp Whatsapp dissector plugin for wireshark
- [151星][11m] [Py] wangshub/hmpa-pi 在树莓派上,利用 Wireshark 扫描附近网络 WiFi 设备,并对扫描结果通过邮件或者微信进行推送
- [135星][5y] [Py] ashdnazg/pyreshark A Wireshark plugin providing a simple interface for writing dissectors in Python.
- [97星][8m] [Shell] shadowhatesyou/pipetap.sh This script invokes tcpdump over ssh piping to STDOUT, allowing remote use of wireshark
- [85星][6y] [C] armenb/sharktools Tools for programmatic parsing of packet captures using Wireshark functionality
- [68星][3y] [CMake] bastilleresearch/gr-nordic GNU Radio module and Wireshark dissector for the Nordic Semiconductor nRF24L Enhanced Shockburst protocol.
- [66星][10m] security-cheatsheet/wireshark-cheatsheet Wireshark Cheat Sheet
- [55星][2m] [C] secureauthcorp/sap-dissection-plug-in-for-wireshark This Wireshark plugin provides dissection of SAP's NI, Diag, Enqueue, Router, Message Server, SNC and IGS protocols.
- [46星][3y] [C] rpcapd-linux/rpcapd-linux 为Windows版本的Wireshark提供远程流量捕获的守护程序
- 重复区段: 分析->工具->捕获 |
- [40星][6m] [Lua] whitequark/zmtp-wireshark A Wireshark dissector for ZMTP version 3.0 and later (ZeroMQ 4 and later)
- [39星][2y] [Lua] bcsecorg/ethereum_devp2p_wireshark_dissector This is Ethereum devp2p protocol dissector plugin for wireshark.
- [33星][1y] seemoo-lab/wireshark-awdl Wireshark Dissector for Apple Wireless Direct Link (AWDL) and Apple's CoreCapture logging framework. Note: the AWDL dissector is part of Wireshark 3.0!
- [21星][12m] [Lua] cloudshark/wireshark-plugin Upload captures directly to CloudShark from Wireshark
- [17星][6m] [Lua] markopaul0/wirebait Run and test your Lua Wireshark dissector without Wireshark or capture data.
- [9星][2m] [C] thephez/wireshark-plugin-dash Wireshark dissector plugin for the Dash cryptocurrency protocol
- [6星][1y] [Py] kiminewt/pyshark-legacy Python wrapper for tshark, allowing python packet parsing using wireshark dissectors (Python2 legacy version)
- [2星][6y] [C] frederic/dfb-wireshark-dissector Wireshark dissector for Voodoo protocol, network layer of DirectFB.
- [2星][11m] [Java] nberktumer/comp416-packet-sniffer A simple data transfer program using TCP written in Java for sniffing the data using WireShark
- [2星][2y] [Lua] sihaiyang0215/wiresharkdissector Lua dissector for Minecraft 1.8.9 PC Edition
- [1星][9m] wtanaka/ansible-role-wireshark Ansible role to install wireshark
- [0星][6y] [C] mjeanson/wireshark-gmetric Ganglia gmetric protocol dissector for Wireshark
- [1357星][4m] [Rust] vi/websocat Command-line client for WebSockets, like netcat (or curl) for ws:// with advanced socat-like functions
- [831星][2y] [PS] besimorhino/powercat PowerShell实现的Netcat
- [490星][3y] [PS] secabstraction/powercat 可与Netcat和Ncat一起使用的PowerShell TCP / IP瑞士军刀
- [329星][6y] [C] diegocr/netcat NetCat for Windows
- [264星][1y] [JS] roccomuso/netcat Netcat client and server modules written in pure Javascript for Node.j
- [150星][3y] [Py] nullarray/pycat Python network tool, similar to Netcat with custom features.
- [41星][6y] [PHP] spiderlabs/upnp-request-generator A tool to parse UPnP descriptor XML files and generate SOAP control requests for use with Burp Suite or netcat
- [33星][1m] [Py] rhelmot/nclib Netcat as a python library
- [25星][3y] [Py] sc0tfree/netbyte Netbyte is a Netcat-style tool that facilitates probing proprietary TCP and UDP services. It is lightweight, fully interactive and provides formatted output in both hexadecimal and ASCII.
- [20星][2y] [C] pinkp4nther/pinkit A quick LKM rootkit that executes a reverse TCP netcat shell with root privileges.
- [15星][2y] [Swift] vgmoose/nc-client [iOS] netcat gui app, for using the 10.1.x mach_portal root exploit on device
- [10星][10m] [JS] roccomuso/nc Porting Netcat in Node.js. CLI util.
- [7星][7y] [C] mainframed/nc110-omvs NetCat 110 with changes to support OMVS on z/OS
- [6星][4y] [Py] paradoxis/reverse-shell-client The reverse shell client is a Python based alternative for a netcat reverse shell listener
- [5星][2y] [Shell] foospidy/fuzzcat Rudimentary network protocol fuzzer using bash, netcat, and other tools.
- [4星][12y] [C++] liamkirton/sslcat [2008] Windows netcat for SSL
- [4678星][4d] [Py] secdev/scapy 交互式数据包操作, Python, 命令行+库
- [796星][8m] [Py] phaethon/kamene Network packet and pcap file crafting/sniffing/manipulation/visualization security tool. Originally forked from scapy in 2015 and providing python3 compatibility since then.
- 重复区段: 分析->工具->嗅探 |
- [309星][1y] [Py] tintinweb/scapy-ssl_tls 用于Scapy,在SSL/TLS层进行交互式的数据包篡改
- [274星][4m] [Py] invernizzi/scapy-http Support for HTTP in Scapy
- [186星][5y] [Py] rpp0/scapy-fakeap Fake wireless Access Point (AP) implementation using Python and Scapy, intended for convenient testing of 802.11 protocols and implementations.
- [64星][3y] [Py] milesrichardson/docker-nfqueue-scapy Docker容器,使用python脚本在netfilter队列中监听数据包,并使用scapy操作数据包。
- [47星][4y] [Py] bastilleresearch/scapy-radio scapy-radio (from original Hg repo)
- [45星][4y] [Py] scy-phy/scapy-cip-enip EtherNet/IP+CIP dissector for Scapy
- [41星][5y] [Py] nimai/mptcp-scapy MPTCP firewall tester based on scapy
- [33星][2y] [Py] guedou/r2scapy a radare2 plugin that decodes packets with Scapy
- [32星][3m] [Py] amossys/fragscapy Fragscapy is a command-line tool to fuzz network protocols by automating the modification of outgoing network packets. It can run multiple successive tests to determine which options can be used to evade firewalls and IDS.
- [25星][4y] [Py] averagesecurityguy/scapy Scapy Presentation and Code
- [23星][7m] [Py] antisomnus/sniffer Simple sniffer using scapy and PyQt5 on Windows 10
- 重复区段: 分析->工具->嗅探 |
- [19星][5y] [Py] feanaur/scapy-pentest Scapy Penetration testing scripts
- [14星][5y] [Py] azz2k/scapy-rssi Example of how to read RSSI values from wifi packaged using Scapy
- [13星][4y] [Py] rahilsharma/scapy-wireless-scanner Final Yr. Project B Tech CSE. Simple wireless scanner built using Scapy Library.
- [12星][2y] [Py] imadhsissou/python-arp-spoofer A friendly command-line spoofing tool written in python using scapy and netifaces.
- 重复区段: 网络攻击->工具->伪造 |
- [10星][11m] [Py] daniel4x/mitm-python A simple as possible man in the middle written in python using scapy
- 重复区段: 中间人->未分类 |
- [10星][5y] [Py] emileaben/scapy-dns-ninja Minimal DNS answering machine, for customized/programmable answers
- [9星][5m] [Py] skyplabs/scapy-mitm ARP cache poisoning implementation using Scapy
- 重复区段: 中间人->未分类 |
- [3星][4y] [Py] mk-fg/scapy-nflog-capture Driver for scapy to allow capturing packets via Linux NFLOG interface
- [1186星][19d] [C] the-tcpdump-group/tcpdump the TCPdump network dissector
- [231星][1m] [Go] cloudflare/xdpcap tcpdump like XDP packet capture
- [59星][2y] [Py] yandex/tcplanz TCPDump latency analyzer
- [45星][5y] sergk/cheatsheat-tcpdump cheatsheat-tcpdump
- [34星][8y] [C#] advtools/advsock2pipe A small utility to connect a TCP socket to a Windows named pipe. It can be used, for exemple, to capture network data with tcpdump on Linux or iPhone/iPad and to see the capture in (almost) realtime in Wireshark on Windows. Released under GPLv3.
- [32星][1m] [C++] f18m/large-pcap-analyzer A command-line utility program that performs some simple operations on PCAP files (Wireshark/tcpdump traces) very quickly. Allows you to manipulate very large PCAP files that cannot be easily handled with other software like Wireshark (or tshark). Supports filtering encapsulated GTPu frames. Easily extendible.
- [3星][4y] [Py] wouter-glasswall/rogueap Start a rogue access point with no effort, with support for hostapd, airbase, sslstrip, sslsplit, tcpdump builtin
- [2星][2y] wtanaka/ansible-role-tcpdump Ansible role to install tcpdump
- [188星][3y] [Lua] automayt/ics-pcap ICS/SCADA PCAP收集
- [30星][4y] neu5ron/malware-traffic-analysis-pcaps 网站malware-traffic-analysis.net的pcap文件托管
[765星][5m] [Py] lgandx/pcredz This tool extracts Credit card numbers, NTLM(DCE-RPC, HTTP, SQL, LDAP, etc), Kerberos (AS-REQ Pre-Auth etype 23), HTTP Basic, SNMP, POP, SMTP, FTP, IMAP, etc from a pcap file or from a live interface.
[419星][11m] [C] jpr5/ngrep 应用于网络层的类似与grep的工具。基于PCAP,可指定扩展的正则表达式或十六进制表达式,对数据包的数据payload进行匹配
[380星][2m] [Py] 0x4d31/fatt FATT /fingerprintAllTheThings - a pyshark based script for extracting network metadata and fingerprints from pcap files and live network traffic
[340星][11d] [JS] dns-oarc/packetq A tool that provides a basic SQL-frontend to PCAP-files
[225星][1m] [Py] secureworks/dalton 使用预定义/指定的规则, 针对IDS传感器(例如Snort/Suricata)进行网络数据包捕获
[216星][2y] [C++] spacehuhn/arduinopcap 使用ESP8266 / ESP32和Arduin,创建并发送pcap文件
[123星][2y] [Py] blazeinfosec/pcrappyfuzzer pcrappyfuzzer:Scapy+ radamsa 的简单组合,从 pcap 文件中提取数据,执行快速 Fuzz
[123星][3m] [XSLT] pcapng/pcapng PCAP下一代文件格式规范
[112星][11m] [C] rup0rt/pcapfix 修复损坏的pcap文件
[95星][1y] [Py] hgn/captcp A open source program for TCP analysis of PCAP files
[88星][3y] [Py] azizaltuntas/network-analysis-tools Pcap (capture file) Analysis Toolkit(v.1)
[79星][1y] [Py] shendo/websnort Web service for scanning pcaps with snort
[64星][3y] [Ruby] danielmiessler/caparser A quick and dirty PCAP parser that helps you identify who your applications are sending sensitive data to without encryption.
[61星][6y] [Py] kevthehermit/yarapcap 使用YARA处理HTTP Pcap
[52星][6y] [Py] kevthehermit/maildb Python Web App to Parse and Track Email and http Pcap Files.
[42星][9m] [Go] dreadl0ck/gopcap Go语言编写的Pcap读取器,提供与同类工具的基准测试比较
[39星][3m] spiderlabs/iocs-idps This repository will hold PCAP IOC data related with known malware samples (owner: Bryant Smith)
[37星][8m] [Jupyter Notebook] h21lab/anomaly-detection Scripts to help to detect anomalies in pcap file. Anomaly Detection using tensorflow and tshark.
[37星][8y] [JS] mudynamics/pcapr-local 浏览与管理大规模的pcap文件
[36星][4m] [Py] cisco-talos/re2pcap 用原始HTTP请求或响应创建PCAP文件
[36星][11m] [Go] hdiniz/rtpdump Extract audio file from RTP streams in pcap format
[35星][2y] [Py] newbee119/ip-location batch query IP location information,批量查询IP地理位置信息,解析pcap包中IP地址的地理信息
[34星][11m] [Go] justinazoff/flow-indexer Flow-Indexer indexes flows found in chunked log files from bro,nfdump,syslog, or pcap files
[32星][3m] [C#] globalpolicy/csarp-netcut An arpspoof program using Sharppcap
[28星][1y] [C] lpefferkorn/ipdecap Decapsulate traffic encapsulated within GRE, IPIP, 6in4, ESP (ipsec) protocols, can also remove IEEE 802.1Q (virtual lan) header. Works with pcap files.
[28星][2y] tatsui-geek/malware-traffic-analysis.net Download pcap files from
[27星][2y] [Lua] shengnoah/riff 一个基于lua插件的pcap监控工具。
[26星][2y] [R] hrbrmstr/crafter Analyze and Visualize Network Packet Capture (PCAP) Files
[24星][7y] [Ruby] chrislee35/flowtag FlowTag visualizes pcap files for forensic analysis
[23星][2y] [Py] fireeye/brocapi Bro PCAP Processing and Tagging API
[22星][5y] [Py] catalyst256/gobbler Gobbling it's way through your pcap files
[21星][6m] [Go] d4-project/sensor-d4-tls-fingerprinting Extract TLS certificates from pcap files or network interfaces, fingerprint TLS client/server interactions with ja3/ja3s
[21星][1y] [C] the-tcpdump-group/tcpslice tcpslice concatenates multiple pcap files together, or extracts time slices from one or more pcap files.
[20星][1y] [Py] slgobinath/pcap-processor 读取和处理pcap文件
[18星][1y] [Go] dirkduesentrieb/fgsniffer Convert Fortigates "diagnose sniffer" output to pcap files
[17星][2y] [C++] awgn/captop Utility to measure the performance of pcap network interfaces.
[17星][1y] [Py] dr0op/msfrpcapi MSF RPC API调用文档及demo
[16星][1m] [Rust] courvoif/pcap-file pcap读取与写入
[13星][6y] [C] ashishraste/arp-dns-attacks ARP spoofing, HTTP redirection, DNS spoofing and DNS forging using pcap library
[13星][6y] [Py] catalyst256/pdfhunter Looks for pdf files in pcap files and rebuilds them
[12星][2y] [Py] johnbergbom/peddlecheap Pcaps for PeddleCheap and implant communication + script for interpreting and decrypting pcaps.
[11星][1y] [JS] hellvinz/goredis live monitoring redis commands via pcap in a browser
[11星][5m] [Py] teto/mptcpanalyzer Tool to help analyze mptcp pcaps
[9星][11m] [C] cedricol07/p2a Parse Pcap for Anomalies
[9星][1y] [Py] yojiwatanabe/networkalarm A tool to monitor local network traffic for possible security vulnerabilities. Warns user against possible nmap scans, Nikto scans, credentials sent in-the-clear, and shellshock attacks. Currently supports live monitoring and network capture (pcap) scanning.
[6星][1y] [C] dns-oarc/pcap-thread pcap辅助库,支持POSIX线程和透明层回调
[6星][2y] [C] jduncanator/isniff Packet capture and network sniffer for Apple iOS devices (iPhone / iPod). An implementation of iOS 5+ Remote Virtual Interface service and pcapd.
[3星][8m] [C] sizet/packet_capture 使用 raw socket 和搭配輔助資料 (ancillary data (PACKET_AUXDATA), 適用於 2.6.21 之後的核心) 監聽和記錄 (pcap 格式) 乙太網路介面上傳送和接收的封包.
[2星][3m] [Py] lucadivit/pcap_features_extraction This program allow you to extract some features from pcap files.
[1星][2y] [C++] broadsword007/wolfpack Wolf Pack is a cross-platform network traffic analyzer built using Qt and Library PcapPlusPlus
[1星][2y] [C#] hidd3ncod3s/pcap2saz Converts HTTP flows in pcap file into SAZ file
[1星][11m] [Py] techathena/veritas pcap analyser that uses rest api for IP/URL reputation and also for obtaining URL's
[1星][8m] [C++] z4ziggy/esp8266_pcap_serial ESP8266 Sniffer sketch which outputs PCAP data via Serial.
[1星][8m] [C] z4ziggy/esp8266_pcap_uart ESP8266 Sniffer firmware which outputs PCAP data via UART.
[1星][6m] [Py] tylerp96/pcap-blaster General Purpose PCAP Fuzzer
[0星][1y] [C++] craiganv/sniffing_stuff Playing around with pcap, for capturing probe request packets mainly
[0星][1y] [Ruby] enukane/pcap80211analyzer not-so-smart 802.11 frame pcapng analyzer
[0星][6y] [Py] hughobrien/wlan-stats Tool chain using tshark to pull data from pcaps, further process them in python, and graph the output in R.
- [237星][2y] [Py] jullrich/pcap2curl 提取网络数据包中的HTTP 请求,转化为 cURL 指令,用于 replay
- [191星][6y] [Py] andrewf/pcap2har 将pcap文件转为HTTP归档文件
- [45星][5y] securitytube/pcap2xml 将802.11数据包跟踪转换为XML和SQLITE格式
- [1225星][4d] [C] the-tcpdump-group/libpcap the LIBpcap interface to various kernel packet capture mechanism
- [783星][1y] [JS] node-pcap/node_pcap libpcap bindings for node
- [508星][4d] [C] pmacct/pmacct pmacct is a small set of multi-purpose passive network monitoring tools [NetFlow IPFIX sFlow libpcap BGP BMP RPKI IGP Streaming Telemetry].
- [323星][6m] [HTML] helpsystems/pcapy Pcapy is a Python extension module that interfaces with the libpcap packet capture library.
- [213星][5m] [Py] pynetwork/pypcap python libpcap 模块
- [96星][9y] [Py] dugsong/pypcap libpcap的Python包装
- [67星][4y] [C] luigirizzo/netmap-libpcap Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/netmap-libpcap
- [48星][5y] [Py] allfro/pcappy A pure Python libpcap wrapper!
- [42星][6y] [Ruby] sophsec/ffi-pcap Ruby FFI bindings for libpcap.
- [19星][6d] [Crystal] maiha/pcap.cr Crystal bindings for libpcap
- [13星][10m] [C] c-bata/xpcap Cross-platform Packet Capture which supports Linux and macOS(BSD) in 1000 LOC without depending on libpcap.
- [8星][1y] [C] weaknetlabs/libpcap-80211-c 802.11 Libpcap and C
- [4星][11y] tadashi/wifi-monitor python, py_libpcap, handover
- [3星][9d] [Rust] jmmk/rustcap Rust wrapper for libpcap
- [2星][3y] [Py] killswitch-gui/nix-sniffer-examples Python ctypes libpcap examples
- [0星][3y] [C] h3pr5tq/get-rssi Linux utility for getting RSSI WiFi of APs to text file. Using Monitor mode, libpcap. Useful for experiments with WiFi (example, localization).
- [236星][4y] [C] softethervpn/win10pcap Windows 10 WinPcap (NDIS 6.x 驱动模式)
- [113星][4y] [C] wireshark/winpcap WinPcap数据包捕获库
- [51星][2y] [Py] orweis/winpcapy A Modern Python wrapper for WinPcap
- [33星][2y] [Batchfile] 3gstudent/winpcap_install Auto install WinPcap on Windows(command line)
- [10星][6m] [C] sageaxcess/pcap-ndis6 WinPCAP for NDIS 6.x
- [448星][3d] [C#] malwareinfosec/ekfiddle Fiddler Web调试器的框架,用于研究漏洞利用工具包、恶意广告和恶意流量
- 重复区段: 分析->工具->未分类 |
- [297星][1y] [JS] xxxily/fiddler-plus 自定义的Fiddler规则,多环境切换、解决跨域开发、快速调试线上代码必备|高效调试分析利器
- [81星][4y] [C#] david-risney/csp-fiddler-extension Content Security Policy rule collector extension for Fiddler
- [76星][2y] [C#] vahidn/process-proxifier Using FiddlerCore to add proxy settings to the Windows applications
- [46星][8m] [JS] radenvodka/pentol PENTOL - Pentester Toolkit for Fiddler2
- [24星][6y] [Py] emergingthreats/fiddler2pcap fiddler插件,输出到pcap
- [14星][8m] [C#] jprknight/exofiddlerextension The Exchange Online Fiddler Extension
- [2星][1y] [Go] progtramder/webproxy A fiddler-like webproxy, support sniffing http/https content by implementing 'Sniffer' interface
- 重复区段: 分析->工具->嗅探 |
- [6630星][5d] [Py] networkx/networkx 用于创建、操纵和研究复杂网络的结构,Python包
- [517星][2m] [C] libnet/libnet 创建和注入网络数据包
- [360星][3y] [C] rafael-santiago/pig Linux数据包创建工具
- [289星][6d] [C] troglobit/nemesis 网络数据包构造和注入的命令行工具
- [127星][1m] [C] cisco-talos/file2pcap 创建各种类型的数据包捕获文件,其中包含指定的任何文件的内容
- [15856星][] [C] curl/curl 命令行工具和库,使用URL语法传输数据,支持HTTP,HTTPS,FTP,FTPS,GOPHER,TFTP,SCP,SFTP,SMB,TELNET,DICT,LDAP,LDAPS,FILE,IMAP,SMTP,POP3,RTSP和RTMP。libcurl提供了许多强大的功能
- [4152星][1y] [JS] kdzwinel/betwixt 在浏览器外,使用熟悉的Chrome DevTools界面分析网络流量
- [2363星][2m] [Lua] snabbco/snabb 网络工具包,简单、快速
- [1211星][2y] [C] saminiir/level-ip Linux用户模式 TCP/IP 栈,使用 TUN/TAP 设备(操作系统内核中的虚拟网络设备)实现
- [821星][11d] [C] emmericp/ixy 简单用户空间数据包处理。控制网络适配器,并在用户空间中实现整个驱动程序
- [686星][5y] [C] antirez/hping 发送自定义的TCP / IP数据包并显示目标回复,类似ping ICMP回复
- [675星][22d] [Py] kbandla/dpkt 快速、简单的数据包创建/解析,带有基本TCP / IP协议的定义
- [612星][3y] [Py] omriher/captipper 分析、探索和恢复HTTP恶意流量,Python工具
- [511星][2y] [Py] sjvasquez/web-traffic-forecasting 在Kaggle主持的Web流量预测竞赛的解决方案
- [405星][13d] [HTML] thinkst/canarytokens 跟踪网络上的活动和动作
- [393星][3m] [Go] alphasoc/flightsim 生成恶意网络流量并评估控件的实用程序
- [386星][3y] [Py] sensepost/dns-shell 基于DNS的交互式Shell
- [333星][1y] [Ruby] packetfu/packetfu 数据包篡改工具。Ruby编写
- [304星][2y] [JS] kristian-lange/net-glimpse 网络流量(以太网和Internet)的实时可视化,以及通过WebSocket从网络接口Steaming header数据
- [267星][4m] [Py] fwkz/riposte 将应用程序包装在定制的交互式Shell中。Python包
- [259星][3m] [Go] sachaos/tcpterm 数据包可视化
- [227星][3y] [Py] praetorian-code/pyshell 简化基于Web的命令注入,尽可能地模拟交互式shell的感觉
- [206星][3y] [Py] countercept/doublepulsar-c2-traffic-decryptor 处理PCAP文件,解密发送到DOUBLEPULSAR implant的C2流量
- [134星][10m] [C] yadutaf/tracepkt 跟踪 Linux 系统 PING 数据包跨网络接口和命名空间的路线,支持 IPv4 及 IPv6
- [104星][2y] [Shell] joarleymoraes/net_guard 命令行工具, 利用 ARP 协议检测网络中的未知设备
- [53星][3y] [Py] wraith-wireless/pyric 无线接口控制器,Python编写
- [43星][2d] [Go] x-way/iptables-tracer 将跟踪点插入正在运行的配置中,以观察数据包通过iptables链的路径
- [31星][5m] [Py] mechpen/sockdump 使用bpf转储unix域套接字流量
- [21星][2y] [C] circl/pcapdj dispatch pcap files
- [20星][5y] [Py] mk-fg/nflog-zmq-pcap-pipe Tool to collect nflog and pipe it to a pcap stream/file over network (0mq) for real-time (or close to) analysis
- [17星][5m] stvemillertime/absolutely-positively-not-hacking-back-with-pcap Streaming Unexpected Network Byte Sequences with High Probability of Blue Screening or Otherwise Crashing Attacker Command-and-Control Nodes
- [15星][7m] [C] magisterquis/pcapknock Watches for trigger packets, runs commands or spawns a shell
- [15星][7y] [Py] opensecurityresearch/clipcaptcha A Tool for Impersonating CAPTCHA Providers
- [14星][2m] [OCaml] mirage/ocaml-pcap OCaml code for generating and analysing pcap (packet capture) files
- [13星][19d] [C++] fkie-cad/pcapfs A FUSE module to mount captured network data
- [11星][3y] [Perl] icgc-tcga-pancancer/pcap-core Legacy, see cancerit/PCAP-core: NGS reference implementations and helper code for the IGCG/TCGA Pan-Cancer Analysis Project
- [7星][6y] [JS] sparrowprince/webpcap A web-based packet analyzer (client/server architecture). Useful for analyzing distributed applications or embedded devices.
- [4星][6y] [C] hbock/libairpcap-nl Implementation of AirPcap library, targetting the NL80211 protocol.
- [3星][4y] [Py] reyammer/csawctf-quals-2015-pcapin
- [2937星][12m] [Shell] 91yun/serverspeeder 锐速破解版
- [13874星][10d] [JS] bannedbook/fanqiang 翻墙-科学上网
- [11682星][13d] getlantern/download Lantern官方版本下载 蓝灯 翻墙 科学上网 外网 加速器 梯子 路由
- [3960星][7d] hq450/fancyss_history_package 科学上网插件的离线安装包储存在这里
- [3121星][21d] [Shell] softwaredownload/openwrt-fanqiang 最好的路由器翻墙、科学上网教程—OpenWrt—shadowsocks
- [1261星][1y] [PHP] you2php/delete (迫于压力,本项目停止维护,请尽快fork代码。1月1日之后删除项目)[免翻墙工具]A free and open-source youtube video proxy script [Written in PHP]
- [982星][3y] [Py] dowsnature/dowsdns 快速翻跃中国防火墙
- [847星][3y] [C] examplecode/mproxy c 语言实现的一个最小的http代理,支持翻墙
- [504星][2m] hugetiny/awesome-vpn A curated list of awesome free VPNs and proxies.免费的代理,科学上网,翻墙,梯子大集合
- [360星][2y] udpsec/awesome-vpn 科学上网的有趣项目集锦,欢迎大家pr自己喜欢的项目到这里。
- [341星][13d] [Go] getlantern/lantern Lantern官方版本下载 蓝灯 翻墙 科学上网 外网 加速器 梯子 路由 lantern censorship-circumvention censorship gfw vpn accelerator
- [315星][7m] waylau/vpngate-mirrors Here are the newset VPN Gate web site’s mirrors .With the VPN Gate, you can get through your government's firewall to browse restricted websites.提供最新的访问 VPN Gate 镜像网站,通过使用 VPN 自由访问互联网(翻墙)!
- [266星][3y] waylau/free-vpn We Provide Newset Free VPN Service. PC, mobile phones and network appliances, no software installation. With the VPN Service,you can get through your government's firewall to browse restricted websites.提供最新的免费的 VPN 服务,通过使用 VPN 自由访问互联网(翻墙)!无论是PC端,移动端都无需安装客户端。
- [250星][17d] [HTML] gfw-breaker/open-proxy 一键部署被墙网站反向代理; 免翻墙访问被禁网站
- [132星][2y] sky8964/home 【墙外到墙内搬运工】郭文贵 推特党 兲朝浮世绘 小民之心 辛灏年 曹长青 袁红冰 旗袍 袁腾飞 翻墙 科学上网 | 搬运工 自由 民主 法治 宪政 人权 平等 视频 音频 文字版 在线 播放 下载 民运 维权 王岐山 孟建柱 孙力军 傅振华 江棉恒 江泽民 习近平 温家宝 王芳 董卿 杨澜 周小平 吴征 唐柏桥 e租宝 泛亚 共产党 赵家 盜国贼 内幕 黑暗 灾难 专政 上访 游行 暴乱 欺骗 谎言 腐败 通奸 权贵 马航 老兵 活摘 启蒙 墙外 墙内 防火墙 防火长城 功夫网 党文化 民阵 爆料 九评 杨建利 郭宝胜 昭明 反共 法轮功 自媒体 Youtube 油管 推特 Twitter 网盘 传播 关注 五毛 自干五 特务 红二代 红三代 官二代 土共 共匪
- [85星][2y] [Py] wanjunzh/ssct shadowsocks 包装器,用于持续绕过防火墙
- [59星][3y] [Go] jijinggang/golocproxy 轻量级超强反向代理软件,用go语言开发,通过公共可知的服务器端口代理,把局域网内任何主机的本地服务发布给局域网外的用户,可用来跨越各种防火墙。
- [58星][7m] [JS] yzyjim/shadowsocks-back-china-pac Shadowsocks翻墙回国PAC规则
- [57星][8d] zscdumin/vpn ShadowSocks 翻墙(收费服务器合租套餐:150元/年、50元/季度、20元/月,需要的可以联系我)
- [46星][1y] [Shell] witee/note-shadowsocks 公司网关使用 shadowsocks 搭建翻墙网络
- [45星][4y] [Py] cdhigh/forwarder 简单的HTTP请求转发服务器,配合KIndleEar翻入墙内或绕过部分网站对GAE的IP地址的封锁。灵感来自
- [41星][11m] [C++] guohaodongpu/huangyexingdong-bug 荒野行动辅助,透视穿墙。我把源码发出来,
- [40星][2y] [Java] jwnie/proxyservice 抓取网上公开代理,维护可供爬虫使用的IP池,区分墙内墙外、http/https/socks代理。
- [38星][4m] [Lua] wubonetcn/luawaf A secure and privately deployable web application firewall(WAF).一个安全、可私有部署的Web应用防火墙(WAF)。
- [32星][3y] archimboldimao/surgeconfig 这是我日常使用 Surge 配置 Shadowsocks 代理翻墙的文件。
- [30星][4y] comeforu2012/fq_faq 翻墙常见问题
- [27星][5m] [HTML] firewalltutor/firewalltutor.github.io fire wall tutor 自建梯子教程 Google 翻墙 科学上网 代理工具 一键安装
- [24星][1y] [PS] jiangxianli/googlehosttool 一键添加最新google hosts文件到本地hosts文件中,google 翻墙访问工具,适用windows、linux、mac
- [21星][2y] [Py] sirpsycho/firecall firecall: 直接向Cisco ASA防火墙发送命令, 无需登录防火墙后再做修改
- [14867星][2m] gfwlist/gfwlist gfwlist
- [5116星][3d] [ASP] hq450/fancyss fancyss is a project providing tools to across the GFW on asuswrt/merlin based router.
- [4922星][1y] [Go] yinghuocho/firefly-proxy A proxy software to help circumventing the Great Firewall.
- [3712星][] acl4ssr/acl4ssr SSR 去广告ACL规则/SS完整GFWList规则,Telegram频道订阅地址
- [3632星][3m] [C++] trojan-gfw/trojan An unidentifiable mechanism that helps you bypass GFW.
- [2781星][2y] [C] seclab-ucr/intang research project for circumventing the "TCP reset attack" from the Great Firewall of China (GFW) by disrupting/desynchronizing the TCP Control Block (TCB) on the censorship devices.
- [1852星][1y] [Py] jinnlynn/genpac PAC/Dnsmasq/Wingy file Generator, working with gfwlist, support custom rules.
- [1407星][8d] [Java] chinashiyu/gfw.press GFW.Press新一代军用级高强度加密抗干扰网络数据高速传输软件
- [1195星][7y] [Py] mothran/mongol A simple python tool to pinpoint the IP addresses of machines working for the Great Firewall of China.
- [626星][4y] [JS] n0wa11/gfw_whitelist A Pac File of the Whitelisted Websites for the Great Firewall of China (GFW)
- [613星][8m] [Shell] cokebar/gfwlist2dnsmasq A shell script which convert gfwlist into dnsmasq rules. Python version:
- [350星][22d] [Shell] fanyueciyuan/eazy-for-ss A Bypassgfw Collection
- [290星][3y] [Py] cokebar/gfwlist2dnsmasq_python Just another python script to auto-generate dnsmasq ipset rules using gfwlist. Shell script version:
- [269星][6m] [Shell] yangchuansheng/love-gfw
- [213星][1m] [Shell] zfl9/gfwlist2privoxy 将 gfwlist.txt(Adblock Plus 规则)转换为 privoxy.action
- [167星][13d] [Py] paloaltonetworks/ansible-pan Ansible modules for Palo Alto Networks NGFWs
- [148星][11m] [Shell] aturl/awesome-anti-gfw 突破网络审查和封锁的开源工具清单。
- [123星][7y] steamedfish/gfwiplist 可用于翻墙路由表的墙外IP列表
- [116星][2y] gfwlist/tinylist Tiny version of gfwlist, focusing on common websites ONLY
- [102星][12m] searking/ggfwzs_in_hack hack VIP for chrome-extension 谷歌访问助手
- [86星][22d] [Go] asche910/flynet A powerful TCP/UDP tool, which support socks5 proxy by tcp and udp, http proxy and NAT traversal. This tool can help you bypass gfw easily
- [79星][3m] comwrg/fuck-gfw 记录各个包管理器使用代理的方法, 因为GFW已经浪费了已经数不清的时间, FUCK GFW
- [55星][3m] [Java] arloor/httpproxy a netty-based http proxy that breaks the GFW。
- [30星][10m] smallstrong0/ss I spend many ways to break the GFW,and this is my destination.
- [28星][3y] iqiancheng/shadowsocks-awesome 一个实时更新的实用gfwlist清单。用于ss的PAC自动分流。
- [26星][2m] [HTML] trojan-tutor/trojan-tutor.github.io trojan 教程 自建梯子教程 trojan教程 trojan-gfw 科学上网 代理工具 翻墙 Ubuntu Debian 小白教程 https伪装
- [24星][13d] kylebing/sslist 优化访问速度的小型 gfw (Great Fire Wall) 规则列表 gfwlist
- [20星][t] [Py] natescarlet/gfwlist.acl
- [18星][5d] [JS] wri/gfw-mapbuilder Template for the GFW Map Builder that is available through ArcGIS Online, as a stand-alone web application, & a library to build custom Forest Atlas web applications
- [17星][6d] awesome-doge/breaking-gfw-book 整理所有的翻牆方法,持續更新....歡迎PR
- [15星][3m] [Shell] zfl9/gfwlist2dnsmasq 将 gfwlist.txt(Adblock Plus 规则)转换为 dnsmasq.conf
- [11星][1y] [C#] limiqs/litrojan Litrojan - Lite User Interface for Trojan, an unidentifiable mechanism that helps you bypass GFW.
- [11星][1y] [Shell] sutra/gfwlist2dnsmasq.awk Convert gfwlist into dnsmasq configuration file.
- [6星][5m] [Shell] jm33-m0/w411brk linux透明翻墙代理搭建 / some tools for gfw evasion
- [4星][2y] [Go] cn4/gfwlist2glider gfwlist to glider rule file
- [3星][2y] [Py] fpfeng/gfwlist2potatso transfer gfwlist to potatso rulesets
- [2星][8m] [JS] lifenjoiner/ezx-pac ez (Easylist) + x (gfwlist) pac (Proxy Auto-Config) file template and auto generating for IE/EDGE and firefox
- [1星][8m] [C++] guidovranken/gfwx-fuzzers
- [90星][1y] [Py] thelinuxchoice/anonymouse Python script to send anonymous email using anonymouse.org
- [36星][11m] [Shell] keeganjk/kali-anonymous
- [7星][2y] [HTML] surfer77/becominganonymous.com The Becoming Anonymous website, you are welcome to contribute!
- [5星][4y] [HTML] auth0-samples/auth0-anonymous-tracker A cross-site anonymous user tracker.
- [4星][6m] [Go] fentec-project/fe-anonymous-heatmap A demonstration of creating a location heatmap from encrypted data by using functional encryption.
- [3665星][21d] [Py] micahflee/onionshare Securely and anonymously send and receive files, and publish onion sites
- [2375星][18d] security-onion-solutions/security-onion Linux distro for intrusion detection, enterprise security monitoring, and log management
- [1731星][3y] [Go] s-rah/onionscan OnionScan is a free and open source tool for investigating the Dark Web.
- [1211星][t] [ObjC] onionbrowser/onionbrowser An open-source, privacy-enhancing web browser for iOS, utilizing the Tor anonymity network
- 重复区段: iOS->工具 |
- [930星][9m] [C#] lachesis/scallion 基于GPU的Onion Hash生成器
- [761星][7y] grugq/portal Personal Onion Router To Assure Liberty
- [560星][7y] [C] katmagic/shallot 为您的隐藏服务创建自定义的.onion地址
- [492星][1m] [Shell] trimstray/multitor Shell脚本, 创建多个Tor实例, 并使用HAProxy实现负载均衡
- 重复区段: 代理->工具->HAProxy |
- [436星][11d] [JS] ayms/node-tor Javascript implementation of the Tor (or Tor like) anonymizer project (The Onion Router)
- [424星][3m] [Py] nullhypothesis/exitmap A fast and modular scanner for Tor exit relays.
- [423星][3d] [Awk] alecmuffett/eotk Enterprise Onion Toolkit
- [419星][1y] [Go] kragniz/tor-controller Run Tor onion services on Kubernetes
- [416星][13d] [C] deeponion/deeponion-legacy Official Source Repo for DeepOnion - Anonymous Cryptocurrency on TOR Network (legacy)
- [385星][20d] [Py] maqp/tfc Tinfoil Chat - Onion-routed, endpoint secure messaging system
- [379星][9m] [Py] k4m4/onioff url检测器,深度检测网页链接
- [370星][4d] [Py] realgam3/pymultitor pymultitor:Python 多线程 Tor 脚本
- [369星][2m] [Py] micahflee/torbrowser-launcher Securely and easily download, verify, install, and launch Tor Browser in Linux
- [354星][4d] [Py] alecmuffett/real-world-onion-sites This is a list of substantial, commercial-or-social-good mainstream websites which provide onion services.
- [316星][2m] [Shell] brainfucksec/kalitorify 用于Kali的shell脚本,使用iptables创建通过Tor网络的透明代理。可以执行各种检查:检查Tor出口节点(即在Tor代理下时的公共IP),或者Tor已正确配置,可以检查服务和网络设置。
- [313星][2y] [Shell] milesrichardson/docker-onion-nmap 使用 nmap 扫描 Tor 隐藏网络的Docker 镜像。基于 alpine,使用proxychains 做 nmap 的包装
- [280星][6m] [Py] mthbernardes/rsg 多种方式生成反向Shell
- [279星][2y] [Py] dirtyfilthy/freshonions-torscraper Fresh Onions is an open source TOR spider / hidden service onion crawler hosted at zlal32teyptf4tvi.onion
- [268星][10m] [C++] wbenny/mini-tor 使用 MSCNG/CryptoAPI 实现的 Tor 协议
- [265星][9d] [Go] lightningnetwork/lightning-onion Onion Routed Micropayments for the Lightning Network
- [262星][2m] [C] basil00/torwall Tallow - Transparent Tor for Windows
- [254星][3y] [Haskell] galoisinc/haskell-tor A Haskell implementation of the Tor protocol.
- [251星][4y] [Py] whitepacket/zib-trojan The Open Tor Botnet (ZIB); Python-based forever-FUD IRC Trojan
- [245星][3y] [Py] donnchac/onionbalance OnionBalance provides load-balancing and redundancy for Tor hidden services
- [235星][2d] [C] ipsn/go-libtor Self-contained Tor from Go
- [223星][6m] [Py] ruped24/toriptables2 Tor Iptables script is an anonymizer that sets up iptables and tor to route all services and traffic including DNS through the Tor network.
- [220星][2y] [Py] vlall/darksearch query cached onion sites, irc chatrooms, various pdfs, game chats, blackhat forums etc
- [197星][3m] [Py] meejah/txtorcon Twisted-based asynchronous Tor control protocol implementation. Includes unit-tests, examples, state-tracking code and configuration abstraction.
- [196星][1m] [C] cathugger/mkp224o vanity address generator for tor onion v3 (ed25519) hidden services
- [161星][3y] [Shell] hiroshimanrise/anonym8 Sets Transparent proxy tunnel through Tor, I2P, Privoxy, Polipo and modify DNS; Include Anonymizing Relay Monitor (arm), macchanger and wipe (Cleans ram/cache & swap-space) features, ID spoofing has never been so easy.
- [147星][2y] [C] r-a-w/torproxy TorProxy is a tool which uses netfilter hooks in the linux kernel to route all network traffic through the Tor network
- [141星][2y] [Py] gumblex/ptproxy Turn any pluggable transport for Tor into an obfuscating TCP tunnel.
- [140星][27d] [Py] blueudp/deep-explorer Deep Explorer is a tool developed in python which purpose is the search of hidden services in tor network, using Ahmia Browser and crawling the links obtained
- [131星][2y] [Shell] coldhakca/tor-relay-bootstrap Script to bootstrap a Debian server to be a set-and-forget Tor relay
- [130星][1y] [Py] blacknbunny/mcreator 反向Shell生成器, 自带AV绕过技术
- [122星][2y] [Ruby] ehloonion/onionmx Onion delivery, so delicious
- [119星][2y] alecmuffett/the-onion-diaries Blog-type notes about building Onion sites
- [119星][28d] [C#] joelverhagen/torsharp Use Tor for your C# HTTP clients. Tor + Privoxy =
- [114星][12m] [C] opsxcq/docker-tor-hiddenservice-nginx Easily setup a hidden service inside the Tor network
- [114星][8y] [C++] moxie0/tortunnel A partial Onion Proxy implementation that's designed to build single-hop circuits through Tor exit nodes
- [109星][1m] [Py] t0thkr1s/revshellgen Reverse shell generator written in Python 3.
- [107星][2m] ajvb/awesome-tor A list of awesome Tor related projects, articles, papers, etc
- [104星][3m] [Ruby] dryruby/tor.rb Tor.rb is a Ruby library for interacting with the Tor anonymity network.
- [102星][7m] [HTML] ahmia/search Ahmia - Search Engine for onion services.
- [95星][11m] [Shell] antitree/private-tor-network Run an isolated instance of a tor network in Docker containers
- [95星][2y] guardianproject/tor-browser UPDATE: Orfox is being replaced by Tor Browser for Android. All future work and comments will be handled by Tor Project.
- 重复区段: Android->工具 |
- [94星][22d] [Go] lu4p/torat ToRat is a Remote Administation tool written in Go using Tor as a transport mechanism and RPC for communication
- [88星][9m] [Shell] jseidl/multi-tor Shellscript opens multiple TOR instances
- [80星][2m] [JS] garethflowers/tor-browser-portable Portable version of the Tor Browser, for Windows
- [79星][11m] [Makefile] onioniot/openwrt-packages Onion Packages Feed for OpenWRT
- [79星][3y] [C++] torps/torps The Tor Path Simulator
- [78星][6y] [Shell] breadtk/onion_pi Make a Raspberry Pi into a Anonymizing Tor Proxy!
- [78星][3y] [Go] cyphar/mkonion A simple way to create a Tor onion service for existing Docker containers.
- [76星][4y] [PHP] dunglas/php-torcontrol PHP TorControl, a library to control TOR
- [76星][3m] [Shell] edu4rdshl/tor-router A tool that allow you to make TOR your default gateway and send all internet connections under TOR (as transparent proxy) for increase privacy/anonymity without extra unnecessary code.
- [74星][4y] [Go] dlion/guesstor Bruteforces [.onion] domains
- [74星][20d] [JS] ralphwetzel/theonionbox Dashboard to monitor Tor node operations
- [72星][4y] david415/ansible-tor An Ansible role for using tor!
- [68星][8d] [Shell] brainfucksec/archtorify Transparent proxy through Tor for Arch Linux OS
- [66星][2m] [Java] lmax-exchange/disruptor-proxy Byte-code generator to create Disruptor-backed proxies
- [64星][7m] [ObjC] javerous/torchat-mac macOS native TorChat client
- [60星][5y] [Go] jgrahamc/torhoney Gets the list of TOR exit nodes and matches them with Project Honeypot data
- [60星][8m] [Py] viele/onionskinrenderer This is an Onion Skin Renderer for Autodesk Maya
- [57星][9m] [Go] openbazaar/go-onion-transport Tor onion transport for IPFS
- [57星][3m] [Py] gosecure/freshonions-torscraper Fresh Onions is an open source TOR spider / hidden service onion crawler
- [54星][2y] [Java] mirsamantajbakhsh/onionharvester A small TOR Onion Address harvester for checking if the address is available or not.
- [53星][2y] [Go] cmars/ormesh onion-routed mesh
- [53星][2y] [Py] inurlx/cloudkill3r CLOUDKiLL3R bypasses Cloudflare protection service via TOR Browser using crimeflare !
- [50星][4y] [C++] sri-csl/stegotorus A Camouflage Proxy for the Tor Anonymity System
- [50星][1y] [JS] lukechilds/onionite Explore the Tor network
- [49星][13d] [C] rahra/onioncat Official repository of OnionCat, the VPN adapter for Tor and I2P.
- [46星][6d] [Shell] security-onion-solutions/securityonion-saltstack
- [44星][6d] [JS] loki-project/loki-messenger Loki Messenger - Onion routing based messenger
- [43星][10m] [PHP] danwin/onion-link-list A set of scripts to list tor hidden services
- [43星][6m] [Shell] infosecn1nja/ycsm This is a quick script installation for resilient redirector using nginx reverse proxy and letsencrypt compatible with some popular Post-Ex Tools (Cobalt Strike, Empire, Metasploit, PoshC2).
- [43星][2y] [Py] mthbernardes/ipchecker Check if a IP is from tor or is a malicious proxy
- [38星][2y] [Java] adrianbzg/twitter-follow-exploit Automated Twitter mass account creation and follow using Selenium and Tor VPN
- [38星][5y] [Shell] jivoi/ansible-pentest-with-tor Use Tor for anonymous scanning with nmap
- [37星][1m] [Shell] security-onion-solutions/securityonion-elastic Security Onion Elastic Stack
- [36星][4y] [Java] onionmail/onionmail TOR Mail encrypted server for Hidden Services
- [36星][2m] [Shell] itshaadi/torbox Container-based Tor access point (Anonymizing Middlebox).
- [35星][5y] [Py] miserlou/onionchat Anonymous chat. No Javascript.
- [32星][5m] [Py] mikemeliz/torcrawl.py Crawl and extract (regular or onion) webpages through TOR network
- [31星][2y] [KiCad Layout] 5n44p/omega-dock-new A dock for Onion omega, omega2 and omega2+. It features: Microusb for power supply, USB host, Ethernet
- [31星][5y] [Py] glamrock/stormy Easy creation of Tor Hidden Services
- [31星][5y] [Shell] patrickod/docker-tor-hidden-services A simple way of exposing any docker container as a tor hidden service
- [30星][1m] [Shell] security-onion-solutions/securityonion-setup
- [29星][4y] [Makefile] radicallyopensecurity/netaidkit Standalone VPN/Tor WiFi router for journalists and activists
- 重复区段: VPN->工具 |
- [28星][3y] [Py] baltimorechad/pyonionscan Dark Web OSINT With Python and OnionScan
- [28星][5y] [C++] yawning/obfsclient A C++11 obfs2/3 Tor managed pluggable transport client
- [27星][3y] [Py] duk3luk3/onion-py Python wrapper for the OnionOO tor status API
- [27星][9m] [Go] nullhypothesis/sybilhunter Hunting for Sybils and anomalies in archived Tor network data.
- [27星][1m] [Shell] security-onion-solutions/securityonion-docker Docker files for Security Onion
- [25星][2y] [Py] absingh31/tor_spider Python project to crawl and scrap the lesser known deep web or one can say dark web. Just provide the onion link and get started.
- [24星][6m] [Py] bunseokbot/darklight Engine for collecting onion domains and crawling from webpage based on Tor network
- [24星][7m] [ObjC] mtigas/onionbrowser personal fork for testing and submitting diffs for review. you DEFINITELY want the OnionBrowser/OnionBrowser repo instead
- [24星][2y] [Shell] oniondecoy/installer A platform to run private unannounced Honeypots as Tor Hidden Services (aka Onion Decoys) inside the Tor Network.
- [23星][] [C++] deeponion/deeponion Official Source Repo for DeepOnion - Anonymous Cryptocurrency on TOR
- [22星][5m] [Java] guardianproject/jtorctl deprecated fork of Java Tor Control Library
- [22星][4y] [Go] jgrahamc/torexit Small program to read lists of Tor exit nodes and draw picture showing when they join/leave list
- [22星][2y] [Py] mdegrazia/onionpeeler Python script to batch query the Tor Relays and Bridges
- [21星][3y] [Go] rdkr/oniongen-go
- [21星][3y] [Go] shakenetwork/onionscan OnionScan暗网爬虫是一个免费的开源工具,用于调查黑网。 OnionScan is a free and open source tool for investigating the Dark Web
- [20星][11m] [Go] nogoegst/onionize create an onion site from a directory, file, zip or an HTTP(S) site
- [20星][5d] [Py] beardog108/onionr Private Decentralized Communication Network
- [19星][4m] [Go] mahrud/caddy-altonions Opportunistic Onions plugin for Caddy
- [18星][11m] [Go] ciehanski/onionbox Send and receive files securely through Tor.
- [18星][3y] [PS] defensivedepth/pertinax Integrating Sysinternals Autoruns’ logs into Security Onion
- [18星][2y] [Lua] nickcalyx/xmpp-onion-map A list of XMPP servers available as hidden services for use with the Prosody server and mod_onions
- [18星][2y] [Shell] norpol/opensshd-tor-easy-setup WIP: Quick and easy way to setup a tor .onion ssh service
- [17星][3y] [HTML] jonathan-reisdorf/node-onion-omega-oled-text Write text with big 16x16 font on the OLED expansion of the Onion Omega / Omega2
- [15星][3y] [Shell] ahmia/torbalancer TorBalancer is a load balancer that uses multiple Tor clients and reuses circuits to onion sites.
- [15星][2m] [CSS] dragonfruitnetwork/onionfruit OnionFruit Connect Downloads and Landing Pages
- [14星][4y] [Shell] juhanurmi/stealth-ssh Secure SSH server using onion service.
- [14星][2m] [Shell] security-onion-solutions/securityonion-nsmnow-admin-scripts
- [13星][2y] [Py] loomisloud/onion-crawler Tor website crawler (specific for Alphabay at the time)
- [12星][3y] [Java] miguelmarco/zcashpannel An android front-end to the zcash wallet through onion services
- [11星][1m] [JS] shesek/onionfile Simple file sharing over tor hidden services (v3)
- [11星][2y] [JS] lukechilds/onionoo-node-client Node.js client library for the Tor Onionoo API
- [9星][4y] [Go] onionscan/onionscan Scan Onion Services for Security Issues
- [8星][5m] [PHP] security-onion-solutions/securityonion-capme
- [8星][2y] [C++] gilmansharov/onionmalware Multi-layer malware
- [7星][2y] [Shell] security-onion-solutions/securityonion-elsa-extras
- [7星][16d] [Shell] security-onion-solutions/securityonion-sostat
- [6星][6y] [Perl] wwwiretap/bleeding_onions Script to find Exit and Guard nodes in the Tor Network, that are still suffering from CVE-2014-0160
- [5星][26d] [HTML] security-onion-solutions/securityonion-web-page
- [4星][1y] [Shell] ecrimelabs/securityonion-ecrimelabs Implementation of informaiton from MISP through the eCrimeLabs API and into SecurityOnion
- [4星][7m] [Py] irl/bushel A bushel of onions is 57 lbs
- [4星][9m] [Shell] mutedmouse/helk4so This repository is for integrating HELK capabilities into Security Onion instances. This will be an evolving extension to both products and as such this not contributed directly to either the HELK or SecurityOnion. Please both use at your own risk and enjoy.
- [4星][3y] [Shell] security-onion-solutions/securityonion-sguil-db-purge
- [4星][2y] [Py] whonix/control-port-filter-python [Deprecated in Whonix 14] - new project name -> /~https://github.com/Whonix/onion-grater
- [2星][3y] [C] epidemics-scepticism/all-the-onions Cryptographers hate him! Find every Tor hidden service address with this one weird trick!
- [2星][2y] [Py] mirsamantajbakhsh/onionharvester-server The web application for paralleling and distributing search operations among Onion Harvester clients.
- [1星][2y] [Py] meejah/txtorcon-documentation-builder A distributed application that re-builds txtorcon's onion-service hosted documentation
- [0星][2y] [TeX] alexxnica/onion-service-usability Research project about understanding how Tor users interact with onion services
- [1340星][3d] [C++] purplei2p/i2pd a full-featured C++ implementation of I2P client
- [548星][1y] [C++] monero-project/kovri kovri:I2P 匿名网络的 C++ 实现版
- [80星][7m] [Java] i2p/i2p.i2p-bote I2P-Bote is a serverless, encrypted e-mail application.
- [71星][19d] [Java] i2p/i2p.android.base I2P for Android
- [71星][2m] [JS] purplei2p/i2pdbrowser i2pd browser bundle
- [55星][6d] [Rust] str4d/ire I2P router implementation in Rust
- [42星][2m] mikalv/awesome-i2p A curated list of awesome I2P implementations, libraries, resources, projects, and shiny things. I2P is an anonymous overlay network - a network within a network. It is intended to protect communication from dragnet surveillance and monitoring by third parties such as ISPs.
- [28星][2y] [C] l-n-s/transmission-i2p Anonymous torrent client Transmission-I2P [UNMAINTAINED]
- [28星][5m] [JS] purplei2p/i2pd-tools Some useful tools for I2P
- [20星][1m] [C++] nonlinear-chaos-order-etc/i2pchat
- [12星][2m] [Py] str4d/txi2p I2P bindings for Twisted.
- [7589星][20d] [Go] snail007/goproxy Proxy是高性能全功能的http代理、https代理、socks5代理、内网穿透、内网穿透p2p、内网穿透代理、内网穿透反向代理、内网穿透服务器、Websocket代理、TCP代理、UDP代理、DNS代理、DNS加密代理,代理API认证,全能跨平台代理服务器。
- [4145星][5m] [Py] spiderclub/haipproxy
- [2457星][2d] [C#] netchx/netch 游戏加速器。支持:Socks5, Shadowsocks, ShadowsocksR, V2Ray 协议
- [2262星][3m] [Py] novnc/websockify Websockify is a WebSocket to TCP proxy/bridge. This allows a browser to connect to any application/server/service. Implementations in Python, C, Node.js and Ruby.
- [2153星][6y] [Ruby] plamoni/siriproxy A (tampering) proxy server for Apple's Siri
- [1613星][7m] [Go] sipt/shuttle A web proxy in Golang with amazing features.
- [1423星][18d] [C] z3apa3a/3proxy 微型免费代理服务器
- [1243星][2m] [Go] google/martian 用于构建自定义HTTP / S代理的库
- [1073星][6m] [C] tcurdt/iproxy Let's you connect your laptop to the iPhone to surf the web.
- [910星][7d] [JS] mellow-io/mellow Mellow is a rule-based global transparent proxy client for Windows, macOS and Linux.
- [777星][3y] [TS] uwnetworkslab/uproxy-p2p Internet without borders
- [739星][4d] [Py] abhinavsingh/proxy.py ⚡⚡⚡Fast, Lightweight, Pluggable, TLS interception capable proxy server focused on Network monitoring, controls & Application development, testing, debugging
- [700星][2m] [Go] dliv3/venom Venom - A Multi-hop Proxy for Penetration Testers
- [660星][3y] [Ruby] igrigorik/em-proxy EventMachine Proxy DSL for writing high-performance transparent / intercepting proxies in Ruby
- [590星][5d] clarketm/proxy-list A list of free, public, forward proxy servers. UPDATED DAILY!
- [556星][9y] [Ruby] mojombo/proxymachine A simple TCP routing proxy built on EventMachine that lets you configure the routing logic in Ruby.
- [477星][1y] [Go] yinqiwen/gsnova Private proxy solution & network troubleshooting tool.
- [429星][3d] [Py] stamparm/fetch-some-proxies Simple Python script for fetching "some" (usable) proxies
- [370星][2m] [Py] lyft/metadataproxy A proxy for AWS's metadata service that gives out scoped IAM credentials from STS
- [363星][2y] [Py] roglew/pappy-proxy An intercepting proxy for web application testing
- [341星][2y] [C++] usb-tools/usbproxy-legacy A proxy for USB devices, libUSB and gadgetFS - this project is unmaintained, try here:
- [305星][3m] [JS] bettercap/caplets 使用.cap脚本, 自动化bettercap的交互式会话
- [287星][5m] [Go] suyashkumar/ssl-proxy
- [285星][2y] evilsocket/bettercap-proxy-modules This repository contains some bettercap transparent proxy example modules.
- [281星][t] a2u/free-proxy-list
- [266星][5y] [C] mysql/mysql-proxy MySQL Proxy is a simple program that sits between your client and MySQL server(s) and that can monitor, analyze or transform their communication. Its flexibility allows for a wide variety of uses, including load balancing, failover, query analysis, query filtering and modification, and many more.
- [229星][4y] [Py] danmcinerney/elite-proxy-finder Finds public elite anonymity proxies and concurrently tests them
- [218星][9m] [Go] joncooperworks/judas a phishing proxy
- [218星][1y] [PHP] softius/php-cross-domain-proxy PHP Proxy for Cross Domain Requests
- [213星][3y] [C#] dxflatline/flatpipes A TCP proxy over named pipes. Originally created for maintaining a meterpreter session over 445 for less network alarms.
- [207星][2y] [Go] netxfly/xsec-proxy-scanner 速度超快、小巧的代理服务器扫描器
- [205星][3y] [Go] praetorian-code/trudy A transparent proxy that can modify and drop traffic for arbitrary TCP connections.
- [199星][3m] [Py] cisco-talos/decept Decept Network Protocol Proxy
- [194星][3y] [JS] mhils/honeyproxy This project is now part of
- [186星][13d] [Go] asciimoo/morty 去除恶意HTML标签和属性,去除外部资源引用以防止第三方信息泄露
- [185星][2m] [Java] sensepost/mallet Mallet is an intercepting proxy for arbitrary protocols
- [182星][3m] [C] cloudflare/mmproxy mmproxy, the magical PROXY protocol gateway
- [172星][2y] [Py] mdsecactivebreach/chameleon A tool for evading Proxy categorisation
- [167星][3y] [C] hugsy/proxenet The ONLY hacker friendly proxy for webapp pentests.
- [158星][2y] [Py] tintinweb/striptls proxy poc implementation of STARTTLS stripping attacks
- [157星][2m] [Py] nucypher/pyumbral NuCypher's reference implementation of Umbral (threshold proxy re-encryption) using OpenSSL and Cryptography.io
- [154星][4y] [C++] hiwincn/htran HTran is a connection bouncer, a kind of proxy server. A “listener” program is hacked stealthily onto an unsuspecting host anywhere on the Internet. When it receives signals from the actual target system, it redirects it to the hacker’s server.
- [143星][2y] [Ruby] nccgroup/binproxy BinProxy is a proxy for arbitrary TCP connections. You can define custom message formats using the BinData gem.
- [143星][3y] [Py] safebreach-labs/pacdoor Proof-of-concept JavaScript malware implemented as a Proxy Auto-Configuration (PAC) File
- [135星][9d] [C++] pichi-router/pichi Flexible Rule-Based Proxy
- [131星][3y] [Py] safebreach-labs/pyekaboo Proof-of-concept program that is able to to hijack/hook/proxy Python module(s) thanks to $PYTHONPATH variable
- [114星][7m] [C#] tyranid/canape.core A network proxy library written in C# for .NET Core based on CANAPE
- [111星][2m] [Py] ickerwx/tcpproxy Intercepting TCP proxy to modify raw TCP streams using modules on incoming or outgoing traffic
- [110星][6m] [Swift] tuluobo/leiter 一个基于 NEKit 的网络 Proxy App。
- [105星][6m] [Py] roglew/guppy-proxy 用于WebApp安全测试的拦截代理(intercepting proxy)
- [91星][4y] [Py] pdjstone/wsuspect-proxy Python tool to inject fake updates into unencrypted WSUS traffic
- [90星][3m] [C++] leoloobeek/comproxy PoC for proxying COM objects when hijacking
- [77星][5m] [Go] netxfly/x-proxy honeypot proxy
- [72星][6y] [C] jtripper/sslnuke Transparent proxy that decrypts SSL traffic and prints out IRC messages.
- [71星][2y] [JS] kureev/react-native-network-proxy Network debugger (logger) for React Native apps
- [62星][4m] [C] sonertari/sslproxy Transparent SSL/TLS proxy for decrypting and diverting network traffic to other programs, such as UTM services, for deep SSL inspection
- [62星][1m] [Lua] yelp/casper Yelp's internal caching proxy, powered by Nginx and OpenResty at its core
- [60星][8m] [JS] try-to/electron-proxy 基于electron开发的内网穿透工具,支持多系统,支持任意本地端口.
- [58星][3y] nidom/buff A proxy tool for macOS.
- [58星][7m] [JS] pownjs/pown-proxy Pown Proxy is a versatile web application security testing proxy with cool TUI features.
- [54星][1y] [Go] netflix-skunkworks/aws-metadata-proxy AWS Metadata Proxy for protection against SSRF
- [40星][5m] [Java] coveros/zap-sonar-plugin Integrates OWASP Zed Attack Proxy reports into SonarQube
- [27星][17d] [C] johndoe31415/ratched Ratched is a transparent Man-in-the-Middle TLS proxy intended for penetration testing
- [21星][6y] [Go] mikkolehtisalo/gssapi-proxy GSSAPI/Kerberos proxy
- [10星][4m] [JS] zaproxy/zap-api-nodejs
- [1526星][4d] [C] jiangwenyuan/nuster A high performance HTTP proxy cache server and RESTful NoSQL cache server based on HAProxy
- [547星][t] [Go] jcmoraisjr/haproxy-ingress HAProxy Ingress
- [492星][1m] [Shell] trimstray/multitor Shell脚本, 创建多个Tor实例, 并使用HAProxy实现负载均衡
- 重复区段: 匿名网络->工具->Tor |
- [473星][5d] [Py] aidaho12/haproxy-wi Web interface for managing Haproxy servers
- [279星][5y] [Go] hashicorp/consul-haproxy Consul HAProxy connector for real-time configuration
- [221星][3y] [Smarty] analytically/haproxy-ddos DDOS and attack resilient HAProxy configuration. To be used behind CloudFlare.
- [179星][3y] [Go] adohe/kube2haproxy High Availability HAProxy auto configuration and auto service discovery for Kubernetes.
- [161星][10m] [Go] armon/go-proxyproto Golang package to handle HAProxy Proxy Protocol
- [158星][2y] [Shell] anapsix/zabbix-haproxy HAProxy Zabbix Discovery and Template
- [121星][2y] [Py] teamhg-memex/aquarium Splash + HAProxy + Docker Compose
- [81星][11d] geerlingguy/ansible-role-haproxy Ansible Role - HAProxy
- [67星][14d] [Shell] dbezemer/rpm-haproxy HAproxy RPM spec and builds for CentOS 6/7
- [58星][16d] [Java] daggerok/streaming-file-server full-stack java file server with no limitation for files uploads and downloads: spring-boot + Gradle Kotlin DSL, Gradle buildSrc, postgres / h2, apache fileUpload, lombok, mustache, docker, jgiven, powermock, gradle, CI, bootstrap 4, bootstrap-filelinput, webjars, maven github-release-plugin, nginx, haproxy, reverse-proxy
- [36星][3y] [C] arodland/haproxy Experiment with haproxy
- [24星][1m] [Py] yelp/hacheck HAproxy healthcheck proxying service
- [20星][27d] [HTML] cloudfoundry-incubator/haproxy-boshrelease A BOSH release for haproxy (based on cf-release's haproxy job)
- [19星][19d] [Py] yelp/synapse-tools Tools for configuring synapse and reloading haproxy hitlessly
- [2503星][8m] [C++] chengr28/pcap_dnsproxy Pcap_DNSProxy, a local DNS server based on packet capturing
- [342星][9m] [Py] iphelix/dnschef DNS 代理,用于渗透测试和恶意代码分析
- [237星][12m] [Go] fardog/secureoperator A DNS-protocol proxy for DNS-over-HTTPS providers, such as Google and Cloudflare
- [203星][1m] [Rust] jedisct1/rust-doh A fast and secure DoH (DNS-over-HTTP) server proxy written in Rust.
- [171星][2y] [Go] arwmq9b6/dnsproxy 防 DNS 缓存污染,兼顾查询质量与速度
- [79星][2y] [Go] netxfly/xsec-dns-proxy xsec-dns-proxy:DNS代理服务器,可以将DNS请求代理到后端的DNS服务器中,在代理的过程中会将dns log写入到数据库中
- [26星][9m] [Py] byt3bl33d3r/dnschef DNSChef - DNS proxy for Penetration Testers and Malware Analysts
- [5164星][t] [Go] dnscrypt/dnscrypt-proxy 灵活的DNS代理,支持现代的加密DNS协议,例如:DNS protocols such as DNSCrypt v2, DNS-over-HTTPS and Anonymized DNSCrypt.
- [1433星][1m] [C#] bitbeans/simplednscrypt A simple management tool for dnscrypt-proxy
- [951星][7y] [C#] opendns/dnscrypt-win-client Windows front end for DNSCrypt Proxy
- [461星][9m] [C] cofyc/dnscrypt-wrapper This is dnscrypt wrapper (server-side dnscrypt proxy), which helps to add dnscrypt support to any name resolver.
- [356星][] [Shell] dnscrypt/dnscrypt-server-docker A Docker image for a non-censoring, non-logging, DNSSEC-capable, DNSCrypt-enabled DNS resolver
- [327星][4y] [JS] pwnsdx/randomdns improve the security, privacy and anonymity of DNSCrypt
- [315星][t] [Py] dnscrypt/dnscrypt-resolvers Lists of public DNSCrypt-enabled DNS resolvers
- [273星][9d] [Go] adguardteam/dnsproxy Simple DNS proxy with DoH, DoT, and DNSCrypt support
- [231星][2y] [Shell] simonclausen/dnscrypt-autoinstall Automatic installation and configuration of DNSCrypt (on Debian + Redhat like systems). This script will install DNSCrypt and configure it to start on boot and use an optional dnscrypt service.
- [162星][4m] [C] dyne/dnscrypt-proxy DNSCrypt-Proxy repository, frankly maintained for what it does (no new features planned)
- [94星][1y] [Shell] jedisct1/bitbar-dnscrypt-proxy-switcher BitBar plugin to control dnscrypt-proxy usage
- [60星][16d] dnscrypt/dnscrypt-protocol DNSCrypt protocol specification
- [57星][2y] oznu/docker-dns-ad-blocker A lightweight dnsmasq DNS server to block traffic to known ad servers with optional DNSCrypt support. Supports x86_64 and Raspberry Pi (armhf).
- [50星][2y] [Shell] jaybrown/dnscrypt-menu Manage DNSCrypt from the macOS menu bar (BitBar plugin)
- [26星][5d] [Vue] dnscrypt/dnscrypt-website DNSCrypt website
- [25星][2y] [C] dnscrypt/dnscrypt-plugin-geoip-block Block DNS queries according to the country they resolve to
- [12星][1y] [Py] jmcgrath207/dnscryptproxypitool DnsCrypt Proxy 2 for PiHole Raspberry Pi 3
- [10星][12m] alterstep/dnscrypt-osxclient Mac OSX application to control the DNSCrypt Proxy
- [1星][2y] [Shell] veerendra2/searx-with-dnscrypt Searx metadata search engine meets dnscrypt in Docker
- [7969星][4y] [Go] cyfdecyf/cow HTTP proxy written in Go. COW can automatically identify blocked sites and use parent proxies to access.
- [6202星][11d] [JS] avwo/whistle 基于Node实现的跨平台抓包调试代理工具(HTTP, HTTP2, HTTPS, Websocket)
- [1873星][1m] [C] tinyproxy/tinyproxy a light-weight HTTP/HTTPS proxy daemon for POSIX operating systems
- [787星][12d] [C#] justcoding121/titanium-web-proxy A cross-platform asynchronous HTTP(S) proxy server in C#.
- [514星][11m] [Erlang] heroku/vegur HTTP Proxy Library
- [355星][27d] [Go] quay/jwtproxy An HTTP-Proxy that adds AuthN through JWTs
- [231星][2m] [Ruby] zt2/sqli-hunter SQLi-Hunter is a simple HTTP proxy server and a SQLMAP API wrapper that makes digging SQLi easy.
- [218星][10m] [Go] justmao945/mallory HTTP/HTTPS proxy over SSH
- [133星][2y] [Py] qiyeboy/baseproxy 异步http/https代理,可拦截修改报文
- [120星][1y] [Go] cllunsford/aws-signing-proxy Golang http proxy to transparently sign requests to AWS endpoints
- [110星][2y] [PHP] walkor/php-http-proxy HTTP proxy written in PHP based on workerman.
- [102星][2y] [Go] sakeven/httpproxy 基于 Go 开发,支持 http/1.1 以上版本的 HTTP(S) 代理。(Why not try out Mika?)
- [32星][3y] [Go] mikegleasonjr/devproxy A local development http proxy with hosts spoofing written in Go
- [3057星][2m] [Go] gwuhaolin/lightsocks 轻量级网络混淆代理,基于 SOCKS5 协议,可用来代替 Shadowsocks
- [1943星][5m] [C] darkk/redsocks transparent TCP-to-proxy redirector
- [1740星][10m] [Py] constverum/proxybroker Proxy [Finder | Checker | Server]. HTTP(S) & SOCKS
- [1532星][3y] [Py] sensepost/regeorg The successor to reDuh, pwn a bastion webserver and create SOCKS proxies through the DMZ. Pivot and pwn.
- [939星][2y] [C++] securesocketfunneling/ssf 网络工具包:TCP 和 UDP 端口转发、SOCKS 代理、远程 shell,跨平台
- [852星][3m] [Py] anorov/pysocks A SOCKS proxy client and wrapper for Python.
- [794星][3y] [Go] armon/go-socks5 SOCKS5 server in Golang
- [558星][9m] [JS] blinksocks/blinksocks A framework for building composable proxy protocol stack.
- [469星][6m] [Go] dan-v/awslambdaproxy An AWS Lambda powered HTTP/SOCKS web proxy
- [461星][2y] missdeer/avege Yet Another Redsocks Golang Fork
- [441星][3y] [Py] ring04h/wyproxy proxying and recording HTTP/HTTPs/Socks5 proxy flow, save to MYSQL database.
- [425星][3m] [PS] p3nt4/invoke-socksproxy Socks proxy server using powershell. Supports local and reverse connections for pivoting.
- [338星][7m] [Py] fbkcs/thunderdns 使用DNS协议转发TCP流量. Python编写, 无需编译客户端, 支持socks5
- [293星][3y] [Py] n1nj4sec/pr0cks python script setting up a transparent proxy to forward all TCP and DNS traffic through a SOCKS / SOCKS5 or HTTP(CONNECT) proxy using iptables -j REDIRECT target
- [289星][1y] [C] dgoulet/torsocks Library to torify application - NOTE: upstream has been moved to
- [274星][9m] [C] rofl0r/microsocks tiny, portable SOCKS5 server with very moderate resource usage
- [265星][4y] [JS] mscdex/socksv5 SOCKS protocol version 5 server and client implementations for node.js
- [239星][3m] [JS] mattcg/socks5-http-client SOCKS v5 HTTP client implementation in JavaScript for Node.js.
- [239星][9m] [C] zhuhaow/tun2socks A tun2socks framework with Swift wrapper
- [233星][3y] [C#] thrdev/socks5 A full-fledged high-performance socks5 proxy server written in C#. Plugin support included.
- [221星][2y] [Go] gamexg/proxyclient golang 代理库,和net一致的API。支持 socks4、socks4a、socks5、http、https 等代理协议。
- [209星][3y] [Go] yinghuocho/gotun2socks A Golang implementation of tun2socks
- [206星][2y] [Py] linw1995/lightsocks-python
- [185星][3y] [Go] eahydra/socks socks -- a proxy server.
- [185星][3m] [JS] oyyd/http-proxy-to-socks hpts(http-proxy-to-socks) is a nodejs client to convert socks proxy into http proxy
- [184星][2y] 5loyd/xsocks This project closed.
- [174星][2y] [Java] fengyouchao/sockslib A Java library of SOCKS5 protocol including client and server
- [154星][6y] [C] defuse/sockstress Sockstress (TCP DoS) implementation.
- [154星][2m] [Rust] net-reflow/reflow Content-routable socks5 proxy switcher for your entire LAN.
- [137星][9m] [Go] snail007/shadowtunnel secure tunnel which help you protecting your tcp traffic between your machine and your service on remote.
- [134星][1m] [Go] fanpei91/gap-proxy gap-proxy 是一个加速网络的 SOCKS5 安全代理工具。
- [134星][1m] [Py] leeon123/cc-attack Using Socks4/5 proxy to make a multithread Http-flood/Https-flood (cc) attack.
- [131星][2y] [JS] oyyd/encryptsocks Encrypt your socks transmission.
- [120星][2y] [PHP] walkor/php-socks5 socks5 proxy written in PHP based on workerman.
- [105星][15d] [Dockerfile] peterdavehello/tor-socks-proxy
- [98星][1y] [Py] tonyseek/rsocks A SOCKS 4/5 reverse proxy server
- [95星][4m] [Go] grepplabs/kafka-proxy Proxy connections to Kafka cluster. Connect through SOCKS Proxy, HTTP Proxy or to cluster running in Kubernetes.
- [93星][2m] [C#] mihazupan/httptosocks5proxy C# Http to Socks5 proxy implementation
- [91星][2y] [C++] liulilittle/paperairplane 一个类似于Proxifier的SOCKS5代理工具
- [80星][1y] [Go] lzjluzijie/websocks A secure proxy based on WebSocket. 一个基于 WebSocket 的代理工具
- [79星][3y] [Go] ring04h/s5.go Socks5 proxy server by golang
- [72星][2y] [JS] chrisyer/lightsocks-nodejs It's a simple socks5 proxy tool which based on lightsocks
- [72星][2y] [Go] qax-a-team/ntlmsocks a pass-the-hash tool
- [66星][1y] [Py] lukebaggett/google_socks A proof of concept demonstrating the use of Google Drive for command and control.
- [60星][4y] shadowsocks/tun2socks-ios tun2socks as a library for iOS apps
- [56星][3m] [Shell] snail007/goproxy-heroku goproxy heroku 一键部署套装,把heroku变为免费的http(s)\socks5代理,搜索学习资料。
- [56星][3m] [C] heiher/hev-socks5-tproxy A simple, lightweight socks5 transparent proxy for Linux
- [52星][6d] [Rust] sorz/moproxy A transparent TCP to SOCKSv5/HTTP proxy on Linux written in Rust.
- [52星][5y] [Py] x0day/multiproxies penetration testing framework that can use socks4/socks5 proxy.
- [50星][5m] [JS] mattcg/socks5-client SOCKS v5 client socket implementation in JavaScript for Node.JS.
- [49星][2y] [Py] mrschyte/socksmon 使用 BURP 或 ZAP 的 TCP 拦截代理
- [48星][29d] [JS] znetstar/tor-router A SOCKS, HTTP and DNS proxy for distributing traffic across multiple instances of Tor
- [44星][4m] [Py] jaredlgillespie/proxyscrape Python library for retrieving free proxies (HTTP, HTTPS, SOCKS4, SOCKS5).
- [44星][4m] [C] wongsyrone/transocks-wong A redsocks-like transparent IPv4/IPv6 TCP-to-SOCKS5 redirector (for Linux only)
- [42星][2y] [Rust] alexcrichton/socks5-rs Implementation of a socks5 proxy server in Rust
- [42星][5m] [C++] lianglixin/sksocks SKSocks, for proxy, firewall penetration, data encryption and speeding up internet accessing.
- [42星][27d] [Py] pagekite/pysocksipychain Modified socks.py which supports chained proxies
- [41星][2y] 6r6/ssr-ml-docker ShadowsockR-Server docker container.
- [40星][9m] [Go] txthinking/socks5 SOCKS Protocol Version 5 Library in Go
- [40星][2y] [Py] zjx20/socks-cli A solution to make CLI commands use socks5 proxy.
- [39星][1y] [Dockerfile] elejke/docker-socks5 Docker для поднятия socks5 proxy сервера
- [39星][11m] [Py] keli/furion Socks5 + SSL Proxy
- [38星][4y] [Py] nonenotnull/regeorg The successor to reDuh, pwn a bastion webserver and create SOCKS proxies through the DMZ. Pivot and pwn.
- [38星][7y] [Java] ravn/jsocks Updates for
- [36星][9m] [Py] cyubuchen/free_proxy_website 获取免费socks/https/http代理的网站集合
- [34星][2m] [Shell] garywill/linux-router Set Linux as router in one command. Support Internet sharing, redsocks, Wifi hotspot, IPv6. Can also be used for routing VM/containers
- [33星][4y] [Py] pan0pt1c0n/python-sockstress SockStress DoS (Denial of Service) exploit written in Python |
- [33星][1y] [Py] skelsec/socksohttp Socks5 server over Websockets
- [32星][4m] [Shell] riftbit/docker-3proxy Smallest and Fastest Docker container for fast proxy setup based on 3proxy SOCKS5 proxy
- [32星][1y] [Rust] sfackler/rust-socks
- [32星][1y] [JS] blinksocks/blinksocks-gui A web based GUI wrapper for blinksocks.
- [31星][2y] [Go] brimstone/rsocks Tiny little reverse socks5 client & server
- [31星][11m] [Shell] s-o-t/telegram-3proxy-install Bash script to install socks5 proxy (3proxy) configured for telegram.
- [29星][4y] [Py] yinghuocho/ghttproxy a gevent based HTTP/HTTPS proxy with SOCKS5 forwarding.
- [29星][1m] [Java] snail007/goproxy-android snail007/goproxy全能代理服务器安卓版。高性能的http代理、https代理、socks5代理、ss代理、内网穿透、内网穿透p2p、内网穿透代理、内网穿透反向代理、内网穿透服务器、游戏盾、游戏高防、游戏代理,支持API代理认证。websocke代理、tcp代理、udp代理、socket代理、高仿服务器。支持正向代理、反向代理、透明代理、TCP内网穿透、UDP内网穿透、HTTP内网穿透、HTTPS内网穿透、https代理负载均衡、http代理负载均衡、socks5代理负载均衡、socket代理负载均衡、ss代理负载均衡、TCP/UDP端口映射、SSH中转、TLS加密传输、协议转换、防污染DNS代理,限速,限连接数。
- [28星][1y] [Ruby] igrigorik/em-socksify Transparent proxy support for any EventMachine protocol
- [28星][20d] snail007/goproxy-cn 高性能的http代理、https代理、socks5代理、ss代理、内网穿透、内网穿透p2p、内网穿透代理、内网穿透反向代理、内网穿透服务器、游戏盾、游戏高防、游戏代理,支持API代理认证。websocke代理、tcp代理、udp代理、socket代理、高仿服务器。支持正向代理、反向代理、透明代理、TCP内网穿透、UDP内网穿透、HTTP内网穿透、HTTPS内网穿透、https代理负载均衡、http代理负载均衡、socks5代理负载均衡、socket代理负载均衡、ss代理负载均衡、TCP/UDP端口映射、SSH中转、TLS加密传输、协议转换、防污染DNS代理,限速,限连接数。官方QQ交流群: 42805407。
- [24星][9m] [PHP] jsondeveloper/dante-gui Dante Server (SOCKS5 Proxy) Web Interface (Telegram ready)
- [24星][5y] [C] z3apa3a/3scan 3Scan is fast detector for open HTTP/CONNECT/SOCKS4/SOCKS5/FTP/TELNET proxy
- [22星][10m] [Go] extremecoders-re/go-dispatch-proxy SOCKS5 load balancing proxy developed in Go, combines multiple internet connections
- [22星][1y] [Go] ginuerzh/gosocks5 golang and SOCKS5
- [21星][2y] [JS] shangxinbo/cardinal A socks and http proxy by nodejs for you to over GWF
- [18星][6y] [Py] ln5/twisted-socks Adding client SOCKS support to Twisted.
- [15星][2y] [Java] kecon/jsocksproxy SOCKS proxy written in Java
- [13星][4y] jgamblin/tor Simple TOR Socks Proxy Container
- [10星][8m] [Go] hanxi/nps 一款轻量级、功能强大的内网穿透代理服务器。支持tcp、udp流量转发,支持内网http代理、内网socks5代理,同时支持snappy压缩、站点保护、加密传输、多路复用、header修改等。支持web图形化管理,集成多用户模式。
- [10星][3y] [Go] marcelki/sockstress Sockstress (CVE-2008-4609) DDoS implementation written in Go
- [8星][4y] [Py] jun7th/tsocks A reverse socks5 proxy server with ssl(一个Socks5代理服务器程序)
- [7星][2y] [C] qusic/skia Transparent SOCKS Redirector for iOS
- [6星][1y] stefanoj3/tordock Dockerized TOR socks5
- [5星][5y] [Py] rpicard/socksonsocks A tool to set a socket up for using a SOCKS proxy
- [5星][2y] [Shell] flavioaiello/redsocks Production ready transparent proxy for docker on corporate networks
- [3星][2y] [Py] pannzh/fsocks Yet another socks5 proxy to bypass firewall
- [2星][8y] [JS] markfisher/twitter-rabbit-socks-sample
- [1891星][4m] [C] shadowsocks/simple-obfs A simple obfuscating tool (Deprecated)
- [632星][4y] [CoffeeScript] shadowsocks/shadowsocks-chromeapp Chrome client for shadowsocks
- [574星][2y] [JS] shadowsocks-plus/shadowsocks-plus
- [530星][3y] [ObjC] herzmut/shadowsocks-ios Fork of shadowsocks/shadowsocks-iOS
- [523星][10m] [JS] mrluanma/shadowsocks-heroku shadowsocks over WebSocket, support Heroku.
- [502星][18d] [JS] shadowsocks/shadowsocks-org The official website of Project Shadowsocks.
- [371星][2y] [Java] zc-zh-001/shadowsocks-share 示例站点
- [311星][6y] [Py] shadowsocks/shadowdns A DNS forwarder using Shadowsocks as the server
- [229星][2y] [CoffeeScript] 521xueweihan/shadowsocks-heroku 本项目已删除
- [202星][2y] weilaihui/ss-net 共享shadowsocks主机
- [192星][4m] [Shell] unbinilium/twist A light script for you to setup shadowsocks-libev server with high-speed connections and newest powerful features
- [181星][8m] shadowsocks/papers List of papers related to shadowsocks
- [174星][4y] [Py] shadowsocks-backup/shadowsocks
- [127星][2d] [Py] v3aqb/fwlite A anti-censorship HTTP proxy with builtin shadowsocks support.
- [118星][1y] [JS] shadowsocks/shadowsocks-hub A web app managing shadowsocks users, servers, nodes, products, accounts, and traffic. Suitable for internal use by companies, organizations, and friends.
- [109星][4m] [Shell] immmx/ubnt-mips-shadowsocks-libev Cross complie shadowsocks for UBNT devices based on mipsel or mips64
- [106星][4y] liuchenx/surgeconfig surge app shadowsocks config
- [97星][4m] [Py] guyingbo/shadowproxy A proxy server that implements Socks5/Shadowsocks/Redirect/HTTP (tcp) and Shadowsocks/TProxy/Tunnel (udp) protocols.
- [93星][2m] [Py] gxfxyz/unblockchn Unblock CHN - Shadowsocks 回国解锁代理分流配置工具 (路由器 & Surge) - Unblock Youku 衍生工具
- [92星][2y] [Shell] henryho2006/rpiproxy Make a Raspberry PI as a proxy route, work with shadowsocks server, provide clean dns/proxy service
- [91星][5y] [JS] nihgwu/nevermore a shadowsocks client powered by node-webkit
- [88星][3y] [JS] lovetingyuan/fq fq应用,基于nodejs和shadowsocks
- [80星][7m] [PHP] shadowsocks/shadow-shop Building highly customizable e-commerce websites selling shadowsocks services, using Wordpress and WooCommerce
- [78星][9d] [Shell] acris/shadowsocks-asuswrt-merlin Shadowsock for Asuswrt-Merlin New Gen
- [75星][8m] [Py] huaisha1224/shadowsocks-client The ShadowSocks client is a support multiple server port and password
- [72星][22d] [Py] ehco1996/aioshadowsocks 用 asyncio 重写 shadowsocks ~
- [69星][6m] [JS] jiang-xuan/deepinss Deep in shadowsocks.
- [68星][2y] [Go] ihciah/inner-shadowsocks Shadowsocks -> socks5 on server. (Created for providing socks5 proxy for Telegram)
- [63星][5m] [Go] yryz/httpproxy 一个轻量级HTTP代理,支持shadowsocks服务,方便命令行、开发环境使用。
- [60星][9m] [JS] shadowsocks/shadowsocks-restful-api Secure, reliable, standard restful api for managing shadowsocks-libev
- [59星][1y] [Py] vonsdite/auto_shadowsocks Shadowsocks. 科学上网, 仅供学习。是免费的服务器,可能存在科学上网不稳定。
- [56星][1m] [Swift] chengluffy/shadowsocksfree Try Yourself.
- [52星][2y] [C] shadowsocks/libsscrypto Build libsscrypto.dll for shadowsocks-windows.
- [48星][17d] [TS] srar/socks2shadowsocks 单Socks5 转换 多Shadowsocks端口 流量统计 抓包分析 TypeScript
- [44星][4m] [HTML] mrluanma/shadowsocks-websocket-python shadowsocks over WebSocket, support Heroku.
- [40星][1y] [TS] icodesign/proxy-uri Helper to generate/parse Shadowsocks(R)/HTTP(S) URI
- [38星][4y] [C] taichisocks/shadowsocks Lightweight shadowsocks client for iOS and Mac OSX base on shadowsocks-libev
- [38星][3m] [Py] kamingchan/shadowsocks-munager Middleware of shadowsocks-libev and sspanel
- [36星][3y] [Go] davidqhr/socccks Socccks is a shadowsocks like separated socks5 proxy
- [35星][5y] plutochiou/shadowsocks-rss shadowsocks update rss
- [32星][5y] [Shell] duoduo369/oh-my-shadowsocks shadowsocks config on server, supervisor support
- [28星][2y] [Swift] jeanshuang/potatso 适配Xcode9.3 iOS11.3 Swift3.3编译通过。 (unmaintained) Potatso is an iOS client that implements Shadowsocks proxy with the leverage of NetworkExtension framework in iOS 9.
- [23星][5d] [Shell] samuelhbne/vpn-launchpad Builds Shadowsocks VPN server on AWS EC2 with QR code support. Works on Ubuntu, OSX and Debian variants including Raspbian.
- [21星][1y] [JS] shadowsocks/shadowsocks-hub-api A set of open and standard restful APIs for managing shadowsocks users, servers, nodes, products, accounts, and traffic.
- [21星][2y] [Py] sorz/ssmanager A python module managing large amount of running Shadowsocks server instances.
- [20星][2y] [JS] lersh/potatostream Shadowsocks like Proxy,Written by nodejs
- [19星][15d] windelight/superacl 适用于Shadowsocks各客户端软件和其RSS等衍生版本的访问控制规则
- [19星][2y] [Shell] cool2645/ssmu_install Shadowsocks-go manyuser auto installer
- [19星][1y] [Shell] necan/shadowsocks-libev-static-build 静态编译 shadowsocks-libev
- [18星][3m] [Py] elder-wu/ssserverdevicelimit 可以让Shadowsocks服务器限制某个端口的设备连接数,防止有人恶意分享ss账号
- [3星][2y] [Shell] altiplanogao/raspbian-ss Transparent proxy server (use shadowsocks & chinadns) on raspberry pi
- [304星][2y] [Shell] sirzdy/shadowsocks 与 ShadowSocks 有关的教程、文件等
- [45779星][5d] [C#] shadowsocks/shadowsocks-windows Shadowsocks的Windows客户端
- [32060星][4y] [Py] shadowsocks/shadowsocks shadowsocks原版
- [12738星][19d] [C] shadowsocks/shadowsocks-libev libev port of shadowsocks
- [7431星][2m] [C++] shadowsocks/shadowsocks-qt5 A cross-platform shadowsocks GUI client
- [6568星][6m] [Go] shadowsocks/shadowsocks-go go port of shadowsocks (Deprecated)
- [2793星][1m] [Makefile] shadowsocks/openwrt-shadowsocks Shadowsocks-libev for OpenWrt/LEDE
- [2025星][5y] [CoffeeScript] shadowsocks/shadowsocks-gui Shadowsocks GUI client
- [1928星][4y] [Py] ziggear/shadowsocks backup of /~https://github.com/shadowsocks/shadowsocks
- [1431星][7d] [Rust] shadowsocks/shadowsocks-rust A Rust port of shadowsocks
- [1334星][4y] mengskysama/shadowsocks A fast tunnel proxy that helps you bypass firewalls
- [1324星][2m] [C++] shadowsocks/libqtshadowsocks A lightweight and ultra-fast shadowsocks library written in C++14 with Qt framework
- [1225星][3y] [CoffeeScript] shadowsocks/shadowsocks-nodejs a node.js port of shadowsocks.
- [907星][1y] [Go] huacnlee/flora-kit 基于 shadowsocks-go 做的完善实现,完全兼容 Surge 的配置文件
- [866星][10m] [Shell] shadowsocks/luci-app-shadowsocks OpenWrt/LEDE LuCI for Shadowsocks-libev
- [846星][12m] [PHP] walkor/shadowsocks-php A php port of shadowsocks based on workerman. A socks5 proxy written in PHP.
- [454星][4y] clowwindy/shadowsocks-libev
- [425星][4m] [JS] lolimay/shadowsocks-deepin a powerful shadowsocks client for linux deepin.
- [421星][3y] [Py] mengskysama/shadowsocks-rm A fast tunnel proxy that helps you bypass firewalls
- [398星][1y] [Go] riobard/go-shadowsocks2 Experimental Shadowsocks in Go. Stable fork at
- [249星][5m] [Py] fsgmhoward/shadowsocks-py-mu A fast tunnel proxy server for multiple users
- [243星][4y] [Py] rockerflower/shadowsocks
- [210星][7y] haohaolee/shadowsocks-openwrt A package of shadowsocks for OpenWrt
- [195星][3y] [Py] falseen/shadowsocks-pyqt 一个用PyQt5实现的shadowsocks 客户端, 可以在 windows、linux、OSX 等平台上运行
- [192星][2m] [Java] tongxiji/shadowsocks-java shadowsocks server base on netty4 , tcp & udp full support,
- [185星][7y] [CoffeeScript] shadowsocks/shadowsocks-dotcloud a port of shadowsocks via websockets protocol, able to tunnel through HTTP proxy
- [167星][2y] [Rust] loggerhead/shadowsocks-rust Oh my implementation of Shadowsocks in Rust
- [155星][2m] [Go] ihciah/go-shadowsocks-magic A shadowsocks implementation in golang with Multi-connection Acceleration
- [150星][1y] [Java] zhangjiupeng/agentx Shadowsocks升级版,支持协议伪装和流量压缩,易于扩展,可统计流量
- [123星][3y] [JS] openmarshall/shortcutss This is a Mac Shadowsocks client equipped with global shortcuts to switch proxy mode !
- [88星][2y] [Go] dawei101/tongsheclient.shadowsocks-go-ui shadowsocks client for all desktop platform(mac osx/windows/linux) with golang
- [71星][2y] [HTML] onplus/shadowsocks-websocket-python shadowsocks over WebSocket, support Heroku.
- [58星][6y] [CoffeeScript] lupino/shadowsocks-gui Shadowsocks GUI client
- [45星][1y] [Shell] qiang-yu/shadowsocksvpn-openwrt Shadowsocks-libev-full for OpenWrt
- [44星][2y] [C#] tkyu/shadowsocks-csharp-mod Shadowsocks for Windows
- [38星][1y] [Elixir] paulzql/shadowsocks-ex elixir port of shadowsocks
- [33星][2y] [Perl] zhou0/shadowsocks-perl An asynchronous, non-blocking shadowsocks client and server written in Perl.
- [31星][3y] [Py] loggerhead/shadowsocks
- [31星][2y] [Makefile] xc2/shadowsocks-libev-tomato Pre-compiled shadowsocks-libev for TomatoUSB, Tomato Shibby, Toastman and Asuswrt Merlin.
- [29星][12m] [Java] bestoa/shadowsocks-vertx Java port of shadowsocks with vertx.
- [28星][2y] [C] zhou0/mysocks The cross-platform shadowsocks client and server with minimum dependencies.
- [24星][7m] [Swift] universonic/shadowsocks-macos Shadowsocks Client for Apple macOS
- [23星][4y] [Py] shadowsocksfork/shadowsocksfork A fork of shadowsocks 2.8.2
- [25815星][1m] [Swift] shadowsocks/shadowsocksx-ng Next Generation of ShadowsocksX
- [5822星][2y] qinyuhang/shadowsocksx-ng-r Next Generation of ShadowsocksX
- [700星][2y] yichengchen/shadowsocksx-r Next Generation of ShadowsocksX
- [141星][7m] [JS] wzdnzd/shadowsocksx-ng-r Shadowsocks Client for MacOS
- [108星][13d] [JS] paradiseduo/shadowsocksx-ng-r8 ShadowsocksX-NG-R for MacOS
- [68星][3y] [Py] yourtion/alfred_shadowsockscontroller ShadowsocksX controller for Alfred
- [5808星][2y] shadowsocksrr/shadowsocksr-android A ShadowsocksR client for Android
- [5076星][4y] [Py] shadowsocksr-backup/shadowsocksr Python port of ShadowsocksR
- [3940星][2y] [C#] shadowsocksr-backup/shadowsocksr-csharp shadowsocksr C#
- [3826星][5y] shadowsocksr-backup/shadowsocks-rss ShadowsocksR update rss, SSR organization
- [3420星][2y] shadowsocksrr/shadowsocks-rss ShadowsocksR update rss, SSR organization
- [2650星][2y] [Py] shadowsocksrr/shadowsocksr Python port of ShadowsocksR
- [1926星][16d] [C#] hmbsbige/shadowsocksr-windows ShadowsocksR for Windows
- [1176星][7m] ssrarchive/shadowsocks-rss Shadowsocksr project backup
- [1171星][6d] [C] shadowsocksr-live/shadowsocksr-native ShadowsocksR (SSR) native implementation for all platforms,
- [922星][1y] [Shell] ywb94/openwrt-ssr ShadowsocksR-libev for OpenWrt
- [701星][6m] [Py] mobier/shadowsocksr-speed SSR 批量测试节点有效带宽
- [665星][2y] shadowsocksr-backup/shadowsocksx-ng Next Generation of ShadowsocksX
- [628星][2y] [C] shadowsocksr-backup/shadowsocksr-libev libev port of ShadowsocksR
- [478星][2y] [Py] ssrarchive/shadowsocksr Python port of ShadowsocksR
- [412星][2y] zyfworks/ssr-backup ShadowsocksR backups
- [405星][2y] [Makefile] bettermanbao/openwrt-shadowsocksr-libev-full ShadowsocksR-libev-full for OpenWrt
- [368星][2y] [Py] shadowsocksr-rm/shadowsocksr Python port of ShadowsocksR
- [346星][13d] [Py] qwj/python-proxy HTTP/Socks4/Socks5/Shadowsocks/ShadowsocksR/SSH/Redirect/Pf TCP/UDP asynchronous tunnel proxy implemented in Python 3 asyncio.
- [344星][1m] [Py] leitbogioro/ssr.go A new shadowsocksR config manager
- [319星][5y] shadowsocksr-rm/shadowsocks-rss ShadowsocksR update rss, SSR organization
- [238星][4m] [Swift] shadowsocksr-live/ishadowsocksr ShadowsocksR for iOS, come from
- [213星][2y] [C#] azure99/shadowsocksrcsm SSRC#魔改版,修复原版链接并进行人性化修改
- [212星][2y] [Py] woosoftware/shadowsocksr-origin Python port of ShadowsocksR
- [209星][2y] [Go] sun8911879/shadowsocksr ShadowsocksR(SSR) for Go library
- [190星][10m] [JS] noahziheng/ssr-helper A CLI helper of ShadowsocksR Python
- [187星][2m] [ObjC] shadowsocksr-live/ssrmac ShadowsocksR (SSR) client for macOS
- [179星][2y] [Shell] malaohu/ssr-with-net-speeder Shadowsocksr with net speeder
- [105星][10m] [Py] ehco1996/shadowsocksr-deprecated ssr mod version for django-sspanel
- [100星][20d] [Makefile] honwen/openwrt-shadowsocksr ShadowsocksR-libev for OpenWrt/LEDE
- [90星][7m] [Shell] honwen/luci-app-shadowsocksr OpenWrt/LEDE LuCI for ShadowsocksR-libev
- [82星][1y] [JS] toyodadoubi/ssrstatus Shadowsocks/ShadowsocksR 账号在线监控
- [61星][2y] [C#] kuoruan/shadowsocksr-csharp ShadowsocksR for Windows
- [55星][7m] [Py] shadowsocksr-live/shadowsocksr
- [50星][2m] [Dockerfile] winterssy/ssr-docker 使用Docker部署ShadowsocksR服务端
- [31星][2y] shadowsocksrr/shadowsocksx-ng Next Generation of ShadowsocksX
- [30星][5m] starriv/docker-ss use the docker to run shadowsocksr
- [27星][2y] [Makefile] shadowsocksr-rm/openwrt-shadowsocksr ShadowsocksR-libev for OpenWrt/LEDE
- [25星][2y] shadowsocksr-rm/shadowsocksx-ng Next Generation of ShadowsocksX
- [14星][5d] [C] shadowsocksr-live/ssrwin ShadowsocksR (SSR) client for Windows
- [13星][2y] [TS] kokororin/nssr Node.js client for ShadowsocksR
- [5654星][1m] [Roff] max2max/freess 免费ss账号 免费shadowsocks账号 免费v2ray账号 (长期更新)
- [2437星][2m] [Py] the0demiurge/shadowsocksshare 从ss(r)共享网站爬虫获取共享ss(r)账号,通过解析并校验账号连通性,重新分发账号并生成订阅链接
- [475星][1y] itrump/ssfree provide shadowsocks free tutorial and free account
- [133星][2y] [Py] chenjiandongx/soksaccounts Shadowsocks 账号爬虫
- [749星][7m] [Go] cbeuw/goquiet A Shadowsocks obfuscation plugin utilising domain fronting to evade deep packet inspection
- [53星][2y] [HTML] jm33-m0/gfw_scripts added shadowsocks plugin for gee 4
- [36星][1m] [Java] xausky/shadowsocksgostplugin Gost 的 Shadowsocks 安卓插件,可以直接在 Shadowsocks 安卓客户端上连接 Gost 服务器
- [81星][2y] [JS] chxj1992/shadowsocks-manager-docker 这是一个基于 shadowsocks-manager webui 插件开发的shadowsocks账号售卖网站的Docker镜像
- [65星][9m] [Dockerfile] hangim/kcp-shadowsocks-docker A docker image for shadowsocks server with KCPTUN support
- [28星][21d] [Shell] yaleh/kcp-shadowsocks-server Docker image of a server with KCP tunnel and Shadowsocks.
- [24星][4y] xgfan/ss-relay shadowsocks relay docker
- [22星][12m] [Shell] cogset/shadowsocks Shadowsocks in Docker
- [21星][1m] [Dockerfile] secbone/docker-ss-libev A mini docker image of Shadowsocks-libev only 15M in size
- [21星][1y] [Dockerfile] alibo/goquiet-shadowsocks-docker A Docker image for Shadowsocks over GoQuiet
- [7207星][7m] [Shell] teddysun/shadowsocks_install Auto Install Shadowsocks Server for CentOS/Debian/Ubuntu
- [4246星][2y] imeiji/shadowsocks_install Auto install shadowsocks server,thanks 秋水逸冰
- [3860星][5d] [JS] shadowsocks/shadowsocks-manager A shadowsocks manager tool for multi user and traffic control.
- [1660星][4d] [Py] ehco1996/django-sspanel 用diango开发的全新的shadowsocks网络面板
- [858星][2y] [CoffeeScript] onplus/shadowsocks-heroku 一键部署 Free Shadowsocks-Heroku
- [843星][3y] [Shell] hellofwy/ss-bash Shadowsocks流量管理脚本
- [481星][3y] [JS] vincentchanx/shadowsocks-over-websocket 免费使用 Heroku 部署 shadowsocks
- [207星][2m] [Py] edboffical/bsp shadowsocks多用户、流量、限时管理接口
- [179星][4y] [JS] gamexg/shadowsocks_admin 一个 shadowsocks 服务器多账号管理系统,后端使用 shadowsocks-go 。支持多节点、流量限制等功能。
- [136星][2y] [Shell] junbaor/shell_script 一键安装 shadowsocks,支持 chacha20-ietf-poly1305 加密方式
- [107星][1y] [Py] lizhongnian/btpanel-ss 基于宝塔Linux面板的shadowsocks可视化管理插件,本人博客,欢迎大家指导
- [54星][1y] [PHP] ahref-group/superpanel A new shadowsocks panel based on ThinkPHP
- [42星][2y] [Py] liang2580/btpanel-ss 基于宝塔Linux面板的shadowsocks可视化管理插件
- [40星][8d] [HTML] zkeeer/shadowsocks-manager shadowsocks多用户管理,可视化管理,轻量级,一键安装shadowsocks和ssadmin,控制端口流量/速度,查看端口状态,修改ss配置
- [28星][3m] [Shell] hybtoy/ssrrmu ShadowsocksRR (shadowsocksr/ssr) multi-user and single-user install script
- [28星][3y] [Shell] rccoder/awesome-shadowsocks-qt5-installation-on-debian Installation Script For shadowsocks-Qt5 on Debian
- [28星][2m] [Shell] idkiro/ssmgr-install shadowsocks-manager 前端+后端+魔改BBR一键部署脚本
- [21星][3y] [C#] shadowsocks-plus/shadowsocks-plus-win An installer for SSPlus local proxy on Windows
- [1198星][2m] jadagates/shadowsocksbio 记录一下SS的前世今生,以及一个简单的教程总结
- [949星][3m] zhaoweih/shadowsocks-tutorial SS教程
- [19408星][1y] alvin9999/new-pac 科学/自由上网,免费ss/ssr/v2ray/goflyway账号,搭建教程
- [5067星][13d] [Swift] yanue/v2rayu V2rayU,基于v2ray核心的mac版客户端,用于科学上网,使用swift编写,支持vmess,shadowsocks,socks5等服务协议,支持订阅, 支持二维码,剪贴板导入,手动配置,二维码分享等
- [1789星][25d] selierlin/share-ssr-v2ray 解决科学上网问题
- [1450星][12d] [Go] xiaoming2028/free-pac 科学上网/梯子/自由上网/翻墙 SS/SSR/V2Ray/Brook 搭建教程
- [1350星][1y] kirikira/vtemplate v2ray的模板们
- [1188星][4d] [Go] shadowsocks/v2ray-plugin A SIP003 plugin based on v2ray
- [983星][22d] [HTML] sprov065/v2-ui 支持多协议多用户的 v2ray 面板,Support multi-protocol multi-user v2ray panel
- [911星][4m] [Kotlin] eycorsican/kitsunebi-android A fully-featured V2Ray client for Android.
- [835星][1m] [Shell] zfl9/ss-tproxy SS/SSR/V2Ray/Socks5 透明代理 for Linux
- [662星][2m] [Shell] toutyrater/v2ray-guide
- [619星][6d] ntkernel/lantern V2Ray配置文件,蓝灯(Lantern)破解,手机版+win版
- [616星][23d] [C++] lhy0403/qv2ray v2ray linux Windows macOS GUI, 使用 Qt & c++, 支持 vmess ss socks,支持 vmess:// 扫描二维码,路由编辑
- [460星][2y] [Kotlin] v2ray-android/actinium A 3rd party V2Ray client for Android
- [454星][28d] [Py] jiangxufeng/v2rayl v2ray linux GUI客户端,支持订阅、vemss、ss等协议,自动更新订阅、检查版本更新
- [421星][1y] [Py] veekxt/v2ray-template v2ray 模板,v2ray 配置生成工具
- [369星][3m] [Dockerfile] onplus/v2hero All Free . Deploy V2Ray to Heroku . v2ray学习参考
- [346星][1y] [Shell] dylanbai8/onekey_caddy_php7_sqlite3 小内存 VPS 一键搭建 Caddy+PHP7+Sqlite3 环境 (支持VPS最小内存64M),一键翻墙 caddy+web(php+sqlite3)+v2ray+bbr。
- [314星][3m] [Shell] zw963/asuswrt-merlin-transparent-proxy transparent proxy base on ss, v2ray, ipset, iptables, chinadns on asuswrt merlin.
- [283星][29d] [Dockerfile] pengchujin/v2raydocker 一键v2ray ws + tls 方便就完事了
- [254星][3m] [Shell] sprov065/sprov-ui 一个支持多协议多用户的v2ray Web面板
- [246星][1y] [Shell] dylanbai8/v2ray_h2-tls_website_onekey V2RAY 基于 CADDY 的 VMESS+H2+TLS+Website(Use Host)+Rinetd BBR 一键安装脚本
- [203星][21d] [Lua] kuoruan/luci-app-v2ray LuCI support for V2Ray
- [165星][2y] [Shell] moexin/easy-v2ray 简单的V2ray一键配置包,小白也能简单上手。
- [165星][4d] [JS] paperseller/chn-iplist Chnroutes rules for routers、Shadowrocket、Quantumult、Kitsunebi、acl、BifrostV、v2rayNG、clash、pac、v2ray config file.
- [154星][10m] [Shell] v2ray/dist Mirror of V2Ray core releases
- [132星][9m] [JS] htfy96/v2ray-config-gen V2Ray Configuration generator
- [129星][2y] [C#] v2ray/v2ray-panel-master Deprecated
- [112星][6m] v2rayv3/v2ray-sspanel-v3-mod_uim-plugin
- [98星][1m] [Go] ne1llee/v2ray2clash V2ray、SSR subscribe convert to Clash、QuantumultX
- [96星][5d] [Go] colettecontreras/v2ray-poseidon A buildin V2ray plugin for SSRPanel to sync users from database to v2ray, to log traffics/system info
- [86星][9m] [Py] npist/v2rayms v2ray whmcs 多用户后端
- [79星][2y] nanqinlang-mogic/v2ray template with websocket+tls+nginx of v2ray
- [77星][2m] [Py] boypt/vmess2json Scripts parse vmess:// links into v2ray config json and vice versa.
- [58星][3y] v2ray/planning Deprecated. Please use v2ray-core for feature requests
- [57星][10m] [Vue] pengchujin/subscribevue ss ssr v2ray 订阅管理 vue前端界面
- [57星][10m] [TS] pengchujin/onesubscribe ss ssr v2ray 订阅管理 node 后端
- [56星][2y] [Kotlin] v2ray/v2rayng This project is currently discontinued. Please use this code with care and considering adopt it.
- [52星][2m] [Shell] mwz1tn/free-v2ray 免费v2ray分享,V2ray安装使用教程,墙裂的购买使用教程
- [48星][2y] [Shell] danielfree/asus-v2ray-transparent-proxy transparent proxy with v2ray, iptables, ipset 无线路由器 v2ray 透明代理
- [46星][2y] [Go] onplus/v2ray-sitedat
- [42星][9d] [Go] mzz2017/v2raya V2RayA是一个支持全局透明代理的V2Ray Linux GUI客户端。
- [41星][1y] [Py] v2ray/v2ray-shell_alpha A GUI for V2Ray-core, written in PyQt5
- [38星][3m] [C++] aliyuchang33/hv2ray A linux GUI tool for v2ray base on QT.
- [33星][2y] [C#] mili-tan/mv2rayconfig
- [32星][3m] [Shell] lbp0200/v2ray-vultr 在vultr上,在线自动部署v2ray
- [31星][2m] [Shell] masssmith/smgate 用树莓派做v2ray透明翻墙网关
- [31星][1y] [Shell] wongsyrone/openwrt-v2ray v2ray package example for OpenWrt/LEDE
- [31星][2m] xuxiaodong/v2ray-for-ansible V2Ray for Ansible
- [27星][2y] [JS] kafuuchinoq/v2raygeokit
- [26星][6m] [Batchfile] dylanbai8/c2ray C2ray 一款windows下的极简 V2ray 客户端
- [25星][2y] [C#] zjyl1994/v2switcher 极简V2Ray配置切换器,拯救多线用户
- [24星][24d] [JS] josephpei/uv2ray Electron V2ray Client (mostly for Linux)
- [22星][1y] [Shell] sparkness/v2ray-tls-docker easy to use v2ray tls server
- [20星][1y] [Shell] kyonli/asuswrt-v2ray Transparent proxy based on V2Ray
- [19星][2m] [Go] ehco1996/v2scar sidecar for V2ray
- [19星][5d] [Shell] mack-a/v2ray-agent 本项目旨在更好的学习新知识,采用CDN+TLS+Nginx+v2ray进行伪装并突破防火墙。
- [16星][2y] [Ruby] kofj/homebrew-v2ray Homebrew tap for v2ray core.
- [25531星][14d] [Go] v2ray/v2ray-core A platform for building proxies to bypass network restrictions.
- [1636星][5m] [CSS] functionclub/v2ray.fun 正在开发的全新 V2ray.Fun
- [1344星][10m] [C#] cenmrev/v2rayw GUI for v2ray-core on Windows
- [418星][21d] [Makefile] kuoruan/openwrt-v2ray V2Ray for OpenWrt
- [259星][2y] [C#] v2ray/v2rayn A Windows GUI client for V2Ray.
- [214星][2m] [Ruby] v2ray/homebrew-v2ray The homebrew tap for v2ray-core.
- [207星][2y] [C#] shinlor/v2rays 一个V2Ray的Windows客户端
- [160星][14d] [HTML] v2ray/v2ray.github.io V2Ray Portal
- [84星][2m] [ObjC] gssdromen/v2rayc a GUI for v2ray on Mac
- [2993星][3m] [Dockerfile] thinkdevelop/free-ss-ssr SS账号、SSR账号、V2Ray账号
- [8564星][7m] [Shell] 233boy/v2ray 最好用的 V2Ray 一键安装脚本 & 管理脚本
- [2844星][16d] [Py] jrohy/multi-v2ray v2ray easy delpoy & manage tool, support multiple user & protocol manage
- [2160星][26d] [Shell] wulabing/v2ray_ws-tls_bash_onekey V2Ray Nginx+vmess+ws+tls/ http2 over tls 一键安装脚本
- [5659星][2m] [C] rofl0r/proxychains-ng proxychains ng (new generation) - a preloader which hooks calls to sockets in dynamically linked programs and redirects it through one or more socks/http proxies. continuation of the unmaintained proxychains project. the sf.net page is currently not updated, use releases from github release page instead.
- [2402星][11m] [C] haad/proxychains a tool that forces any TCP connection made by any given application to follow through proxy like TOR or any other SOCKS4, SOCKS5 or HTTP(S) proxy. Supported auth-types: "user/pass" for SOCKS4/5, "basic" for HTTP.
- [15星][1m] [Ruby] thesecondsun/proxadd A tool that adds proxy entries to Proxychains config
- [20221星][5d] [Shell] streisandeffect/streisand Streisand sets up a new server running your choice of WireGuard, OpenConnect, OpenSSH, OpenVPN, Shadowsocks, sslh, Stunnel, or a Tor bridge. It also generates custom instructions for all of these services. At the end of the run you are given an HTML file with instructions that can be shared with friends, family members, and fellow activists.
- [3413星][] [Smarty] anankke/sspanel-uim 专为 Shadowsocks / ShadowsocksR / V2Ray 设计的多用户管理面板
- [3248星][11d] [TS] jigsaw-code/outline-server 在DigitalOcean上创建和管理Outline服务器
- [824星][2y] [PHP] zhufaner/shadowsocks-manage-system 科学上网管理系统
- [344星][7d] [Shell] loyess/shell Shadowsocks-libev with plugins one-click installation. For example: v2ray-plugin, kcptun, simple-obfs, goquiet, cloak...
- [85星][1y] [Py] justsoos/ss-ssr-v2ray-gadget merge, deduplicate, backup, convert and online benchmark tools set for shadowsocks/shadowsocksR, v2ray. by python3
- [57星][3m] [Shell] hirbodbehnam/shadowsocks-cloak-installer A one-key script to setup Cloak plugin with Shadowsocks on your server
- [51星][1m] [C] ixzzving/ssr-vpn Shadowsocks & ShadowsocksR & V2Ray & V2RayNG & VNET/酸酸乳节点及客户端
- [41星][1y] [Py] ccapton/brook-ok brook程序服务端配置程序,一键搭建brook / Shadowsocks / Socks5服务用于科学上网
- [36星][] fqshare/free-ssr-v2ray-vpn ssr/酸酸乳/v2ray/shadowsocks节点/vpn/机场搬运分享
- [32星][11m] [TS] xfoxfu/clover Shadowsocks and v2ray User Interface
- [8335星][1m] [Py] jhao104/proxy_pool Python爬虫代理IP池
- [3656星][2y] [Py] qiyeboy/ipproxypool IPProxyPool代理池项目,提供代理ip
- [1545星][2y] [Py] awolfly9/ipproxytool 使用 scrapy 爬虫抓取代理网站,获取大量的免费代理 ip。过滤出所有可用的 ip,存入数据库以备使用
- [853星][4d] [Go] henson/proxypool Golang实现的IP代理池
- [562星][1y] [Py] fate0/getproxy 是一个抓取发放代理网站,获取 http/https 代理的程序
- [305星][2y] [Py] wisedoge/proxypool 跨语言IP代理池,Python实现。
- [284星][9m] [Py] chenjiandongx/async-proxy-pool 异步爬虫代理池,以 Python asyncio 为基础,旨在充分利用 Python 的异步性能。
- [160星][7m] [JS] tidesec/proxy_pool 一个小巧的代理ip抓取+评估+存储+展示的一体化的工具,包括了web展示和接口。
- [137星][4m] [Py] derekhe/proxypool 高质量免费代理池——每日1w+代理资源滚动更新
- [123星][2y] [Py] lujqme/proxy_pool IP代理池
- [116星][5y] [Py] h01/proxyscanner python HTTP代理扫描
- [106星][4y] [Py] mapleray/proxy_pool python 代理池
- [95星][3m] [Py] cwjokaka/ok_ip_proxy_pool 一个还ok的IP代理池
- [63星][10m] [Py] xnffdd/proxypool 自建免费IP代理池。
- [38星][1y] [Py] leeyis/ip_proxy_pool 动态生成爬虫,使用scrapy从互联网抓取并检查免费IP
- [38星][2m] [Py] yaleimeng/free_proxy_pool 对免费代理IP网站进行爬取,收集汇总为自己的代理池。关键是验证代理的有效性、匿名性、去重复
- [963星][1y] [JS] fabienvauchelles/scrapoxy Scrapoxy将您的爬虫隐藏在云后面。启动代理池来发送网络请求
- [302星][5m] [Py] rootviii/proxy_requests Python类,使用爬取的代理发送http GET / POST请求
- [11294星][3d] [Go] xtaci/kcptun A Stable & Secure Tunnel based on KCP with N:M multiplexing and FEC. Available for ARM, MIPS, 386 and AMD64
- [2391星][12d] [Java] mock-server/mockserver MockServer enables easy mocking of any system you integrate with via HTTP or HTTPS with clients written in Java, JavaScript and Ruby. MockServer also includes a proxy that introspects all proxied traffic including encrypted SSL traffic and supports Port Forwarding, Web Proxying (i.e. HTTP proxy), HTTPS Tunneling Proxying (using HTTP CONNECT) and…
- [1624星][9m] [JS] localtunnel/server server for localtunnel.me
- [968星][19d] [HTML] darksecdevelopers/hiddeneye Modern Phishing Tool With Advanced Functionality And Multiple Tunnelling Services [ Android-Support-Available ]
- [321星][3y] [JS] mamboleoo/infinitetubes A tunnel experiment in WebGL inspired by the effect seen on
- [308星][2y] [JS] arno0x/dnsexfiltrator Data exfiltration over DNS request covert channel
- [296星][4y] samyk/proxygambit Anonymize and fracture network traffic/Internet access over a point-to-point wireless link or through TCP->GSM->wifi tunnel (advanced resurrection of ProxyHam)
- [257星][2y] [Ruby] bcoles/ssrf_proxy SSRF Proxy facilitates tunneling HTTP communications through servers vulnerable to Server-Side Request Forgery.
- [211星][9m] [Go] cloudflare/cloudflare-ingress-controller A Kubernetes ingress controller for Cloudflare's Argo Tunnels
- [174星][3y] [C#] gangzhuo/kcptun-gui-windows 隧道工具kcptun的GUI
- [121星][3y] [PS] arno0x/dnsdelivery DNSDelivery provides delivery and in memory execution of shellcode or .Net assembly using DNS requests delivery channel.
- [98星][1m] [Go] ls0f/cracker tunnel over http[s]
- [90星][2m] [JS] beameio/beame-sdk HTTPS Server without a public/static IP. TLS Tunnels with decentralized credentials.
- [57星][4m] [Go] flynaj/kcptun A Secure Tunnel Based On KCP with N:M Multiplexing
- [41星][2y] [JS] arno0x/reflectivednsexfiltrator Data exfiltration using reflective DNS resolution covert channel
- [38星][2y] [Visual Basic .NET] arno0x/webdavdelivery A WebDAV PROPFIND covert channel to deliver payloads
- [25星][8y] [C] 50m30n3/dsptunnel IP over audio tunnel
- [25星][2y] [Py] dsnezhkov/octohook Git Web Hook Tunnel for C2
- [19星][13d] [Java] cronn-de/ssh-proxy Pure Java implementation for SSH port tunneling that understands ProxyJump and ProxyCommand
- [17星][10m] [Go] bitnami-labs/udig public-key addressed TCP tunnel broker
- [17星][1m] [Go] rocket049/powerchat linux / windows 加密聊天,分享文件,分享内容(markdown或html),TCP加密隧道
- [15星][2y] [Go] liljebergxyz/tnnlink Simple HTTP tunnel using SSH remote port forwarding
- [14星][1y] [Go] bleenco/vex reverse HTTP proxy tunnel via secure SSH connections.
- [14星][5d] [Assembly] sopium/titun Simple, fast, and cross-platform IP tunnel written in Rust. WireGuard compatible.
- [13星][3y] [Ruby] lnussbaum/tuns IP over DNS tunnel
- [13星][1y] [Go] llkat/rsockstun reverse socks tunneler with ntlm and proxy support
- [12星][2y] [C] massar/sixxsd sixxsd - The SixXS Daemon - IPv6 Tunnel & Routing Engine
- [12星][3m] [Go] movsb/taosocks A smart tunnel proxy that helps you bypass firewalls.
- [11星][30d] [Go] potato-industries/gohide tunnel port to port traffic over an obfuscated channel with AES-GCM encryption.
- [8星][1y] [Shell] raffaelespazzoli/openshift-sdn-encrypted-tunnel
- [6星][3y] [Py] lockout/tun64 IPv6 transition tunnel-based mechanism information exfiltration tool
- [6星][4y] [Py] shadejinx/tunviz DNS Tunnel Detection
- [6星][4y] [Lua] takeshixx/ip-https-tools Tools for the IP over HTTPS (IP-HTTPS) Tunneling Protocol
- [2星][1y] [Py] ciscose/ngrok-spark-startup-helper Helps with ngrok tunnel management when developing Cisco WebEx Teams Bots
- [1星][2y] [Py] 0x00-0x00/proxypwn ProxyPwn is a scanner and tunneler for open proxies.
- [1星][4m] [Ruby] simp/pupmod-simp-stunnel The SIMP stunnel Puppet Module
- [17711星][4y] [Go] inconshreveable/ngrok 反向代理,在公网终端和本地服务之间创建安全的隧道
- [9561星][5d] [Go] cnlh/nps 一款轻量级、功能强大的内网穿透代理服务器。支持tcp、udp流量转发,支持内网http代理、内网socks5代理,同时支持snappy压缩、站点保护、加密传输、多路复用、header修改等。支持web图形化管理,集成多用户模式。
- [4896星][11m] [Go] bitly/oauth2_proxy 反向代理,静态文件服务器,提供Providers(Google/Github)认证
- [3647星][2m] [Java] ffay/lanproxy 将局域网个人电脑、服务器代理到公网的内网穿透工具,支持tcp流量转发,可支持任何tcp上层协议(访问内网网站、本地支付接口调试、ssh访问、远程桌面...)
- [2599星][11d] [C++] fanout/pushpin 使用C ++编写的反向代理服务器,可以轻松实现WebSocket,HTTP流和HTTP长轮询服务
- [2562星][1m] [Go] drk1wi/modlishka 一个强大而灵活的HTTP反向代理
- [1894星][1y] [Py] aploium/zmirror 一个Python反向HTTP代理程序, 用于快速、简单地创建别的网站的镜像, 自带本地文件缓存、CDN支持
- [1190星][5d] [Go] pusher/oauth2_proxy 提供与Google,Github或其他提供商进行身份验证的反向代理。
- [986星][1m] [JS] lukechilds/reverse-shell 容易记忆的反向shell,可在大多数类Unix系统上使用
- [821星][7y] [C] inquisb/icmpsh 一个简单的反向ICMP Shell,兼容Win32 slave和POSIX,C、Perl、Python
- [783星][t] [C#] damianh/proxykit 创建以代码优先的HTTP反向代理,作为中间件托管在ASP.NET Core中
- [665星][5m] [Py] aploium/shootback 反向TCP隧道,访问NAT或防火墙后面的目标
- [471星][1m] [JS] siujoeng-lau/workers-proxy 一个轻量级的Javascript应用程序,从其他服务器检索资源
- [388星][2y] [Py] mricon/rev-proxy-grapher 生成反向代理流程graphviz图
- [388星][1y] [Go] mwitkow/grpc-proxy 一个Go反向代理,以最小的开销对gRPC调用,支持丰富路由
- [365星][4y] [Py] ahhh/reverse_dns_shell 使用DNS作为c2通道的python反向shell
- [346星][3y] [Py] nccgroup/abptts 使用Python客户端脚本和Web应用程序服务器页面/程序包,通过HTTP / HTTPS连接,将TCP通信通过隧道,传输到Web应用程序服务器
- [331星][5m] [Go] sysdream/hershell Go 语言编写的反向 Shell
- [287星][1y] [Py] klsecservices/rpivot 通过Socks4将网络流量隧道到内部网络
- [285星][3y] [Go] longxboy/lunnel 简单易用的内网NAT穿越、反向代理软件
- [255星][5m] [Go] lesnuages/hershell 用Go编写的简单TCP反向Shell
- [251星][5m] [Shell] thesecondsun/revssl 自动生成OpenSSL反向shell的简单脚本
- [224星][1y] [Go] koding/websocketproxy WebSocket reverse proxy handler for Go
- [189星][3y] [Nginx] awslabs/ecs-nginx-reverse-proxy Reference architecture for deploying Nginx on ECS, both as a basic static resource server, and as a reverse proxy in front of a dynamic application server.
- [175星][2m] [Shell] duy13/vddos-protection Welcome to vDDoS, a HTTP(S) DDoS Protection Reverse Proxy. Thank you for using!
- [157星][3y] [Ruby] waterlink/rack-reverse-proxy A Reverse Proxy for Rack
- [146星][2m] [Py] chrispetrou/hrshell HRShell is an HTTPS/HTTP reverse shell built with flask. It is an advanced C2 server with many features & capabilities.
- [143星][1y] [Shell] adi90x/rancher-active-proxy All in one active reverse proxy for Rancher !
- [136星][24d] [PS] antoniococo/conptyshell ConPtyShell - Fully Interactive Reverse Shell for Windows
- [128星][3m] grrrdog/weird_proxies Reverse proxies cheatsheet
- [124星][4m] [Go] stalkr/dns-reverse-proxy DNS Reverse Proxy
- [118星][3y] [PHP] dhayalanb/windows-php-reverse-shell Simple php reverse shell implemented using binary .
- [113星][17d] [Java] mkopylec/charon-spring-boot-starter Reverse proxy implementation in form of a Spring Boot starter.
- [107星][3d] [Go] jetstack/kube-oidc-proxy Reverse proxy to authenticate to managed Kubernetes API servers via OIDC.
- [105星][4y] [Shell] cornerpirate/socat-shell Socat can be used to establish a reverse shell with bash tab completion and full shell functionality
- [104星][2y] [Ruby] axsuul/rails-reverse-proxy A reverse proxy for Ruby on Rails
- [100星][1y] [Go] bechurch/reverse-proxy-demo
- [83星][2y] [Go] asciimoo/filtron 反向HTTP代码
- [73星][7m] [Go] audibleblink/letsproxy Quickly fetch Let's Encrypt certs and serve a reverse proxy
- [60星][4y] [Py] dotcppfile/serbot Advanced Controller/Server/Client Reverse Shell/Bot – Windows/Linux – Python
- [53星][3y] [Shell] mempodippy/snodew PHP root (suid) reverse shell
- [49星][14d] [Elixir] tallarium/reverse_proxy_plug
- [45星][8m] [Dockerfile] jmg87/redteam-k8spwn Reverse shell container for k8s deployments
- [44星][12m] [C#] andychiare/netcore2-reverse-proxy An example of how to implement a reverse proxy in .NET Core 2
- [42星][4m] [Py] 4n4nk3/tinkerershell A simple python reverse shell written just for fun.
- [42星][2y] [Shell] taherio/redi Automated script for setting up CobaltStrike redirectors (nginx reverse proxy, letsencrypt)
- [40星][9m] [C#] azure/reverse-proxy-dotnet Reverse Proxy agent
- [39星][2y] [Go] googlecloudplatform/stackdriver-reverse-proxy Simple HTTP proxy to automatically traces the incoming requests
- [38星][4y] [Assembly] sh3llc0d3r1337/windows_reverse_shell_1 Windows Reverse Shell shellcode
- [34星][1y] [JS] franciscoknebel/nginx-reverseproxy A simple implementation of a multidomain nginx reverse proxy, using Node apps.
- [33星][7m] flyfishsec/rsgen An Universal Reverse Shell Command Genrator.
- [29星][4y] [PS] ahhh/wifi_trojans A collection of wireless based bind and reverse connect shells for penetration testers to use in demonstrating persistence to a network via rouge access points.
- [27星][10m] [Rust] felipenoris/hyper-reverse-proxy A simple reverse proxy for use with Hyper and Tokio
- [23星][2y] [C] p4p1/p4p1 Reverse shell for remote administration
- [22星][4d] [TS] cedx/reverse-proxy.js Personal reverse proxy server supporting WebSockets.
- [5星][7m] [PS] audibleblink/gorsh A Golang Reverse Shell w/ a Tmux-driven psuedo-C2 Interface
- [4690星][4d] [Go] ginuerzh/gost GO语言实现的安全隧道
- [3465星][5m] [Go] jpillora/chisel 基于HTTP的快速 TCP 隧道
- [3359星][5m] [C++] wangyu-/udp2raw-tunnel udp 打洞。通过raw socket给UDP包加上TCP或ICMP header,进而绕过UDP屏蔽或QoS,或在UDP不稳定的环境下提升稳定性
- [3227星][4m] [C] yarrick/iodine 通过DNS服务器传输(tunnel)IPV4数据
- [2862星][9m] [C++] wangyu-/udpspeeder A Tunnel which Improves your Network Quality on a High-latency Lossy Link by using Forward Error Correction,for All Traffics(TCP/UDP/ICMP)
- [2509星][3y] [C] dhavalkapil/icmptunnel Transparently tunnel your IP traffic through ICMP echo and reply packets.
- [2180星][2m] [Go] mmatczuk/go-http-tunnel Fast and secure tunnels over HTTP/2
- [1826星][6m] [C++] iagox86/dnscat2 在 DNS 协议上创建加密的 C&C channel
- [1741星][2y] [Go] vzex/dog-tunnel p2p tunnel,(udp mode work with kcp,
- [1480星][6y] [C] alibaba/lvs A distribution of Linux Virtual Server with some advanced features. It introduces a new packet forwarding method - FULLNAT other than NAT/Tunneling/DirectRouting, and defense mechanism against synflooding attack - SYNPROXY.
- [1345星][2m] [Go] davrodpin/mole cli app to create ssh tunnels
- [1192星][3y] [Roff] matiasinsaurralde/facebook-tunnel Tunneling Internet traffic over Facebook chat.
- [928星][1m] [Go] square/ghostunnel A simple SSL/TLS proxy with mutual authentication for securing non-TLS services
- [809星][4m] [Py] secforce/tunna Tunna is a set of tools which will wrap and tunnel any TCP communication over HTTP. It can be used to bypass network restrictions in fully firewalled environments.
- [682星][15d] [JS] sadeghhayeri/greentunnel Green Tunnel is an anti-censorship utility designed to bypass DPI system that are put in place by various ISPs to block access to certain websites.
- [626星][6d] [Go] antoniomika/sish An open source serveo/ngrok alternative. HTTP(S)/WS(S)/TCP Tunnels to localhost using only SSH.
- [621星][5m] [JS] derhuerst/tcp-over-websockets Tunnel TCP through WebSockets.
- [601星][3d] [Go] cloudflare/cloudflared Argo Tunnel client
- [596星][19d] [Py] trustedsec/trevorc2 通过正常的可浏览的网站隐藏 C&C 指令的客户端/服务器模型,因为时间间隔不同,检测变得更加困难,并且获取主机数据时不会使用 POST 请求
- [592星][3m] [Py] pahaz/sshtunnel SSH tunnels to remote server.
- [560星][1y] [Go] cw1997/natbypass 内网穿透,端口转发工具
- [486星][5d] [Go] psiphon-labs/psiphon-tunnel-core Psiphon client and server components implemented in Go. These components provides core tunnel functionality, handling all aspects of evading blocking and relaying traffic through Psiphon.
- [465星][3y] [Py] trustedsec/meterssh MeterSSH is a way to take shellcode, inject it into memory then tunnel whatever port you want to over SSH to mask any type of communications as a normal SSH connection. The way it works is by injecting shellcode into memory, then wrapping a port spawned (meterpeter in this case) by the shellcode over SSH back to the attackers machine. Then conne…
- [403星][10m] [Go] evilsocket/shellz shellz is a small utility to track and control your ssh, telnet, web and custom shells and tunnels.
- [401星][3m] [C] liudf0716/xkcptun xkcptun is kcp tunnel for OpenWRT&LEDE, implemented in c language
- [385星][1y] [Ruby] aphyr/tund SSH reverse tunnel daemon
- [375星][3y] [Go] q3k/crowbar Tunnel TCP over a plain HTTP session (warning: mediocre Go code)
- [357星][1y] [C] emptymonkey/revsh A reverse shell with terminal support, data tunneling, and advanced pivoting capabilities.
- [334星][10m] [JS] mhzed/wstunnel tunnel over websocket
- [327星][3y] [JS] qgy18/pangolin A light weight http tunnels to localhost.
- [327星][18d] [C#] tmoonlight/nsmartproxy 内网穿透工具。采用.NET CORE的全异步模式打造
- [326星][2m] [C] xelerance/xl2tpd an implementation of the Layer 2 Tunnelling Protocol (RFC 2661)
- [317星][3y] [C++] pipesocks/pipesocks A pipe-like SOCKS5 tunnel system.
- [303星][9m] [C++] wangyu-/udp2raw-multiplatform multi-platform(cross-platform) version of udp2raw-tunnel, which supports Windows/Mac/BSD natively
- [298星][9m] [C] basil00/reqrypt HTTP 请求 tunneling 工具
- [266星][14d] [Py] earthquake/xfltreat XFLTReaT tunnelling framework
- [265星][4m] [Go] skx/tunneller Allow internal services, running on localhost, to be accessed over the internet..
- [249星][3y] [C] jamesbarlow/icmptunnel Tunnel IP over ICMP.
- [244星][10m] [C] pegasuslab/ghosttunnel GhostTunnel is a covert backdoor transmission method that can be used in an isolated environment.
- [233星][2y] [C] larsbrinkhoff/httptunnel Bidirectional data stream tunnelled in HTTP requests.
- [210星][12m] [Go] ooclab/otunnel peer-to-peer tunnel tool
- [197星][18d] [Go] esrrhs/pingtunnel a tool that advertises tcp/udp/sock5 traffic as icmp traffic for forwarding.流量转发工具.
- [191星][3y] [Go] koding/tunnel Tunnel proxy package in Go
- [179星][6m] [C#] nettitude/sharpsocks Tunnellable HTTP/HTTPS socks4a proxy written in C# and deployable via PowerShell
- [170星][1y] [C#] eaglexiang/eagle.tunnel.dotnet.core 稳定易用的代理工具
- [170星][4d] [ObjC] subito-it/sbtuitesttunnel Enable network mocks and more in UI Tests
- [169星][9m] [Go] mimah/gomet Multi-platform agent written in Golang. TCP forwarding, socks5, tunneling, pivoting, shell, download, exec
- [166星][3y] [Haskell] corsis/portfusion 跨平台传输层分布式反向/正向代理和隧道解决方案
- [153星][4y] [Go] inconshreveable/go-tunnel [DEPRECATED] Tunnel to localhost as a library
- [132星][14d] [Go] inlets/inletsctl Fast HTTP (L7) and TCP (L4) tunnels written in Go
- [129星][1y] [Py] deepzec/grok-backdoor Simple python backdoor with Ngrok tunnel support
- [119星][12m] [CSS] rootkiter/earthworm Tool for tunnel
- [118星][12m] [Shell] patpadgett/corkscrew Corkscrew is a tool for tunneling SSH through HTTP proxies.
- [117星][4y] [Go] tutumcloud/ngrok Introspected tunnels to localhost
- [115星][3m] [Go] eaglexiang/eagle.tunnel.go 稳定的代理工具,比.NET版本更轻量和易用
- [115星][3m] [PS] jcqsteven/ghosttunnel 基于360提出的Ghost Tunnel攻击复现
- [113星][8m] [C] jakkarth/icmptx IP-over-ICMP tunnel
- [106星][3y] [C] greensea/mptunnel MPUDP Tunnel (User space MultiPath UDP)
- [104星][2y] [Java] ggrandes/bouncer Bouncer is a network TCP port redirector/forward proxy (like rinetd) with extra features like Reverse tunneling (like ssh -R), SSL tunneling (like stunnel), connection Failover, LoadBalancing and Clustering. In pure Java (BIO)
- [100星][10m] [Go] superfly/wormhole Fly.io secure tunnel
- [97星][10m] [Shell] sskaje/6in4 IPv6-in-IPv4 Tunnel Server
- [94星][4y] [JS] ro31337/hacktunnel HackTunnel is web-based peer-to-peer chat software for anonymous and encrypted communication written with Go language
- [94星][6y] [C++] stealth/fraud-bridge ICMP and DNS tunneling via IPv4 and IPv6
- [93星][1y] [Go] tarlogicsecurity/sasshimi SSH Tunnelling in "RAW mode", via STDIN/OUT without using forwarding channels
- [90星][4y] [JS] adafruit/adafruit-io-node A Node.js Adafruit IO Node.js Client, Local Server, & io.adafruit.com TLS Tunnel.
- [83星][5y] [C] chokepoint/crypthook TCP/UDP symmetric encryption tunnel wrapper
- [83星][2y] [Makefile] kingsquare/docker-tunnel a (simple) dockerized ssh tunnel
- [81星][1y] [Java] googlecreativelab/tunnelvision Distort your surroundings through a collection of transformative filters
- [79星][1y] [Py] cdhowie/netflix-no-ipv6-dns-proxy Fix for Netflix blocking various IPv6 tunnels by returning no results for AAAA queries of Netflix domains
- [77星][5y] [C] bishopfox/firecat Firecat is a penetration testing tool that allows you to punch reverse TCP tunnels out of a compromised network.
- [69星][3y] [Nginx] localtunnel/nginx nginx container used as the localtunnel load balancer
- [68星][2y] [Go] lubyruffy/tcptunnel 将本地内网服务器映射到公网。
- [68星][3m] [Java] netspi/burpcollaboratordnstunnel A DNS tunnel utilizing the Burp Collaborator
- [68星][3d] [C#] sailro/bdtunnel BoutDuTunnel is able to create virtual connections tunnelled in HTTP requests.
- [67星][1y] [C++] oyyd/nysocks Nysocks binds kcp and libuv to provide an aggressive tcp tunnel in nodejs.
- [66星][8m] [C] v-e-o/rdp2tcp rdp2tcp: open tcp tunnel through remote desktop connection.
- [65星][2m] [JS] snail007/anytunnel 内网穿透,内网穿透代理服务器,商用内网穿透代理系统,内网穿透平台,内网穿透多用户会员系统。
- [64星][9m] [Go] dsnezhkov/sshorty A progressive, customizable armored SSH tunnel implant for Linux and MacOS systems
- [64星][8m] [Go] smithclay/faassh simple go SSH server with reverse tunneling designed for running in cloud functions like AWS lambda
- [61星][2y] [C] convisoappsec/firefox_tunnel 使用Firefox来建立远程通信隧道, 使用cookie.sqlite/html/js实现payload上传下载
- [60星][17d] [C] lnslbrty/ptunnel-ng Tunnel TCP connections through ICMP.
- [59星][7m] [JS] mdslab/wstun Tunnels and reverse tunnels over WebSocket
- [58星][3y] [Py] epinna/stegosip TCP tunnel over RTP/SIP
- [57星][4y] [Py] t3rry7f/badtunnel_exp Usage: python badtunnel.py wpad_server_ip
- [49星][2y] [C] coolervoid/firefox_tunnel The way to use firefox to make a tunnel to remote communication, bypass any firewall
- [49星][9d] [Go] sandertv/gophertunnel A Minecraft (Bedrock Edition) library written in Go used for creating proxies, servers, clients and tools
- [48星][3m] [Go] rancher/remotedialer HTTP in TCP in Websockets in HTTP in TCP, Tunnel all the things!
- [46星][7m] [Go] ice-ice/dnstunnel dns tunnel backdoor DNS隧道后门
- [43星][8m] [Py] jmagnusson/bgtunnel Initiate SSH tunnels in the background in python
- [43星][3y] [Go] madeye/obfs4-tunnel obfs4 tunnel
- [42星][7m] [Go] aschzero/hera Automated secure tunnels for containers using Cloudflare Argo
- [40星][7m] [Go] function61/holepunch-client Totally self-contained SSH reverse tunnel written in Go
- [40星][2m] [Go] opencoff/go-tunnel TLS/SSL Tunnel - A modern STunnel replacement written in golang
- [39星][2y] [Py] bonelee/dns_tunnel_dectect_with_cnn dns tunnel dectect with CNN
- [38星][1y] [JS] lmammino/webhook-tunnel A little HTTP proxy suitable to create tunnels for webhook endpoints protected behind a firewall or a VPN
- [38星][2y] [Java] quhw/xtunnel An useful TCP/SSL tunnel utility.
- [37星][2y] [JS] kevva/caw Construct HTTP/HTTPS agents for tunneling proxies
- [32星][3y] [Go] mwitkow/go-http-dialer Go net.Dialer for HTTP(S) CONNECT Tunneling.
- [32星][3y] [Go] localtunnel/go-localtunnel golang client library for localtunnel.me
- [28星][3y] [JS] markelog/adit SSH tunnels – in any way you want it
- [27星][2y] [Go] jsimonetti/tlstun A socks tunnel client and server using websockets over http and tls
- [27星][11m] [C#] kostapc/putty-tunnel-manager Fixes and new release. PuTTY Tunnel Manager allows you to easily open tunnels, that are defined in a PuTTY session, from the system tray. You can also move the tunnels from PuTTY to PuTTY Tunnel Manager. This allows you to use PuTTY just for SSH shell sessions (without opening tunnels), and use PuTTY Tunnel Manager just for tunneling.
- [26星][4y] [Shell] hrishioa/nomohead Simple Bash script that announces IP Address and ngrok tunnel of Raspberry Pi at boot
- [26星][6m] [CSS] remmina/et-electron Eagle Tunnel 的图形化客户端,一个简单的代理工具
- [26星][7m] [Py] rofl0r/nat-tunnel NAT Tunnel: to effortlessly serve from behind NAT
- [25星][1y] [Go] rsrdesarrollo/sasshimi SSH Tunnelling in "RAW mode", via STDIN/OUT without using forwarding channels
- [24星][1y] [Go] root-gg/wsp HTTP tunnel over Websocket
- [23星][2y] [Go] gnolizuh/quictun The simplest tunnel service based on QUIC.
- [23星][4m] [Py] jonathansalwan/x-tunnel-opaque-predicates IDA+Triton plugin in order to extract opaque predicates using a Forward-Bounded DSE. Example with X-Tunnel.
- [21星][2y] [Py] krrr/wstan Tunneling TCP in WebSocket (ssh -D alternative)
- [20星][2y] [C] izuolan/pshell ICMP/IP tunnel manager for Linux.
- [19星][2m] [C++] markopaul0/datagramtunneler Simple C++ cross-platform client/server app forwarding UDP datagrams through a TCP connection.
- [18星][7m] [Go] dsnet/sshtunnel SSH daemon for creating forward and reverse tunnels.
- [17星][4y] [Py] notsosecure/icmp_tunnel_ex_filtrate Code snippet accompanying blog post
- [14星][2m] [Py] codepr/aiotunnel HTTP tunnel on top of aiohttp and asyncio
- [14星][2m] [Java] testingbot/testingbot-tunnel Tunnel to run Cloud Selenium tests on your local computer
- [8星][1y] [C] lalawue/m_tunnel A Secure Tunnel with SOCKS5 Proxy Interface, support Linux/MacOS/FreeBSD/Windows
- [8星][1y] [C++] mrdoulestar/yunsle_ghost_tunnel 尝试实现一下Ghost Tunnel中的通信方式
- [4星][4y] [Haskell] bearice/tunnel-manager HTTP API to manage PPTP2HTTP tunnels
- [4星][2y] [JS] bubuflystudio/bbtunnel 基于 socksv5 的内网穿透工具
- [4星][3y] [PHP] cristianefe/mysqltunnel A http MySQL remote tunnel
- [3星][4m] [C++] osrdrivers/tunnel Demonstrate the behavior of the tunnel cache on Windows
- [2星][4m] [Dockerfile] robzhu/nginx-local-tunnel A docker container that redirects incoming HTTP traffic to a local port for reverse SSH tunneling
- [1星][2y] [C++] kkkkke/udp2raw-tunnel A Tunnel which Turns UDP Traffic into Encrypted UDP/FakeTCP/ICMP Traffic by using Raw Socket,helps you Bypass UDP FireWalls(or Unstable UDP Environment),Anti-Replay-Attack
- [0星][1y] [PS] jerryma0912/ghosttunnel 基于360提出的Ghost Tunnel攻击复现
- [31162星][25d] [Go] fatedier/frp 快速的反向代理, 将NAT或防火墙之后的本地服务器暴露到公网
- [9330星][3m] [JS] localtunnel/localtunnel expose yourself
- [5047星][7d] [Go] inlets/inlets Expose your local endpoints to the Internet
- [1264星][10d] [JS] bubenshchykov/ngrok Expose your localhost to the web. Node wrapper for ngrok.
- [949星][4m] [Py] christophetd/cloudflair a tool to find origin servers of websites protected by CloudFlare who are publicly exposed and don't restrict network access to the CloudFlare IP ranges as they should
- [16279星][10d] [Py] trailofbits/algo algo:Ansible 脚本(基于Python),简化配置私人 IPSEC VPN 的过程,默认使用最安全的配置,支持常见云提供商,并且大多数设备都不需要客户端
- [12171星][1m] [Shell] hwdsl2/setup-ipsec-vpn Scripts to build your own IPsec VPN server, with IPsec/L2TP and Cisco IPsec on Ubuntu, Debian and CentOS
- [10735星][] [Go] txthinking/brook Go语言编写的跨平台代理
- [7613星][3m] [Py] sovereign/sovereign A set of Ansible playbooks to build and maintain your own private cloud: email, calendar, contacts, file sync, IRC bouncer, VPN, and more.
- [4548星][17d] [C] jedisct1/dsvpn A Dead Simple VPN.
- [4449星][1y] [Py] sshuttle/sshuttle Transparent proxy server that works as a poor man's VPN. Forwards over ssh. Doesn't require admin. Works with Linux and MacOS. Supports DNS tunneling.
- [4049星][2m] [Swift] lexrus/vpnon Turn On your VPN like a hero.
- [3773星][17d] jjqqkk/chromium Chromium browser with SSL VPN. Use this browser to unblock websites.
- [3243星][6d] [Shell] gfw-breaker/ssr-accounts 一键部署Shadowsocks服务;免费Shadowsocks账号分享;免费SS账号分享; 翻墙;无界,自由门,SquirrelVPN
- [3152星][3m] [Shell] hwdsl2/docker-ipsec-vpn-server Docker image to run an IPsec VPN server, with IPsec/L2TP and Cisco IPsec
- [2558星][13d] [Shell] teddysun/across This is a shell script for configure and start WireGuard VPN server
- [2430星][15d] [Py] pritunl/pritunl Enterprise VPN server
- [2131星][4d] [C] wireguard/wireguard fast, modern, secure kernel VPN tunnel
- [1740星][6m] [Shell] quericy/one-key-ikev2-vpn A bash script base on Centos or Ubuntu help you to create IKEV2/L2TP vpn.
- [1600星][1m] [C] ntop/n2n Peer-to-peer VPN
- [1526星][2m] [Shell] haugene/docker-transmission-openvpn Docker container running Transmission torrent client with WebUI over an OpenVPN tunnel
- [1489星][8m] [C++] wangyu-/tinyfecvpn A VPN Designed for Lossy Links, with Build-in Forward Error Correction(FEC) Support. Improves your Network Quality on a High-latency Lossy Link.
- [1185星][4m] [C] ambrop72/badvpn NCD scripting language, tun2socks proxifier, P2P VPN
- [1044星][2m] [Py] ezaquarii/vpn-at-home 1-click, self-hosted deployment of OpenVPN with DNS ad blocking sinkhole
- [1023星][12m] [Go] twitchyliquid64/subnet Simple, auditable & elegant VPN, built with TLS mutual authentication and TUN.
- [1000星][8m] [Go] adtac/autovpn THIS PROJECT IS UNMAINTAINED.
- [994星][4m] [C] gsliepen/tinc a VPN daemon
- [911星][9m] [Shell] ivanilves/xiringuito SSH-based "VPN for poors"
- [910星][4d] [Go] mehrdadrad/radvpn Decentralized VPN
- [884星][2y] [Py] nsacyber/gosecure An easy to use and portable Virtual Private Network (VPN) system built with Linux and a Raspberry Pi. #nsacyber
- [721星][7m] [C] meyerd/n2n A development branch of the n2n p2p vpn software
- [693星][12d] [Kotlin] mygod/vpnhotspot Share your VPN connection over hotspot or repeater! (root required)
- [688星][1m] [OCaml] moby/vpnkit A toolkit for embedding VPN capabilities in your application
- [641星][2y] [Shell] kitten/setup-simple-ipsec-l2tp-vpn Setup a simple IPSec/L2TP VPN Server for Ubuntu and Debian
- [635星][26d] webdigi/aws-vpn-server-setup Setup your own private, secure, free* VPN on the Amazon AWS Cloud in 10 minutes. CloudFormation
- [598星][27d] [C] openvpn/openvpn-gui OpenVPN GUI is a graphical frontend for OpenVPN running on Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8. It creates an icon in the notification area from which you can control OpenVPN to start/stop your VPN tunnels, view the log and do other useful things.
- [581星][5d] [Go] mysteriumnetwork/node Mysterium Node - VPN server and client for decentralized Mysterium Network
- [482星][1y] [Swift] icepa/icepa iOS system-wide VPN based Tor client
- [460星][3y] [Py] vpnguy-zz/ntpdos Create a DDOS attack using NTP servers
- [452星][2m] [Shell] l-n-s/wireguard-install WireGuard VPN server installer
- [429星][3m] [Py] jotygill/openpyn-nordvpn Easily connect to and switch between, OpenVPN servers hosted by NordVPN on Linux (+patch leakes)
- [416星][3m] [Rust] exodusvpn/exodus network proxy and tunnel (VPN)
- [350星][6m] [Shell] hackplayers/4nonimizer A bash script for anonymizing the public IP used to browsing Internet, managing the connection to TOR network and to different VPNs providers (OpenVPN)
- [341星][2y] [Py] sarfata/voodooprivacy Roll your own VPN server on Amazon EC2 and battle-ready firewall for OS X
- [327星][2y] [Swift] yichengchen/rabbitvpndemo a demo project for testing iOS network extension with NEkit
- [307星][6m] [Batchfile] lmc999/auto-add-routes China Route for VPN
- [288星][3m] [Py] covertcodes/multitun Tunnel arbitrary traffic through an innocuous WebSocket. Clients can 'see' each other, resulting in a stealth WebSocket VPN.
- [263星][2m] [C#] airvpn/eddie OpenVPN UI
- [255星][4m] [Shell] projectzeroindia/cve-2019-11510 Exploit for Arbitrary File Read on Pulse Secure SSL VPN (CVE-2019-11510)
- [251星][3m] [Py] corrad1nho/qomui Qomui (Qt OpenVPN Management UI)
- [247星][2y] [Py] spaze/oprah-proxy Generate credentials for Opera's "browser VPN"
- [195星][2y] [Py] f3d0x0/gpon Exploit for Remote Code Execution on GPON home routers (CVE-2018-10562) written in Python. Initially disclosed by VPNMentor (
- [190星][4m] [Go] cloudfoundry-incubator/cfdev A fast and easy local Cloud Foundry experience on native hypervisors, powered by LinuxKit with VPNKit
- [185星][1y] [Perl] microsoft/pqcrypto-vpn Post-quantum Cryptography VPN
- [175星][2m] [Go] gavinguan24/ahri Ahri is an intranet sharing tool. Like VPN
- [169星][7m] [JS] sentinel-official/sentinel Sentinel is an interoperable secure network layer offering the Sentinel Service Chain exclusively for distributed & decentralized native services like - dVPN, Sentrix (dChat and dVoIP) and more.
- [154星][3y] [Makefile] 0x36/vpnpivot Explore the network using VPNPivot tool
- [147星][4y] [C] valdikss/openvpn-fix-dns-leak-plugin OpenVPN plugin to fix Windows DNS Leaks
- [143星][10m] [Shell] essandess/macos-openvpn-server macOS OpenVPN Server and Client Configuration (OpenVPN, Tunnelblick, PF)
- [142星][4y] [C] valdikss/p0f-mtu p0f with patches to save MTU value and export it via API (for VPN detection)
- [140星][4m] [Go] skx/simple-vpn A simple VPN allowing mesh-like communication between nodes, over websockets
- [131星][6d] [Shell] binhex/arch-rtorrentvpn Docker build script for Arch Linux base with ruTorrent, rTorrent, autodl-irssi, Privoxy and OpenVPN
- [123星][4y] [Shell] 91yun/vpn vpn一键安装包
- [115星][2y] [Py] dragon2fly/vpngate-with-proxy vpn gate client for linux, be able to connect to open vpn server through proxy
- [115星][1y] [Shell] wknapik/vpnfailsafe IP leak prevention for OpenVPN
- [113星][2y] bobnisco/adblocking-vpn
- [111星][2y] [Shell] adrelanos/vpn-firewall Leak Protection (Fail Safe Mechanism) for (Open)VPN
- [110星][2y] [JS] voidsec/webrtc-leak Check if your VPN leaks your IP address via the WebRTC technology
- [105星][4y] [Go] netxfly/transparent-proxy-scanner 基于vpn和透明代理的web漏洞扫描器的实现思路及demo
- [102星][11m] [C] ryd/chaosvpn Config generator for chaos vpn
- [93星][18d] [Py] chadsr/nordvpn-networkmanager A CLI tool for automating the importing, securing and usage of NordVPN (and in the future, more) OpenVPN servers through NetworkManager.
- [91星][2y] [Py] pry0cc/proxydock ProxyDock is a Dockerfile and Bash script that converts your OpenVPN files into local proxies.
- [90星][2y] [C++] azirevpn/azclient Customizable VPN client, meant to be simple and sleek.
- [90星][4y] [Shell] primaryobjects/vpndemon Monitor a VPN connection on Linux and kill a process upon disconnect
- [83星][4d] [Shell] esemeniuc/ezpptp Easy PPTP VPN setup script for Debian based VPS
- [82星][8m] [Go] cogolabs/transcend BeyondCorp-inspired Access Proxy. Secure internal services outside your VPN/perimeter network during a zero-trust transition.
- [77星][2m] [Py] ab77/black.box Plug-and-Play VPN router and unblocker
- [76星][1y] [Shell] kolargol/openvpn Shell 脚本,5分钟建立个人 VPN
- [72星][4d] [C++] orchidtechnologies/orchid Orchid: VPN, Personal Firewall
- [72星][4d] [C++] orchidtechnologies/orchid Orchid: VPN, Personal Firewall
- [70星][1m] [Go] vpn-kill-switch/killswitch VPN kill switch for macOS
- [67星][6m] [Shell] tasket/qubes-vpn-support VPN configuration in Qubes OS
- [64星][3y] [Perl] 0x90/vpn-arsenal VPN pentest tools and scripts
- [58星][7m] [Go] dsnet/udptunnel Daemon for creating a simple VPN over UDP.
- [55星][3m] [Shell] bishopfox/pwn-pulse Exploit for Pulse Connect Secure SSL VPN arbitrary file read vulnerability (CVE-2019-11510)
- [53星][8m] [Shell] laserbat/vpnify vpnify - transparently route traffic of a process through VPN
- [50星][11m] [C] acoinfo/kidvpn The world's smallest VPN server and client.
- [47星][3y] [Go] inszva/tap0901 Go语言虚拟网卡库,可用于制作对战平台、加速器、防火墙、VPN等
- [42星][3y] [C] lxdcn/simple-vpn-demo A Simple Point-to-Point tunnelling implementation in C
- [40星][2y] [Shell] xaqron/stunnel Wrapping openvpn with stunnel
- [36星][4m] [Shell] hromie/obfs4proxy-openvpn Obfuscating OpenVPN traffic using obfs4proxy
- [34星][3y] [Shell] dlshad/openvpn-shapeshifter This script will automatically guide you to install and configure your OpenVPN server with Shapeshifter Dispatcher (obfuscation) which will allow you to bypass the DPI blockage on OpenVPN. This setup will offer the users the freedom to choose between regular OpenVPN connection or obfuscated one, they actually can use both! OpenVPN is the VPN pro…
- [33星][11m] [Py] qwj/python-esp IPSec IKE(v1,v2) PSK VPN implemented in pure Python. (For Research Purposes Only)
- [32星][2m] [Go] shikanon/socks5proxy 一个简单的socks5代理转发服务(VPN)
- [31星][2y] [C] alienrobotarmy/ctunnel ctunnel is a proxy and VPN software for tunneling TCP and UDP connections securely
- [29星][4y] [Makefile] radicallyopensecurity/netaidkit Standalone VPN/Tor WiFi router for journalists and activists
- 重复区段: 匿名网络->工具->Tor |
- [27星][2m] [HTML] tkvpn/tkvpn.github.io 这里提供全球多个网络加速节点,速度极快,提供免费试用。
- [26星][9m] [Shell] shverni/raspberry-pi-vpn-gateway Raspberry Pi VPN gateway installer for Private Internet Access
- [25星][1y] [Tcl] fruho/fruhoapp Fruho VPN Manager - Universal VPN Client |
- [25星][9m] [Py] letheanmovement/lethean-vpn Lethean Virtual Private Network (VPN)
- [23星][21d] [PHP] ip2location/ip2proxy-php PHP module for IP2Proxy database lookup. It allows user to query an IP address if it was being used as open proxy, web proxy, VPN anonymizer and TOR exits.
- [23星][8m] [PHP] mrahmadt/smartgw Domain based VPN Gateway/Proxy for all devices
- [22星][12d] [Py] wisepythagoras/website-fingerprinting Deanonymizing Tor or VPN users with website fingerprinting and machine learning.
- [22星][3m] [Dockerfile] kizzx2/docker-openvpn-client-socks Expose an OpenVPN tunnel as a SOCKS proxy
- [22星][12d] [Py] wisepythagoras/website-fingerprinting Deanonymizing Tor or VPN users with website fingerprinting and machine learning.
- [21星][3y] [Py] toolsprods/sniffvpn Traffic monitor for your VPN
- [19星][4y] [HTML] cryptostorm-dev/cleanvpn.xyz A place to research & publicly certify malware-free, fully operational VPN services
- [17星][3y] [Shell] jxzy199306/ipv6_dhclient_online_net seedbox一键脚本 Deluge+Flexget,rutorrent, rtorrent + ruTorrent,Transmission+Flexget,FTP,VPN,VNC,SSH Proxy,Rapidleec
- [16星][3m] [Py] andresriancho/vpc-vpn-pivot Pivot into private VPC networks using a VPN connection
- [14星][1y] [C#] t0nic/killswitch-windows VPN kill switch for windows.
- [11星][6m] [Go] threatstack/vpnnotify It tells you when you VPN
- [10星][3y] [Shell] perunworks/zenected Zenected Threat Defense VPN
- [9星][2y] [C] guidovranken/softethervpn-fuzz-audit
- [9星]jasper-1024/shadowsocksr-csharp ShadowsocksR for Windows
- [8星][2y] [C] penmast/chameleon A Windows application-specific VPN and network monitoring tool
- [7星][10d] [Py] dlenski/what-vpn Identify servers running various SSL VPNs based on protocol-specific behaviors
- [7星][3y] jas502n/ngrok.snvpn.org 自己搭建的一个ngrok服务器,可以全球访问
- [5星][5y] [C] inode-/vpnc-brute
- [4星][1m] [Shell] gardener/vpn Network connector between the control plane (deployed in a Seed cluster) and a Shoot cluster.
- [4星][3y] [Shell] zecopro/fix-vpn-kali-linux this script for fix problem vpn on kali linux "Rooling" only :)
- [4星][3y] [C] ddlsmurf/sov Starcraft over VPN
- [2星][1y] [Py] paloaltonetworks/microsoft_azure_virtual_wan Implements the automation and integration framework to work with Azure Virtual WAN's and PANW to create VPN connections.
- [0星][2y] alt3kx/cve-2009-4118 Cisco VPN Client - Integer Overflow Denial of Service
- [10693星][2m] [Shell] nyr/openvpn-install OpenVPN road warrior installer for Debian, Ubuntu and CentOS
- [4354星][1m] [C] openvpn/openvpn OpenVPN is an open source VPN daemon
- [4050星][1m] [Shell] angristan/openvpn-install Set up your own OpenVPN server on Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora, CentOS or Arch Linux.
- [2708星][24d] [Shell] pivpn/pivpn 树莓派的OpenVPN安装程序
- [1834星][2m] [Shell] ttlequals0/autovpn Create On Demand Disposable OpenVPN Endpoints on AWS.
- [833星][3y] [Shell] robbintt/popup-openvpn Make a self hosted OpenVPN server in 15 minutes
- [598星][2m] [PHP] chocobozzz/openvpn-admin Install and administrate OpenVPN with a web interface (logs visualisations, users managing...)
- [357星][12d] [C++] openvpn/openvpn3 OpenVPN 3 is a C++ class library that implements the functionality of an OpenVPN client, and is protocol-compatible with the OpenVPN 2.x branch.
- [230星][1y] [Py] audibleblink/doxycannon 为一堆OpenVPN文件分别创建Docker容器, 每个容器开启SOCKS5代理服务器并绑定至Docker主机端口, 再结合使用Burp或ProxyChains, 构建私有的Botnet
- [214星][2m] [C++] ss-abramchuk/openvpnadapter Objective-C wrapper for OpenVPN library. Compatible with iOS and macOS.
- [142星][3m] [Gherkin] iphoting/ovpnmcgen.rb An OpenVPN iOS Configuration Profile (.mobileconfig) Utility—Configures OpenVPN for use with VPN-on-Demand that are not exposed through Apple Configurator 2.
- [35星][20d] [Go] mysteriumnetwork/go-openvpn
- [28星][5y] [Py] phaeilo/vol-openvpn A Volatility plugin to extract credentials from the memory of a OpenVPN client.
- [27星][2y] [C] guidovranken/openvpn OpenVPN is an open source VPN daemon
- [23星][2m] [Shell] binhex/arch-int-openvpn Docker build script for Arch Linux base with OpenVPN and Privoxy
- [21星][5y] [C] valdikss/openvpn-radiusplugin Radiusplugin with various patches and fixes
- [17星][4y] rootkitsmm/openvpn-pool-overflow Pool Overflow in OpenVpn NDIS TAP Driver
- [15星][3y] [Go] tazjin/watchblob Connect to 2-factor WatchGuard VPNs on Linux with OpenVPN
- [8星][4m] [Py] egeneralov/rkn-vpn-configurator Configure OpenVPN with bypass rkn.gov.ru limits.
- [6星][1y] [C++] mysteriumnetwork/openvpn3 OpenVPN 3 is a C++ class library that implements the functionality of an OpenVPN client, and is protocol-compatible with the OpenVPN 2.x branch.
- [5星][2y] [Shell] devindevoir/openvpn-installer Secure OpenVPN installer for Debian, Ubuntu, CentOS and Arch Linux.
- [3星][6m] [Shell] 2stacks/docker-ovpn OpenVPN Server in Docker Container
- [3星][2y] [HCL] abacao/do_tinfoil Create and provision a OpenVPN server in DigitalOcean with Terraform
- [1星][2y] [Shell] entaopy/dostreisand Streisand sets up a new server running L2TP/IPsec, OpenConnect, OpenSSH, OpenVPN, Shadowsocks, sslh, Stunnel, a Tor bridge, and WireGuard. It also generates custom instructions for all of these services. At the end of the run you are given an HTML file with instructions that can be shared with friends, family members, and fellow activists.
- [0星][1y] [Shell] frichetten/streisand Streisand sets up a new server running your choice of WireGuard, OpenConnect, OpenSSH, OpenVPN, Shadowsocks, sslh, Stunnel, or a Tor bridge. It also generates custom instructions for all of these services. At the end of the run you are given an HTML file with instructions that can be shared with friends, family members, and fellow activists.
- [3527星][5d] [JS] aol/moloch 数据包捕获、索引工具,支持数据库
- [3000星][4d] [JS] ntop/ntopng 基于Web的流量监控工具
- [1919星][4d] [C] ntop/ndpi Open Source Deep Packet Inspection Software Toolkit
- [1893星][6d] [C] merbanan/rtl_433 解码来自以433.9 MHz广播的设备(例如温度传感器)的流量
- [1283星][1m] [Go] dreadl0ck/netcap A framework for secure and scalable network traffic analysis -
- [957星][1m] [Py] fireeye/flare-fakenet-ng 下一代动态网络分析工具
- [934星][2y] [Py] tomchop/malcom Malcom - Malware Communications Analyzer
- [918星][2y] [HTML] snorby/snorby Ruby On Rails Application For Network Security Monitoring
- [726星][3m] [Py] cloudflare/bpftools BPF Tools - packet analyst toolkit
- [711星][2y] [Py] google/ssl_logger 解密并记录进程的SSL 流程
- [519星][5d] [C++] kohler/click The Click modular router: fast modular packet processing and analysis
- [481星][7d] [C#] chmorgan/sharppcap 用于捕获数据包的跨平台 (Windows, Mac, Linux)库,.NET编写
- [448星][3d] [C#] malwareinfosec/ekfiddle Fiddler Web调试器的框架,用于研究漏洞利用工具包、恶意广告和恶意流量
- 重复区段: 工具->fiddler |
- [441星][3m] [C++] pstavirs/ostinato Packet/Traffic Generator and Analyzer
- [409星][9m] [Py] mitrecnd/chopshop Protocol Analysis/Decoder Framework
- [397星][4d] [Py] idaholab/malcolm Malcolm is a powerful, easily deployable network traffic analysis tool suite for full packet capture artifacts (PCAP files) and Zeek logs.
- [316星][2y] [Py] tnich/honssh 记录客户端和服务器之间的所有 SSH 通信
- [286星][2m] [Shell] tehw0lf/airbash 全自动的WPAPSK握手包捕获脚本, 用于渗透测试
- [274星][19d] [Py] ghostop14/sparrow-wifi Next-Gen GUI-based WiFi and Bluetooth Analyzer for Linux
- [210星][8m] [JS] dirtbags/pcapdb 网络数据包捕获系统,分布式,对搜索进行了优化
- [194星][6m] [Go] cuishark/cuishark A protocol analyzer like a wireshark on CUI. cuishark is using libwireshark to analyze packets.
- [67星][3y] [JS] pythonran/pcap_tools 网络流量可配置嗅探,流量包解析,漏洞规则扫描,生成报告
- [65星][1y] [Py] ch3k1/squidmagic analyze a web-based network traffic
- [1454星][4d] [Go] skydive-project/skydive An open source real-time network topology and protocols analyzer
- [472星][2m] [Py] netzob/netzob 通信协议逆向、建模和模糊测试
- [2536星][2y] [Py] google/nogotofail 帮助开发人员和安全研究人员在设备和应用程序上发现并修复弱TLS / SSL连接问题,定位敏感的明文流量。灵活、可扩展、功能强大
- [2249星][2y] [Go] mehrdadrad/mylg 网络诊断工具
- [1302星][17d] [C] traviscross/mtr 结合“ traceroute”和“ ping”的功能,用于网络诊断
- [5208星][7m] [Py] usarmyresearchlab/dshell 可扩展的网络取证分析框架。支持快速开发插件,以支持剖析网络数据包捕获。
- [791星][4m] [Py] srinivas11789/pcapxray 网络取证工具:离线将捕获数据包可视化为网络图,包括设备标识,突出显示重要的通信和文件提取
- [31星][5y] [Py] madpowah/forensicpcap pcap取证
- [11星][3y] [Py] nipunjaswal/wireless-forensics-framework Wireless Forensics Framework In Python
- [527星][1m] [Py] hatboy/pcap-analyzer Python编写的可视化的离线数据包分析器
- [381星][5y] [JS] le4f/pcap-analyzer 在线轻量Pcap流量文件分析工具
- [211星][1y] [Py] mateuszk87/pcapviz 可视化网络拓扑,基于pcap文件收集图形统计信息
- [122星][5y] [JS] thepacketgeek/cloud-pcap Web PCAP存储和分析
- [3510星][8m] [Go] fanpei91/torsniff 从BitTorrent网络嗅探种子
- [3510星][8m] [Go] fanpei91/torsniff 从BitTorrent网络嗅探种子
- [1756星][8d] [PHP] wordpress/wordpress-coding-standards PHP_CodeSniffer rules (sniffs) to enforce WordPress coding conventions
- [1536星][5d] [C++] nmap/npcap Nmap项目的针对Windows系统的数据包嗅探库,基于WinPcap/Libpcap,用NDIS6和LWF做了升级
- [1338星][3m] [C++] mfontanini/libtins High-level, multiplatform C++ network packet sniffing and crafting library.
- [1333星][1y] [C] gamelinux/passivedns A network sniffer that logs all DNS server replies for use in a passive DNS setup
- [1232星][4d] [Py] danmcinerney/net-creds Sniffs sensitive data from interface or pcap
- [1064星][7m] [PS] nytrorst/netripper 后渗透工具,针对Windows, 使用API Hooking拦截网络流量和加密相关函数, 可捕获明文和加密前后的内容
- [994星][1y] [Py] tylous/sniffair 无线渗透框架. 解析被动收集的无线数据, 执行复杂的无线攻击
- [928星][3y] [Eagle] samyk/keysweeper KeySweeper is a stealthy Arduino-based device, camouflaged as a functioning USB wall charger, that wirelessly and passively sniffs, decrypts, logs and reports back (over GSM) all keystrokes from any Microsoft wireless keyboard in the vicinity.
- [922星][2y] [JS] diracdeltas/sniffly Sniffing browser history using HSTS
- [884星][7m] [Go] 40t/go-sniffer
- [796星][8m] [Py] phaethon/kamene Network packet and pcap file crafting/sniffing/manipulation/visualization security tool. Originally forked from scapy in 2015 and providing python3 compatibility since then.
- 重复区段: 工具->Scapy |
- [788星][3m] [C] netsniff-ng/netsniff-ng A Swiss army knife for your daily Linux network plumbing.
- [716星][2y] [Py] madeye/sssniff sssniff:ShadowSocks流量嗅探
- [642星][1y] [Go] ga0/netgraph A cross platform http sniffer with a web UI
- [639星][2y] [C] qihoo360/mysql-sniffer mysql-sniffer is a network traffic analyzer tool for mysql, it is developed by Qihoo DBA and infrastructure team
- [635星][2y] [Py] mschwager/dhcpwn testing DHCP IP exhaustion attacks, sniff local DHCP traffic
- [626星][3m] [Go] eldadru/ksniff Kubectl plugin to ease sniffing on kubernetes pods using tcpdump and wireshark
- [565星][11d] [PHP] object-calisthenics/phpcs-calisthenics-rules Object Calisthenics rules for PHP_CodeSniffer
- [478星][7d] pixelcyber/thor HTTP Sniffer/Capture on iOS for Network Debug & Inspect.
- [459星][5m] [C] jarun/keysniffer
- [432星][3m] [Ruby] aderyabin/sniffer Log and Analyze Outgoing HTTP Requests
- [427星][6d] [Rust] kpcyrd/sniffglue Secure multithreaded packet sniffer
- [401星][5m] [PHP] floedesigntechnologies/phpcs-security-audit phpcs-security-audit is a set of PHP_CodeSniffer rules that finds vulnerabilities and weaknesses related to security in PHP code
- [316星][5y] [C] seastorm/puttyrider Hijack Putty sessions in order to sniff conversation and inject Linux commands.
- [293星][5m] [C] pulkin/esp8266-injection-example Example project to demonstrate packet injection / sniffer capabilities of ESP8266 IC.
- [291星][10m] [C] jiaoxianjun/btle Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) packet sniffer and generator for both standard and non standard (raw bit).
- [264星][2m] [Py] xdavidhu/probesniffer
- [260星][8m] [Py] needmorecowbell/sniff-paste Pastebin OSINT Harvester
- [250星][1m] [C] nccgroup/sniffle A sniffer for Bluetooth 5 and 4.x LE
- [236星][2y] [C++] pellegre/libcrafter C++ 编写的网络数据包嗅探和解码库
- [229星][3y] [C] omriiluz/nrf24-btle-decoder Sniff and decode NRF24L01+ and Bluetooth Low Energy using RTL-SDR
- [198星][3y] [Py] isofew/sssniff ShadowSocks(SS) traffic sniffer
- [191星][3m] [Py] alainiamburg/sniffrom A tool for passive data capture and reconnaissance of serial flash chips. It is used in conjunction with a Saleae logic analyzer to reconstruct flash memory contents and extract contextual information about device operations.
- [179星][1y] [Shell] brannondorsey/sniff-probes Plug-and-play bash script for sniffing 802.11 probes requests
- [179星][6y] [Py] syworks/wireless-ids Ability to detect suspicious activity such as (WEP/WPA/WPS) attack by sniffing the air for wireless packets.
- [174星][17d] [HTML] openvizsla/ov_ftdi FT2232H-based USB sniffer
- [165星][5y] [Perl] xme/hoover Wireless Probe Requests Sniffer
- [152星][18d] [Py] shirosaidev/sharesniffer 远程文件系统自动嗅探、挂载和爬取
- [151星][1y] [C] caesar0301/http-sniffer A multi-threading tool to sniff TCP flow statistics and embedded HTTP headers from PCAP file. Each TCP flow carrying HTTP is exported to text file in json format.
- [150星][2y] [Py] vduddu/malware Rootkits | Backdoors | Sniffers | Virus | Ransomware | Steganography | Cryptography | Shellcodes | Webshells | Keylogger | Botnets | Worms | Other Network Tools
- [137星][7y] [C] t57root/pwnginx Pwn nginx - a nginx backdoor provides shell access, socks5 tunneling, http password sniffing.
- [135星][2y] [ObjC] objective-see/sniffmk sniff mouse and keyboard events
- [120星][6m] [Rust] kanishkarj/snoopy A highly configurable multi-threaded packet sniffer and parser build in rust-lang.
- [116星][1y] [C] nospaceships/raw-socket-sniffer Packet capture on Windows without a kernel driver
- [104星][1m] [JS] wilddeer/sniffer browser/engine/os/device detection tool
- [101星][1y] [Py] macr0phag3/sniffer A Sniffer for Open-WLAN
- [101星][2m] [C] onotelli/justniffer Justniffer Just A Network TCP Packet Sniffer .Justniffer is a network protocol analyzer that captures network traffic and produces logs in a customized way, can emulate Apache web server log files, track response times and extract all "intercepted" files from the HTTP traffic
- [99星][8y] [Java] gadgetfactory/openbench-logic-sniffer OLS is a $50 32 channel Logic Analyzer
- [99星][9y] [C] tecknicaltom/dsniff dsniff is a collection of tools for network auditing and penetration testing.
- [98星][8m] [Swift] kofktu/sniffer Networking activity logger for Swift
- [95星][2y] [HTML] frizb/sourcecodesniffer The Source Code Sniffer is a poor man’s static code analysis tool (SCA) that leverages regular expressions. Designed to highlight high risk functions (Injection, LFI/RFI, file uploads etc) across multiple languages (ASP, Java, CSharp, PHP, Perl, Python, JavaScript, HTML etc) in a highly configurable manner.
- [90星][26d] [Ruby] shopify/browser_sniffer Properly detect what browser you are dealing with
- [87星][t] [Py] r00ts3c/ddos-rootsec DDOS Archive by RootSec (Scanners, BotNets (Mirai and QBot Premium & Normal and more), Exploits, Methods, Sniffers)
- [80星][13d] [PHP] automattic/vip-coding-standards PHP_CodeSniffer ruleset to enforce WordPress.com VIP and VIP Go coding standards
- [79星][1y] [C] adafruit/adafruit_blesniffer_python Python API for Adafruit's Bluefruit LE Sniffer
- [79星][3y] bastilleresearch/keysniffer KeySniffer device discovery tools and public advisories
- [78星][4y] [C] kala13x/scap Network Sniffer (Scan and Capture Incoming Packets)
- [76星][5y] [C++] yveaux/nrf24_sniffer Sniffer for Nordic NRF24L01+ modules with MySensors support
- [74星][10m] [Verilog] denandz/lpc_sniffer_tpm A low pin count sniffer for ICEStick - targeting TPM chips
- [72星][2y] [C++] vecna/sniffjoke a client-only layer of protection from the wiretap/sniff/IDS analysis
- [66星][5y] [Py] adamlaurie/hdmi-sniff sniff HDMI DDC (I2C) traffic
- [66星][8m] [Py] nordicsemiconductor/nrf-sniffer-for-802.15.4 nRF-based 802.15.4 sniffer (firmware and software)
- [64星][4y] [Py] halit/isip Interactive sip toolkit for packet manipulations, sniffing, man in the middle attacks, fuzzing, simulating of dos attacks.
- [64星][7y] [C++] hurley25/sniffer 一个跨平台的网络数据嗅探&抓包程序,基于Qt 4.x 以及 libpcap 库(Linux下)和 Winpcap库(Windows 下)。
- [64星][3y] [Py] scipag/btle-sniffer Passively scan for Bluetooth Low Energy devices and attempt to fingerprint them
- [60星][6y] [Py] offensivepython/sniffy A Simple network sniffer implemented on Python 3
- [59星][2m] [PHP] sirbrillig/phpcs-variable-analysis Find undefined and unused variables with the PHP Codesniffer static analysis tool.
- [57星][4y] [Go] zond/qisniff
- [56星][4y] [Py] geovation/wifispy Sniff Wifi traffic, log device addresses.
- [52星][10m] [Java] ruedigergad/clj-net-pcap A wrapper/facade/whatever to enable/ease the use of jNetPcap (a libpcap based packet sniffing lib) in Clojure
- [51星][14d] [Java] p1sec/sigfw Open Source Signaling Firewall for SS7, Diameter filtering, antispoof and antisniff
- [51星][5m] [HTML] whatwg/mimesniff MIME Sniffing Standard
- [51星][1y] [Py] zhovner/airport-sniffer Very simple Wi-Fi sniffer and dumps parser for built-in macbook AirPort Extreme card. Only native MacOS tools used.
- [50星][1y] [Go] zredshift/mimemagic Powerful and versatile MIME sniffing package using pre-compiled glob patterns, magic number signatures, XML document namespaces, and tree magic for mounted volumes, generated from the XDG shared-mime-info database.
- [49星][7y] [C++] 1184893257/simplesniffer 基于 WinPcap 的网络抓包软件,使用 MFC 做界面
- [49星][22d] [JS] whichbrowser/parser-javascript Browser sniffing gone too far — A useragent parser library for JavaScript
- [48星][2y] [C++] anubisss/szimatszatyor World of Warcraft (WoW): SzimatSzatyor is an injector sniffer written in C++
- [48星][5m] [C] chentingz/snifferui 基于MFC和WinPcap库开发的网络抓包和协议分析软件
- [48星][3y] [C] rodrigoalvesvieira/soundkeylogger An experimental project to demonstrate how a user keyboard input may be sniffed through the pattern analysis of the sounds emitted by the keystrokes.
- [47星][2y] [Shell] nyxgeek/dumpsniffer tools for analyzing strings from password lists
- [45星][9m] [C++] ncatlin/exilesniffer A protocol decryption and dissection tool for the game 'Path of Exile'
- [44星][1y] [C] petabi/sniffles Packet Capture Generator for IDS and Regular Expression Evaluation
- [44星][6y] [IDL] riverloopsec/apimote ApiMote IEEE 802.15.4/ZigBee Sniffing Hardware
- [42星][4y] [Py] xme/tweetsniff Grab a Twitter user timeline for further processing (storing to Elasticsearch, highligthing, etc)
- [41星][3y] [Py] tengzhangchao/websniff 局域网http流量嗅探,并获取登陆的账号密码
- [41星][25d] [PHP] xchwarze/cain Password recovery tool for Microsoft Operating Systems. It allows easy recovery of various kind of passwords by sniffing the network, cracking encrypted passwords using Dictionary, Brute-Force and Cryptanalysis attacks, recording VoIP conversations, decoding scrambled passwords, recovering wireless network keys, revealing password boxes, uncover…
- [40星][1y] [Shell] adityashrm21/raspberrypi-packet-sniffer An HTTP and HTTPS sniffing tool created using a Raspberry Pi
- [40星][5y] [Py] flankerhqd/wifimonster Wifi sniffing and hijacking tool
- [38星][1y] [Py] activecm/passer Passive service locator, a python sniffer that identifies servers, clients, names and much more
- [38星][7y] [Py] mainframed/mfsniffer Mainframe TN3270 unencrypted TSO session user ID and password sniffer
- [34星][2y] [C++] chiehmin/sheepwall Sniff plaintext account/password/cookie on router
- [34星][7y] [JS] nv/setinterval-sniffer Keep tabs on your uncleared intervals. Hunt down lags and memory leaks.
- [34星][1y] [Py] oros42/dns_sniffer A python DNS sniffer
- [31星][2y] [PHP] bmitch/codor Custom PHPCS sniffs to find Code Smells
- [31星][2y] [Go] paultag/sniff Dispatch TLS Connections based on SNI
- [31星][2y] [Go] pyinx/zk-sniffer sniffer and parse zookeeper packet
- [30星][24d] [PHP] php-fig-rectified/psr2r-sniffer A PSR-2-R code sniffer and code-style auto-correction-tool - including many useful additions
- [29星][6y] [Py] catalyst256/sniffmypackets Canari local transforms pcap file analysis
- [25星][6y] cbrunsch/wmbus-sniffer-muc Source code of the demonstration programs showed in the Black Hat '13 presentation "Energy fraud and orchestrated blackouts: Issues with wireless metering protocols (WM-BUS)" by Cyrill Brunschwiler
- [24星][3m] [Py] jplesperance/redis-sniffer A Redis event sniffer and logging utility.
- [23星][7m] [Py] antisomnus/sniffer Simple sniffer using scapy and PyQt5 on Windows 10
- 重复区段: 工具->Scapy |
- [22星][2y] [C] jerome-ps/jn516xsniffer Transform a Xiaomi Zigbee gadget into a Zigbee sniffer.
- [22星][9y] [C] zapotek/cdpsnarf CDPSnarf is a network sniffer exclusively written to extract information from CDP (Cisco Discovery Protocol) packets.
- [21星][1y] [PHP] codeclimate/codeclimate-phpcodesniffer Code Climate Engine for PHP Code Sniffer
- [20星][3y] [C] a232319779/phantom-3-standard Used hackrf one to sniffer nrf24l0 and so on wireless packet.Application in PHANTOM 3 STANDARD RC signal sniffer.
- [19星][2y] [Verilog] lynxis/lpc_sniffer a low pin count sniffer for icestick
- [19星][2y] [C++] namreeb/hacksniff A tool to monitor how a target process modifies other processes
- [19星][3y] [ObjC] ura14h/blesniffer A Bluetooth LE sniffer for CC2540 USB dongle and Mac.
- [19星][7y] [C++] 6e726d/native-wifi-api-beacon-sniffer Tool that dumps beacon frames to a pcap file. Works on Windows Vista or Later with any Wireless Card.
- [18星][6y] [Java] taufderl/whatsapp-sniffer-android-poc proof of concept app to show how to upload and decrypt WhatsApp backup database
- [18星][7y] [Py] eldraco/darm darm - intelligent network sniffer for the masses darm is an attempt to create a very easy to use app that will sniff and report information about the activities happening on a live network. The main goal is to educate the public so that it becomes aware of the security of their communications. darm is being developed by leandrinux as a project …
- [18星][5y] [C++] halfdanj/ofxsniffer Network packet sniffing and crafting wrapper based on the libtins library.
- [17星][3y] [JS] bugscanteam/bugrequest Sniffer vulnerabilities in http request (chrome extension)
- [15星][6y] [Py] mbains/linux-802.15.4-sniffer Linux Based 802.15.4/Zigbee Sniffer
- [15星][2y] [C] ps2/rtlmm Software to sniff minimed RF packets using a RTLSDR dongle
- [14星][2y] [C] julioreynaga/sniffer Packet Trace Parser for TCP, SMTP Emails, and HTTP Cookies
- [13星][2y] [Py] lyyyuna/dht_sniffer DHT 公网嗅探器
- [13星][3y] [Py] vshymanskyy/blesniffer_python Software for nRF BLE Sniffer
- [12星][4y] [PS] harmj0y/netripper NetRipper - Smart traffic sniffing for penetration testers
- [12星][2y] [C] majbthrd/cansniffer CANbus sniffer using STM32F042 microcontroller
- [12星][5y] [Py] sneakersinc/sniffmypacketsv2 Next major release of sniffMyPackets - Now with added packet loving
- [12星][3y] [C++] coac/foybot MMO Packet sniffer experiment
- [11星][3y] [C] mjdubell/sudo_sniff Steal user's password when running sudo for post-exploitation purposes
- [10星][2m] [Py] gisdev01/security-ssid-abi Sniff wifi probes from nearby devices (passive monitoring only) and logs to an InfluxDB time-series database
- [10星][1m] [PHP] hostnet/css-sniffer Static code analyses for CSS and LESS.
- [10星][4y] [C] wifimon/wifimon Wi-fi 802.11 Beacon Frame sniffer
- [9星][1y] [Py] haopeiwen/sniffer IS301 Computer Communication and Network Project
- [8星][1y] [Perl] 0xcesium/hackrf-gnu-radio HackRF modules to sniff GSM 900MHz bands.
- [8星][6m] [Py] amlight/ofp_sniffer An OpenFlow sniffer to help network troubleshooting in production networks.
- [8星][2y] [C++] mgostih/snifferih DLL Hooking Packet Sniffer
- [8星][7m] [JS] piecioshka/xhr-sniffer
- [8星][9m] [Py] ajackal/cherrywasp An 802.11 probe request and beacon sniffer.
- [7星][8m] [C#] artman41/fenderstratocastorsniffer
- [7星][2m] [Py] programmingathlete/brutesniffing_fisher hacking tool
- [6星][2y] [Go] amyangxyz/dnssniffer DNSQuery Sniffer in Golang
- [6星][2y] [Py] crcarlo/arp-spoofing-python A script for sniffing internet traffic between a machine and the gateway in your local network.
- [6星][3y] [Go] jheise/dns-probe Sniff for dns traffic and create a zero mq stream for it
- [5星][2y] [Py] daymorelah/packetanalyzerandsniffer A simple python module that implements a packet sniffer and analyser. It sniffs and analyses TCP, UDP, IPV4 and IPV6 traffic.
- [5星][5y] [Ruby] dotboris/hidden-hippo A tool that identifies the people around you by sniffing network traffic and mining social networks.
- [5星][3y] roboremo/nrf24-demodulator Sniff NRF24L01 (and clones) packets and veiw bit-level structure using GNU Radio
- [5星][2y] [Lua] spacewander/lua-resty-mime-sniff Sniff the real MIME type of given data in your OpenResty app
- [5星][3y] [C++] andreabont/project-riddle Modular Network Packet Sniffer
- [4星][7y] [Shell] dc414/fakeap_pwnage A fakeAP to sniff traffic or get CC numbers.
- [4星][6y] [Shell] logic-gate/penbang Penbang is a collection of tools aimed at the openbox environment. It includes Network Exploits, Vulnerability Assessment/Exploits, Network Analysis, Social Engineering tools, I.G.C, dsniff suite, and irpas. As well as a simple way of launching them.
- [4星][3y] [Py] mellow-hype/keysniffer-poc Simple PoC Linux keysniffer showing impact of a lack of GUI-isolation in X display server.
- [4星][4y] [Visual Basic .NET] pyblendnet-js/realtermbuspiratesniff Bus Pirate SPI sniffer using RealTerm for highspeed transfer
- [4星][5y] [Ruby] sneakersinc/sniffmypacketsv2-web Web framework for sniffmypackets v2
- [4星][2y] [Py] wangjksjtu/jksniffer An implementation of Sniffer Tool using Python
- [4星][29d] [JS] sipcapture/hepjack.js Elegantly Sniff Forward-Secrecy TLS/SIP to HEP at the source using Frida
- [4星][2m] [Py] tastypeanut/carmela Makes network sniffing easy for everyone. Still a work in progress.
- [3星][4y] [C++] aschen/cameleon-sniffer A modular network sniffer daemon written in C++
- [3星][2y] [Py] orf53975/malware Rootkits | Backdoors | Sniffers | Virus | Ransomware | Steganography | Cryptography | Shellcodes | Webshells | Keylogger | Botnets | Worms | Other Network Tools
- [3星][5y] [C++] simonberson/chromeurlsniffer Hook to Chrome Browser URL and show the current URL on simple textbox
- [3星][4y] [Py] wirelesshack/desniffer 802.11 wireless sniffer
- [3星][4y] [C] bwoolf1122/tcp-seqnum Means to sniff 802.11 traffic and obtain TCP session info using netfiter_queue. Use that data to construct a packet in scappy.
- [3星][7y] [Py] 0x0d/wallofshame Multi protocol sniffer, created for ChaosConstruction conference HackSpace
- [2星][10m] [Shell] b3n-j4m1n/flood-kick-sniff Known Beacons attack tool
- [2星][1y] [Go] progtramder/webproxy A fiddler-like webproxy, support sniffing http/https content by implementing 'Sniffer' interface
- 重复区段: 工具->fiddler |
- [2星][5y] [Py] depthdeluxe/dot11sniffer Sniffs 802.11 traffic and counts the number of active wireless devices in an area
- [2星][2y] [C] samclarke2012/ssidentity Passive sniffing of 802.11 probe requests, stored in a central database.
- [2星][9y] de-ibh/mupe MUltiPath Estimator - Create statistical analysis of 802.11 Radiotap sniffs
- [1星][3y] [Py] wouterbudding/scapygelftograylog2 sniff some 802.11 packages and send the date and MAC with GELF UDP to Graylog2
- [1星][4m] [Perl] briandfoy/httpsniffer
- [1星][4y] [Py] dcrisan/wifi-802.11-demo-sniffer This 802.11 sniffer written in Python provides a useful tool to raise awareness at the amount of data phones release for anyone to read.
- [1星][5y] [C] gauravpatwardhan/wireless-sniffer A 802.11 wireless sniffer tool
- [1星][6y] [C] saintkepha/airtraf wireless 802.11 network sniffer and analyzer
- [0星][11y] [C] jackiexie168/como CoMo is a passive monitoring system that supports arbitrary real time traffic queries. Data streams may have different formats (e.g., packet/flow sequences, etc.) and originate from different platforms (e.g, packet sniffers, routers, wireless APs, ...).
- [0星][7y] [Py] dappiu/rifsniff RIfSniff is a Remote Interface Sniffer
- [1429星][3m] [Go] google/stenographer 数据包捕获解决方案,将所有数据包快速后台处理到磁盘,然后提供对这些数据包子集的简单、快速访问
- [909星][4d] [C++] seladb/pcapplusplus 多平台C ++库,用于捕获、解析和处理网络数据包。为最受欢迎的数据包处理引擎(例如libpcap,WinPcap,DPDK和PF_RING)提供了C ++包装器。高效、强大且易于使用。
- [883星][1m] [C] cisco/joy 捕获和分析网络流数据和intraflow数据,用于网络研究、取证和安全监视
- [854星][t] [C] zerbea/hcxtools 捕获无线局域网流量,并将其转换为hashcat格式和John Ripper格式
- [680星][t] [C] zerbea/hcxdumptool 捕获来自无线设备的数据包
- [456星][3y] [C] haka-security/haka 捕获TCP / IP数据包,并根据Lua策略文件对其进行过滤
- [423星][3m] [C] desowin/usbpcap USB数据包捕获,用于Windows
- [214星][3m] [C] dns-oarc/dnscap 专为DNS流量设计的网络捕获工具
- [141星][2y] [Py] secureworks/flowsynth 快速对网络流量进行建模,可用于生成基于文本的数据包的十六进制转储,和libpcap格式的数据包捕获
- [110星][3m] [C] sipcapture/captagent 用于RTC的HEP数据包捕获和镜像框架,功能强大、灵活、完全模块化。可用于任何类型的IP协议和封装方法
- [46星][3y] [C] rpcapd-linux/rpcapd-linux 为Windows版本的Wireshark提供远程流量捕获的守护程序
- 重复区段: 工具->Wireshark |
- [32星][6y] [C] nbareil/net2pcap 类似于tcpdump的数据包捕获工具,只依赖libc
- [29星][2y] [Py] nsacyber/serial2pcap 将通常从工业控制系统设备收集的串行IP数据转换为更常用的数据包捕获(PCAP)格式
- [13星][6m] [Java] jxnet/jxnet Jxnet is a Java library for capturing and sending custom network packet buffers with no copies. Jxnet wraps a native packet capture library (libpcap/winpcap/npcap) via JNI (Java Native Interface).
- [3341星][4d] [Py] stamparm/maltrail 恶意网络流量检测系统
- [27960星][9d] [Kotlin] shadowsocks/shadowsocks-android A shadowsocks client for Android
- [4966星][12d] [TS] jigsaw-code/outline-client Outline clients, developed by Jigsaw. The Outline clients use the popular Shadowsocks protocol, and lean on the Cordova and Electron frameworks to support Windows, Android / ChromeOS, Linux, iOS and macOS.
- 重复区段: iOS->工具 |
- [3145星][2y] shadowsocksr-backup/shadowsocksr-android A ShadowsocksR client for Android
- [1338星][1y] [C] madeye/proxydroid Global Proxy for Android
- [997星][12m] [Java] huolizhuminh/networkpacketcapture It is used to capture network packet via Android VPN.
- [534星][2y] [Java] dawei101/shadowsocks-android-java Shadowsocks android client, pure java version
- [527星][4y] [C] neilalexander/sigmavpn Light-weight, secure and modular VPN solution which makes use of NaCl encryption (also available for Android using jnacl in "sigmavpn-android")
- [450星][2m] [Kotlin] hmbsbige/shadowsocksr-android A ShadowsocksR client for Android, written in Kotlin.
- [368星][3y] [Java] ssun125/lanmitm Android中间人攻击测试工具
- [219星][2y] itrump/shadowsocksrss shadowsocksR backup, windows / android / mac downloads, source code backup
- [201星][4m] [Kotlin] shadowsocks/v2ray-plugin-android A SIP003 V2ray plugin on Android
- [95星][2y] guardianproject/tor-browser UPDATE: Orfox is being replaced by Tor Browser for Android. All future work and comments will be handled by Tor Project.
- 重复区段: 匿名网络->工具->Tor |
- [88星][1y] [Java] frpccluster/frpc-android Android,安卓版frpc,一个快速反向代理,可帮助您将NAT或防火墙后面的本地服务器暴露给Internet。
- [86星][1y] [Java] vpnht/android VPN.ht Android Application. Based on ics-openvpn.
- [74星][1y] [Shell] thelinuxchoice/keydroid Android Keylogger + Reverse Shell
- [34星][3y] [C] uwnetworkslab/cordova-plugin-tun2socks Cordova plugin to enable a system-wide VPN for Android devices.
- [33星][1y] [Shell] cryptolok/ghostinthechaos Chaotic Crypto Stealth VPN for Anonymity and Untraceable Hacking Attacks with Linux and Android
- [32星][5y] [Ruby] jduck/addjsif Metasploit Exploit Module for the Android addJavascriptInterface Issue (MITM)
- [28星][2y] [C] shadowsocksr-live/ssrdroid ShadowsocksR (SSR) for Android
- [23星][1y] [Java] shivam141296/android-firewall Basic netguard app from playstore ,reduced to its minimum level for vpn and firewall logic
- [22星][4y] [C] shadowsocks/openssl-android A fork of OpenSSL for shadowsocks-android
- [7958星][4y] [ObjC] shadowsocks/shadowsocks-ios Removed according to regulations.
- [6645星][8d] [Py] h2y/shadowrocket-adblock-rules 提供多款 Shadowrocket 规则,带广告过滤功能。用于 iOS 未越狱设备选择性地自动翻墙。
- [4966星][12d] [TS] jigsaw-code/outline-client Outline clients, developed by Jigsaw. The Outline clients use the popular Shadowsocks protocol, and lean on the Cordova and Electron frameworks to support Windows, Android / ChromeOS, Linux, iOS and macOS.
- 重复区段: Android->工具 |
- [1701星][1y] [Swift] haxpor/potatso Potatso is an iOS client that implements Shadowsocks proxy with the leverage of NetworkExtension framework. ***This project is unmaintained, try taking a look at this fork
- [1211星][t] [ObjC] onionbrowser/onionbrowser An open-source, privacy-enhancing web browser for iOS, utilizing the Tor anonymity network
- 重复区段: 匿名网络->工具->Tor |
- [857星][3y] [Py] hubert3/isniff-gps Passive sniffing tool for capturing and visualising WiFi location data disclosed by iOS devices
- [407星][3y] [C] robertyim/shadowsocksx Fork of shadowsocks-iOS
- [380星][5y] [Py] mfrister/pushproxy A man-in-the-middle proxy for iOS and OS X device push connections
- [133星][3y] [Swift] kidneyband/potatso-ios Potatso is an iOS client that implements Shadowsocks proxy with the leverage of NetworkExtension framework in iOS 9.
- [121星][2y] [Swift] lxdcn/nepackettunnelvpndemo iOS VPN client implementation demo based on iOS9 NetworkExtension NETunnelProvider APIs
- [107星][12m] [Swift] lettleprince/qladder QLadder is a project for iOS client. It uses shadowsocks as server-side.
- [35星][2y] unbinilium/surge Shadowsocks Encrypt Support Module for Surge APP, iOS & MacOS Configuration
- [25星][1y] [ObjC] skifary/c4msis ios shadowsocks app based on NEKit
- [515星][14d] [Perl] mrash/fwknop Single Packet Authorization > Port Knocking
- [371星][7y] [Py] moxie0/knockknock 简易、安全且隐蔽的Port Knocking工具,不使用libpcap,也不绑定到socket接口
- [2174星][1y] [JS] iam4x/pokemongo-webspoof 在PokémonGo伪造iOS设备GPS位置
- [256星][3y] [C] w-shackleton/android-netspoof Network Spoofer
- [168星][6d] [JS] sereneblue/chameleon A WebExtension port of Random Agent Spoofer
- [121星][12m] [Py] byt3bl33d3r/arpspoof Python clone of arpspoof that can poison hosts via arp-requests as well as arp-replies
- [95星][9m] [C++] hlldz/apc-ppid Adds a user-mode asynchronous procedure call (APC) object to the APC queue of the specified thread and spoof the Parent Process.
- [55星][5y] [PHP] troyhunt/pineapplesurprise Pineapple Surprise! is a PHP implementation for the Wi-Fi Pineapple or "Jasager". Used in conjunction with dnsspoof it will serve a "surprise" to any clients connected to the device when they make an HTTP request.
- [52星][9m] [Py] fireeye/adfspoof forge AD FS security tokens
- [46星][2m] [C++] 125k/esp8266_wifi_captive_portal WiFi captive portal for NodeMCU (ESP8266 Module) with DNS spoofing. It phishes the WiFi password.
- [23星][3m] [Visual Basic .NET] henriksb/extensionspoofer Spoof file icons and extensions in Windows
- [21星][9m] [Shell] thelinuxchoice/lizard Extension spoofer and reveser shell generator
- [20星][1y] [C] nofvcks/aimkit-pasted-driver The BlackBone + Chinese spoofer paste that GreenTea denied. AimKit is a scam. GreenTea is a fraud. Don't waste your money.
- [19星][3y] [Py] wjdigby/apd_launchpad Script for generating hostapd-wpe configuration files and spoofed certificates
- [18星][2y] [Py] zxsecurity/nmeadesync A tool which allows an attacker to change the time on a GPS-enabled NTP server by using spoofed NEMA sentences
- [17星][9y] [C] maurotfilho/dns-spoof DNS Spoof
- [17星][11m] [JS] tobinshields/zaqar_emailspoofer A powerful PHP email spoofer with a polished UI, rich text editor, and multiple sending options.
- [17星][3y] [Py] blechschmidt/fakeroute Simple traceroute fake hop generator through IP spoofing
- [16星][2y] [C#] rushyo/vindicatetool LLMNR/NBNS/mDNS Spoofing Detection Toolkit
- [15星][2y] [Swift] hungtruong/deadringer A proof of concept iPhone X lock screen spoof
- [15星][6y] [Java] mcourteaux/spooferbt Relay torrent tracker communication via TCP to bypass a blocked UDP network.
- [14星][3y] [C] coolervoid/hyde just another tool in C to test DoS spoofing - beta
- [14星][2y] [Py] vtr0n/fakeap Fake access point using dns spoof and ssl stripping
- [13星][6y] [Py] zackiles/rspoof Wifi Automated Fake HotSpot Hijacking with aicrack-ng, airbase, ssl-strip, and dns spoof in Python.
- [12星][2y] [Go] virus-v/arpzebra ARP+DNS欺骗工具,网络安全第三次实验,课堂演示用,严禁非法用途。ARPSpoof,wifi hijack,dns spoof
- [12星][2y] [Py] imadhsissou/python-arp-spoofer A friendly command-line spoofing tool written in python using scapy and netifaces.
- 重复区段: 工具->Scapy |
- [12星][3y] [Go] sabey/spoofgo An Application for Spoofing Movement written in Golang
- [9星][2y] [Py] balaganeshgbhackers/emailspoofing
- [9星][4y] [Perl] davi200180/ddos-scripts Diversi Script installabili e utilizzabili su Server Linux (Spoof e non) per poter fare attacchi DDoS
- [9星][2y] [Py] porthunter/smoof SMS Spoofer for Social Engineering/Pentest Engagements
- [9星][5y] [PHP] xtr4nge/module_dnsspoof FruityWifi dnsspoof module
- [9星][6y] sin5678/zxarps arp spoof tool by lzx
- [8星][5y] [Py] ickerwx/arpspoof ARP poisoning tool written in python with command line interface to add and remove targets on the fly
- [8星][4y] [Shell] jgamblin/mana-common Using Mana to Spoof Common SSIDs
- [6星][10m] [Py] avantasia/inventedattack A POC attack combining IP SPoofing, SYN Flood and IP Fragmentation
- [6星][9m] [C++] rgerganov/spoof_temp Spoof temperature sensor with HackRF
- [6星][3y] [Py] securitymouse/moops-public My Object Oriented Packet Spoofer
- [6星][13d] [Go] irai/arp A go package to monitor ARP changes and notify when mac is online or offline. Also allow forced IP address change (IP spoofing).
- [4星][3y] [HTML] 649/cve-2017-5415 Addressbar spoofing through blob URL (Firefox browser). An attack can use a blob URL and script to spoof an arbitrary addressbar URL prefaced by blob: as the protocol, leading to user confusion and further spoofing attacks.
- [4星][3y] [SourcePawn] lordzy/safedialogs safeDialogs prevents the server from receiving fake or spoofed dialog responses. This includes faking dialog ID, listitem or even the inputtext in cases of lists. Faking listitem or inputtext can lead to many risks of user breaking into server security depending on how they're used. This include ensures that everything's safe and also contains a…
- [3星][5m] [Py] tg12/slow_the_bots Slow the bot's by spoofing what they are looking for!
- [2星][3y] [Java] simonfrey/netsecure Macaddress Spoofing - IPv6 Randomising - SYN Attack Protection *** Android Root App
- [1星][5y] [HTML] qfc9/email-spoof A template on how to email spoof people
- [1星][4y] [C] garbaz/ipspoof IP spoof stuff
- [0星][5y] [C++] illahaha/zxarps arpspoof
- [0星][5y] oxtoacart/flashlight Lightweight host-spoofing web proxy written in go
- [0星][3y] [Java] uddhavpgautam/ip-spoofing-detection-prevention-for-network-intrusion-detection-prevention-based-on-tcp-seq-number IP Spoofing detection prevention for network intrusion detection prevention based on TCP sequence number prediction attack
- [3189星][2m] [C] valdikss/goodbyedpi 绕过许多已知的网络服务提供商提供的阻止访问某些网站的深度数据包检查系统
- [5173星][1y] [JS] samyk/poisontap Exploits locked/password protected computers over USB, drops persistent WebSocket-based backdoor, exposes internal router, and siphons cookies using Raspberry Pi Zero & Node.js.
- [767星][5y] [Py] shadowsocks/chinadns-python Protect yourself against DNS poisoning in China.
- [106星][1y] [Py] 5alt/ultrarelay poison and relay NTLM credentials
- [66星][7m] [C] hc0d3r/sshd-poison a tool to get creds of pam based sshd authentication
- [44星][4m] [Py] bieberg0n/bjdns A dns server which can protect yourself against DNS poisoning in China. / 抗污染 带缓存的dns服务器
- [29星][2y] [Py] aarreedd/arp-defense ARP Poisoning Defense Scripts
- [26星][5y] [Py] oros42/arp_poisoning_detector Simple detector of ARP poisoning attack
- [24星][5m] [Go] skeeto/pgp-poisoner PGP key poisoner
- [22星][6y] [C] t00sh/elf-poison Proof Of Concept for inserting code in ELF binaries.
- [20星][4m] [C] en14c/erebus Poc for ELF64 runtime infection via GOT poisoning technique by elfmaster
- [17星][7y] [C] m0nad/arp-poison arp-poison (aka arp spoof) tool
- [12星][4y] [Perl] mattiasgeniar/slowloris Slowloris - the low bandwidth, yet greedy and poisonous HTTP client
- [8星][4y] [Java] mehiar/arp-poisoning-and-defend
- [8星][4y] [Go] nkbai/arppoison arp poison 可以进行dns欺骗,流量之类的操作
- [5星][4y] [Ruby] msiavashi/ada-arp-defense Ada is a very simple tool written in pure ruby and on top of packetfu to detect arp poisoned packets and defend you automatically from the attack while even find the attacker for you .
- [4星][4m] [C] srjanel/arp_poisoning Arp Poisoning tool in C using raw sockets
- [3星][2y] [Py] b2dfir/linuxpoisonablelogfinder Security Testing Tool to identify whether a list of common log files, which may be used for log poisoning, can be accessed from an known local file inclusion vulnerability.
- [3星][5m] [Py] emreovunc/arp-poisoning-tool ARP Poisoning Tool
- [2星][1y] [Py] fishyyh/arppoison
- [1星][3y] [C] abapat/dnspoison A DNS packet injection and poisoning detection utility
- [1星][2y] filipemgs/poisonjs PoisonJS - De-obfuscate eval-based JavaScript obfuscation with monkey-patched eval(-like) functions.
- [6523星][28d] [Go] bettercap/bettercap 新版的bettercap, Go 编写. bettercap 是强大的、模块化、可移植且易于扩展的 MITM 框架, 旧版用 Ruby 编写
- [2989星][5d] [JS] evilsocket/pwnagotchi 深度学习+Bettercap,基于A2C,从周围的WiFi环境中学习,以最大程度地利用捕获的WPA关键信息
- [2905星][1y] [Py] byt3bl33d3r/mitmf Framework for Man-In-The-Middle attacks
- [2829星][2m] [Go] kgretzky/evilginx2 独立的MITM攻击工具,用于登录凭证钓鱼,可绕过双因素认证
- [2551星][2y] evilsocket/bettercap 中间人攻击框架,功能完整,模块化设计,轻便且易于扩展。
- [1425星][2m] [Py] xdavidhu/mitmap
- [1385星][11d] [Go] unrolled/secure HTTP middleware for Go that facilitates some quick security wins.
- [1295星][2y] [Go] malfunkt/hyperfox 在局域网上代理和记录 HTTP 和 HTTPs 通信
- [1204星][4m] [C] droe/sslsplit 透明SSL/TLS拦截
- [1194星][3m] [Py] jtesta/ssh-mitm SSH 中间人攻击工具
- [1101星][8m] [Ruby] lionsec/xerosploit Efficient and advanced man in the middle framework
- [1046星][4m] [PS] kevin-robertson/inveigh Windows PowerShell ADIDNS/LLMNR/mDNS/NBNS spoofer/man-in-the-middle tool
- [1008星][2m] [Go] justinas/nosurf CSRF protection middleware for Go.
- [985星][1y] [HTML] sensepost/mana DEPRECATED mana toolkit for wifi rogue AP attacks and MitM
- [980星][2m] [Py] syss-research/seth Perform a MitM attack and extract clear text credentials from RDP connections
- [949星][2y] [Py] arnaucube/coffeeminer collaborative (mitm) cryptocurrency mining pool in wifi networks
- [845星][1y] [Py] kgretzky/evilginx man-in-the-middle attack framework used for phishing credentials and session cookies of any web service
- [596星][9m] [Py] fox-it/mitm6 exploits the default configuration of Windows to take over the default DNS server
- [582星][12m] [HTML] r00t-3xp10it/morpheus Morpheus - Automating Ettercap TCP/IP (MITM-hijacking Tool)
- [547星][2y] [TS] samdenty/injectify 对网站实行中间人攻击的框架
- [522星][4y] [C] jondonym/peinjector peinjector - MITM PE file infector
- [515星][13d] [JS] moll/node-mitm Intercept and mock outgoing Node.js network TCP connections and HTTP requests for testing. Intercepts and gives you a Net.Socket, Http.IncomingMessage and Http.ServerResponse to test and respond with. Super useful when testing code that hits remote servers.
- [473星][3y] [CoffeeScript] rastapasta/pokemon-go-mitm
- [443星][23d] [TS] shroudedcode/apk-mitm
- [439星][1y] [JS] digitalsecurity/btlejuice BtleJuice Bluetooth Smart (LE) Man-in-the-Middle framework
- [434星][8y] [C++] moxie0/sslsniff A tool for automated MITM attacks on SSL connections.
- [399星][4m] [Go] cloudflare/mitmengine A MITM (monster-in-the-middle) detection tool. Used to build MALCOLM:
- [391星][2y] [Py] conorpp/btproxy Man in the Middle analysis tool for Bluetooth.
- [391星][1m] [JS] joeferner/node-http-mitm-proxy HTTP Man In The Middle (MITM) Proxy
- [385星][1y] [JS] securing/gattacker A Node.js package for BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) security assessment using Man-in-the-Middle and other attacks
- [368星][11m] [Py] crypt0s/fakedns A regular-expression based python MITM DNS server with support for DNS Rebinding attacks
- [355星][26d] [Py] gosecure/pyrdp RDP man-in-the-middle (mitm) and library for Python 3 with the ability to watch connections live or after the fact
- [347星][1y] [Py] quickbreach/smbetray SMB MiTM tool with a focus on attacking clients through file content swapping, lnk swapping, as well as compromising any data passed over the wire in cleartext.
- [342星][2y] [Shell] brannondorsey/mitm-router mitm-router:将任何一台Linux 计算机转变成公开的 Wi-Fi 网络,并且默认Man-in-the-middle 所有 http 流量
- [296星][1y] [Shell] cryptolok/ghostinthenet Ultimate Network Stealther that makes Linux a Ghost In The Net and protects from MITM/DOS/scan
- [290星][2y] [Py] websploit/websploit websploit is an advanced MITM framework
- [279星][3y] [JS] wuchangming/https-mitm-proxy-handbook 基于Node.js的HTTPS MITM(中间人)代理的原理和实现
- [251星][4m] [C#] kevin-robertson/inveighzero Windows C# LLMNR/mDNS/NBNS/DNS spoofer/man-in-the-middle tool
- [240星][4y] [Py] intrepidusgroup/mallory Mallory - MiTM TCP and UDP Proxy
- [236星][4y] [Py] withdk/badusb2-mitm-poc BadUSB 2.0 USB-HID MiTM POC
- [229星][9m] [Py] ivanvza/arpy Mac OSX ARP spoof (MiTM) tool that can also plug into Gource
- [228星][19d] sab0tag3d/mitm-cheatsheet All MITM attacks in one place.
- [188星][3m] [Py] internetarchive/warcprox WARC writing MITM HTTP/S proxy
- [181星][3y] [Py] ctxis/wsuspect-proxy WSUSpect Proxy - a tool for MITM'ing insecure WSUS connections
- [177星][4y] [Shell] floyd-fuh/tiny-mitm-proxy Probably one of the smallest SSL MITM proxies you can make
- [175星][3y] [Shell] praetorian-code/mitm-vm An easy-to-deploy virtual machine that can provide flexible man-in-the-middle capabilities.
- [171星][3y] [HTML] purpleteam/snarf Snarf man-in-the-middle / relay suite
- [166星][2m] [C] elementsproject/secp256k1-zkp Experimental fork of libsecp256k1 with support for pedersen commitments and range proofs.
- [161星][3y] [Py] pentesteres/delorean NTP Main-in-the-Middle tool
- [148星][5y] [Py] mveytsman/dilettante Maven central doesn't do SSL when serving you JARs. Dilettante is a MiTM proxy for exploiting that.
- [146星][2y] [Go] magisterquis/sshhipot High-interaction MitM SSH honeypot
- [137星][29d] [Shell] reb311ion/tornado All in one MITM tool .
- [134星][19d] [Py] certcc/tapioca CERT Tapioca for MITM network analysis
- [128星][4y] [Py] andrewhilts/snifflab Scripts to create your own MITM'ing, packet sniffing WiFi access point
- [118星][1y] [Py] amossys/memitm Tool to make in memory man in the middle
- [113星][2y] [Shell] pimps/wsuxploit wsuxploit:MiTM 漏洞利用脚本,用于将“假冒”更新注入到非 SSL WSUS 流量中
- [112星][3y] [Py] codepr/creak Poison, reset, spoof, redirect MITM script
- [95星][3y] [JS] compewter/copycat Universal MITM web server
- [87星][8m] [Shell] 1n3/prism-ap An automated Wireless RogueAP MITM attack framework.
- [85星][4y] [Py] liuhui0613/thewind a MITM attack tool
- [82星][6m] [Ruby] argos83/ritm Ruby In The Middle (HTTP/HTTPS interception proxy)
- [77星][4y] [CoffeeScript] olegberman/mitm-omegle Watch strangers talk on Omegle (man in the middle attack)
- [76星][6y] [Shell] neohapsis/suddensix IPV6 MITM attack tool
- [69星][2y] [Haskell] adjoint-io/pedersen-commitment Cryptographic Commitment Schemes
- [66星][4y] [JS] etherdream/mitm-http-cache-poisoning HTTP Cache Poisoning Demo
- [58星][3y] [Shell] r00t-3xp10it/netool-toolkit MitM pentesting opensource toolkit (scan/sniff/exploit) -- NOT SUPORTED ANYMORE --
- [55星][2y] [C++] caseysmithrc/memmitm SSL In Memory Inspection - Proof Of Concept.
- [52星][3y] [Py] cylance/mitmcanary Tool/service to detect Man in the Middle attacks with Canary Requests
- [51星][1y] [Go] mrexodia/haxxmap Some simple go tools to perform a Man-in-the-middle (MITM) attack on your IMAP server in case you forgot your password.
- [48星][2y] [PS] clr2of8/detect-sslmitm This PowerShell script will determine if your connection to external servers over HTTPS is being decrypted by an intercepting proxy such as the internet proxies commonly found in corporate environments. It does this by comparing the SSL intermediate certificate being used for your connection to the true/known SSL certificate for the server.
- [47星][4y] [C++] mozmark/ringleader A tool for configuring and using MITM proxies from firefox
- [47星][10m] [Py] lorenzb/libsubmarine Implementation of a novel practical scheme for submarine commitments
- [42星][5y] [Py] husam212/mitmer Automated man-in-the-middle attack tool.
- [42星][1y] [C#] advancedhacker101/c-sharp-proxy-server A proxy server built with c# can be both normal and MITM Proxy
- [40星][6y] [Py] ipopov/starttls-mitm A starttls-capable transparent man-in-the-middle proxy
- [38星][2y] [Py] m4n3dw0lf/sslkill Forced Man-In-The-Middle HTTPs-Avoiding Reverse Proxy
- [38星][7m] [Java] hsiafan/cute-proxy A Man-In-The-Middle Proxy as Fiddle and Charles, using Netty, JavaFX
- [36星][3y] [JS] jackgu1988/dsploit-scripts Scripts that could be injected in MITM attacks using dSploit
- [35星][7d] [Rust] scipr-lab/poly-commit A Rust library for polynomial commitments
- [33星][5d] [Py] kevcui/mitm-scripts
- [33星][3y] [Py] syss-research/dns-mitm A minimal DNS service that can provide spoofed replies
- [32星][5y] [Perl] linvex/mitm-squid sharing some files of MITM-squid attack.
- [31星][26d] [Ruby] gplcc/gplcc GPL Cooperation Commitment
- [31星][1y] [Py] thusoy/postgres-mitm Test whether your Postgres connections are vulnerable to MitM attacks
- [30星][8y] [Py] hubert3/isniff SSL man-in-the-middle tool targeting iOS devices < 4.3.5
- [29星][5y] [C] conorpp/mitm-http-proxy A simple, low level http/https proxy server with MiTM pranking features.
- [29星][2m] [JS] dangkyokhoang/man-in-the-middle Modify requests, inject JavaScript and CSS into pages
- [28星][3y] [Java] elynx/pokemon-go-xposed-mitm MITM attack on Pokemon Go (c) via XPosed framework
- [28星][3y] [Py] mvondracek/wifimitm Automation of MitM Attack on Wi-Fi Networks
- [26星][4y] [C] gregwar/mitm Man in the middle tool
- [25星][2y] [Py] the404hacking/websploit Websploit is an advanced MITM framework.
- [24星][7y] [Java] akdeniz/mitmsocks4j SOCKS代理协议的拦截器,可以转储任何连接的内容,即便有SSL进行保护
- [24星][2m] [TS] dialogs/electron-ssl-pinning Prevents MITM in Electron applications
- [24星][11m] [Nim] imgp3dev/drmitm DrMITM is a program designed to globally log all traffic of a website.
- [23星][8y] [C#] sensepost/suru Suru is one of the original Man In The Middle (MITM) proxies that sits between the user's browser and the web application.
- [22星][2m] [Py] lockgit/py rsa,base64,ac,kmp,svm,knn,mitm,hash table...
- [21星][4y] [Shell] psrcek/kali-mitm-evil-twin A script that creates a wifi hotspot on kali linux that can view usernames and passwords of ssl logins.
- [19星][2y] [Py] jakev/mitm-helper-wifi WiFi MITM Helper
- [17星][2y] [Py] shramos/winregmitm Perform MiTM attack and remove encryption on Windows Remote Registry Protocol.
- [16星][7m] [Java] aquazus/d1proxy A simple yet powerful Java 11 TCP MITM proxy for Dofus 1.29.1
- [15星][7y] [Ruby] yakindanegitim/mbfuzzer Mobile Application Fuzzer via SSL MITM
- [14星][6m] [Rust] nlevitt/monie man-in-the-middle http/https proxy library in rust
- [12星][1y] [Go] syncsynchalt/dime-a-tap Man-in-the-middle TLS intercept proxy with tcpdumpable loopback
- [12星][2y] [C++] wakbox/wakxy Wakxy is a Wakfu packet sniffer (MITM). Written in C++/Qt with Javascript scripting support.
- [12星][9m] [C++] spx01/switch-nfp-mitm Man-in-the-middle the Nintendo Switch's nfp:user service to spoof Amiibos.
- [11星][11m] [Py] nametoolong/oregano Man-in-the-middle against Tor bridges
- [10星][6m] [HTML] chinarulezzz/refluxion Refluxion -- MITM WPA attacks tool
- [10星][11m] [Py] daniel4x/mitm-python A simple as possible man in the middle written in python using scapy
- 重复区段: 工具->Scapy |
- [9星][5m] [Py] skyplabs/scapy-mitm ARP cache poisoning implementation using Scapy
- 重复区段: 工具->Scapy |
- [9星][4y] 8tiqa/vpn-security-analysis Investigation of the core VPN technologies | Penetration testing of an IPsec-VPN (using Ike-scan and psk-crack) | MitM Attack on PPTP-VPN (using ARPspoof, chap2asleap, CUPP2 and ASLEAP) | In-depth research of IPv6 Leakage and DNS Hijacking i
- [8星][3y] johnmccabe/mitmweb-docker Docker image for the mitmproxy web interface mitmweb
- [8星][1m] [Go] adguardteam/gomitmproxy Simple golang mitm proxy implementation
- [7星][1y] [Py] mathewmarcus/stoptls MitM proxy which performs opportunistic SSL/TLS stripping
- [7星][2y] [C++] pfussell/pivotal A MITM proxy server for reflective DLL injection through WinINet
- [7星][2y] socprime/muddywater-apt MuddyWater is an APT group that has been active throughout 2017, targeting victims in Middle East with in-memory vectors leveraging on Powershell, in a family of attacks now identified as “Living off the land”, as they don’t require the creation of new binaries on the victim’s machine, thus maintaining a low detection profile and a low forensic footprint. The name MuddyWater has been assigned by PaloAlto in an article that describes how the actor’s backdoor, called POWERSTATS, evolved over the past year. For the sake of clarity we decided to maintain the same names. The operators behind MuddyWater are likely espionage motivated, we derive this information from the analysis of data and backdoors behaviors. We also find that despite the strong preponderance of victims from Pakistan, the most active targets appear to be in: Saudi Arabia, UAE and Iraq. Amongst the victims we identify a variety of entities with a stronger focus at Governments, Telcos and Oil companies.
- [7星][1m] [Py] th3hurrican3/mitm A simple yet effective python3 script to perform DNS spoofing via ARP poisoning
- [6星][2y] [Java] arvahedi/gl4dius A very powerful tool for All kind of MITM attacks
- [6星][10m] [JS] cutenode/mitm.cool source code for mitm.cool, a dead-simple site that doesn't have SSL... allowing public WiFi to MITM the request and get you authenticated
- [6星][2y] [Go] pulkitsharma07/proxybench Benchmark different man-in-the-middle proxies
- [6星][5y] [Shell] mrmugiwara/airbase-ng-sslstrip-airstrip- While documenting some MitM attacks I was looking into setting up a fake AP with BT5 and my good old loved ALFA . There's a whole bunch of scripts out there which do the job nicely, if you are ready to modify them here and there. In order for it to work, you need to run airmon-ng to start the card in monitor mode, run airbase-ng to run it in AP …
- [5星][4y] [Py] 0x8008135/pymitm6
- [5星][18d] [JS] hotstu/open-slim-mock A lightweight & flexible nodejs powered web server for mock testing & MITM reverse proxy 一款基于nodejs的服务端程序,用于在app的开发调试阶段更好的与后端人员协作,便于前后端分离,快速定位接口问题
- [5星][1y] [TS] pogosandbox/node-pogo-mitm
- [5星][2y] [C++] xiaxiaoyu1988/smitm A http and https mitm tool
- [4星][2y] [Py] gteissier/cve-2016-6271 Proof of concept for ZRTP man-in-the-middle
- [4星][1y] [Py] mh4x0f/kinproxy my implements transparent proxies (mitmproxy) can use to intercept and manipulate HTTP traffic modifying requests and responses. CLI
- [4星][2y] [C++] robertblackwell/marvincpp a C++ version of the man-in-the-middle proxy based around BOOST/ASIO's async IO model
- [4星][1y] [Py] tanc7/facerider New and improved Man-In-The-Middle Framework fixes for Nethunter Phones and Tablets
- [4星][6y] wshen0123/mitm-rogue-wifi-ap MITM Attack Example Code with Rogue Wi-Fi AP
- [3星][5y] [Perl] em616/juli A simple automated perl script for MiTM ( man-in-the-middle ) attacks.
- [2星][2y] [Py] alvarogzp/man-in-the-middle Python library implementing a network proxy with the ability to modify stream data
- [2星][3y] [Go] andream16/gocrackerino Go Meet in The Middle Key Cracker
- [2星][1y] [Shell] apacketofsweets/buttertrace A wrapper that combines the use of arpspoof & tcpdump in order to perform MITM traffic interception
- [2星][8y] [Py] crapworks/nervensaege SSL MitM Proxy for attacking online banking transactions
- [2星][2m] [Py] danngalann/arpdos A python script to DoS / MITM every device on the network (except yourself ;))
- [2星][3y] [Py] gosecure/wsuspect-proxy WSUSpect Proxy - a tool for MITM'ing insecure WSUS connections
- [2星][4y] [C#] hotallday/xat-mitm Man in the middle attack on xat chats
- [2星][6y] [Py] koto/exceed-mitm Exceed OnDemand MITM proof-of-concept
- [2星][2m] [Py] nametoolong/mesona MITM proxy with GnuTLS's record length hiding
- [2星][2y] [Swift] windblaze/aegis MITM protection for MacOS
- [1星][2y] [JS] keygen-sh/example-signature-verification An example implementation of verifying response signatures using RSA cryptography to prevent tampering with API response payloads, licensing bypasses, MITM attacks, etc.
- [1星][2y] [Ruby] samyoyo/bettercap A complete, modular, portable and easily extensible MITM framework.
- [1星][2y] [Java] vincent-winner/lanmitm 中间人攻击-安卓
- [0星][2y] [Py] bioverflow/injectionpoint MiTM attack to inject JS code in a public WiFi hotspot, initially to cryptocurrency
- [0星][6y] [Shell] ekultek/suddensix IPV6 MITM attack tool
- [0星][3y] [C#] klemenb/fiddly A simple man-in-the-middle attack tool used for applying filters to the HTTP traffic on the local network.
- [145星][2y] chan9390/awesome-mitm Curated List of MitM frameworks on GitHub
- [17196星][7d] [Py] mitmproxy/mitmproxy An interactive TLS-capable intercepting HTTP proxy for penetration testers and software developers.
- [779星][2y] [Py] secretsquirrel/bdfproxy Patch Binaries via MITM: BackdoorFactory + mitmProxy. (NOT SUPPORTED)
- [261星][2y] [Go] zboya/gomitmproxy gomitmproxy是想用golang语言实现[mitmproxy],实现http(s)代理
- [170星][3m] [JS] wuchangming/node-mitmproxy node-mitmproxy is an extensible man-in-the-middle(MITM) proxy server for HTTP/HTTPS base on Node.js.
- [96星][2y] [Py] jjf012/passivescanner a passive scanner based on Mitmproxy and Arachni
- [68星][1y] [Py] feeicn/webproxy Create an HTTP / HTTPS proxy server based on MITMProxy and log all requests to the log file and parse the log for rewriting into the database.
- [59星][2y] [Py] cortesi/mitmproxy An interactive SSL-capable intercepting HTTP proxy for penetration testers and software developers
- [23星][7m] [TS] jvilk/mitmproxy-node A bridge between Python's mitmproxy and Node.JS programs. Rewrite network requests using Node.JS!
- [11星][12m] [JS] xtr4nge/fruityproxy FruityProxy allows MITM attacks. MITMproxy inline scripts can be imported. It is possible to set an upstream proxy. FruityProxy is part of FruityWifi project. It provides a RESTful API.
- [7星][6m] [Py] muzuiget/mitmpcap 将mitmproxy的流量导出到pcap文件
- [6星][1y] [Py] kr1tzb1tz/mitmproxy_pwnage
- [1星][6y] kenjoe41/mitmproxy An interactive SSL-capable intercepting HTTP proxy for penetration testers and software developers
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