is a Slack bot I wrote to coordinate a capture the flag (CTF) event.
I initially forked /~
get a Slack API token
setup a mysql database:
create table teams (id int not null auto_increment primary key, name varchar(255) not null); create table users (user varchar(50) primary key, team int); create table logs (id int not null auto_increment primary key, user varchar(50), event varchar(255), ts datetime default now()); you will have to manually populate the users table.
cp config.json.sample config.json
and fill it out.
- @amigo_bot start
- looks up the user in the users table, gives a name to their team.
- records log entry
- PMs a reply with a link to the first puzzle
- posts event to public channel
- @amigo_bot validate
- records log entry
- PMs a reply with yes/no
- posts event to public channel