The Akeneo PIM documentation
Clone this repository.
Install Sphinx.
$ sudo apt-get install python-pip
$ sudo pip install --upgrade pip
$ sudo pip install sphinx~=1.5.3
$ sudo pip install git+/~
$ sudo pip install git+/~
$ brew install python
$ pip install sphinx
$ pip install git+/~
$ pip install git+/~
If you encounter the following error
ValueError: ('Expected version spec in', 'sphinx~=1.5.3', 'at', '~=1.5.3')
Usepip install --upgrade pip
before install sphinx
Download composer curl -s | php
and run php composer.phar install
From the ./pim-docs
directory, run:
$ sphinx-build -b html . ../pim-docs-build
The documentation will be generated inside ../pim-docs-build
From the ./pim-docs
directory, run:
$ sphinx-build -nWT -b linkcheck . _build/
Install pim-community.
Then, go to Akeneo PIM src/
directory and create a symlink Acme
pointing to pim-docs/src/Acme
Add all Acme bundles in app/AppKernel.php
The needed files for Akeneo Styleguide are installed with the composer install
. When you build the documentation,
you will have an empty page /styleguide/index.html
. You have to add a RewriteRule on your Apache configuration
to redirect to /styleguide/index.php
RedirectMatch 301 /styleguide/index.html /styleguide/index.php
Don't hesitate to suggest cookbook ideas via /~
- The folder
is a clone from /~, and was updated on 2016-07. If you want to customize the Akeneo theme, please only update/_theme/akeneo_rtd
Install Docker.
[optional] To update the branch list with the current pim-docs branches, use:
sed -i -e "s/^\(.*\)'versions': .*,\(.*\)$/\1'versions': ['$(git branch -l|grep -x "\(^[ *]\+[0-9]\+\.[0-9]\+.*\)\|\(^[ *]\+master\)" | cut -c 3- | sort -r | paste -sd " ")'],\2/"
From the ./pim-docs
directory, run:
$ docker build . --tag pim-docs:master
$ rm -rf pim-docs-build && mkdir pim-docs-build
$ docker run --rm \
-v $(pwd):/home/akeneo/pim-docs/data \
pim-docs:master \
./ master --uid $(id -u) --gid $(id -g) --no-asset-check
The docs will be built into ./pim-docs-build