A list of awesome bookmarklets, just Copy and Paste as Bookmarklet
Read more about how to use bookmarklets as browser search engines: https://dev.to/iamandrewluca/bookmarklets-browser-search-engine-2m30
- Request Picture in Picture
- Extract chat keyword from Zoom recording
- Diff Time
- YouTube Seek Track
- GitLab MR Reset Viewed
Converter: https://chriszarate.github.io/bookmarkleter/
(async (s) => {
/* Was not used as search engine */
if (s === globalThis.atob("JXM=")) s = undefined;
* More bookmarklets at
* /~https://github.com/iamandrewluca/awesome-bookmarklets
* When used as a browser search engine `s` will be what user typed in address bar
* Post: https://dev.to/iamandrewluca/bookmarklets-browser-search-engine-2m30
/* Use this to get input */
if (!s) s = globalThis.prompt();
/* Your code goes here */