A simple Ecommerce API built with Fast API Framework
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- Product Endpoints:
- Comprehensive CRUD operations for managing product details, covering creation, retrieval, updating, and deletion.
- User Authentication:
- Implementation of secure user authentication using JWT (JSON Web Token) for robust access control and identity verification.
- Cart Management:
- Robust operations for managing shopping carts, empowering users to effortlessly add, remove, or update items in their carts.
- Search and Filter:
- Implementation of advanced search and filter functionalities to elevate the product browsing experience, allowing users to find specific information efficiently.
- Account Management:
- User-friendly operations for managing user accounts, enabling users to retrieve, update, or delete their account information.
- Swagger / FastAPI Integration:
- Seamless integration of Swagger UI or ReDoc for comprehensive API documentation. This ensures developers have clear and accessible documentation to understand and utilize the API effectively.
- FastAPI:
- A modern, fast web framework for building APIs with Python 3.7+ based on standard Python type hints.
- PostgreSQL:
- A powerful open-source relational database management system used for data storage.
- Supabase:
- Utilizing Supabase for its real-time database capabilities and other features.
- JWT Authentication:
- Implementing JSON Web Token authentication for secure user authentication.
- Pydantic:
- A data validation and settings management library for Python, often used with FastAPI.
- Uvicorn:
- A lightweight ASGI server that serves FastAPI applications. It is used for running FastAPI applications in production.
- SQLAlchemy:
- An SQL toolkit and Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) library for Python, useful for database interactions.
Endpoint | HTTP Method | Path | Description | User Type |
Product List | GET | /products/ |
Get a list of all products | User |
Create Product | POST | /products/ |
Create a new product | Admin |
Retrieve Product by ID | GET | /products/{id}/ |
Get details of a specific product by ID | User |
Update Product by ID | PUT | /products/{id}/ |
Update details of a specific product by ID | Admin |
Delete Product by ID | DELETE | /products/{id}/ |
Delete a specific product by ID | Admin |
Category List | GET | /categories/ |
Get a list of all categories | User |
Create Category | POST | /categories/ |
Create a new category | Admin |
Retrieve Category by ID | GET | /categories/{id}/ |
Get details of a specific category by ID | User |
Update Category by ID | PUT | /categories/{id}/ |
Update details of a specific category by ID | Admin |
Delete Category by ID | DELETE | /categories/{id}/ |
Delete a specific category by ID | Admin |
User List (Admin Only) | GET | /users/ |
Get a list of all users (admin-only) | Admin |
Get User By ID (Admin Only) | GET | /users/{user_id}/ |
Get details of a specific user by ID (admin-only) | Admin |
Create User (Admin Only) | POST | /users/ |
Create a new user (admin-only) | Admin |
Update User By ID (Admin Only) | PUT | /users/{user_id}/ |
Update details of a specific user by ID (admin-only) | Admin |
Delete User By ID (Admin Only) | DELETE | /users/{user_id}/ |
Delete a specific user by ID (admin-only) | Admin |
Get My Account Info | GET | /account/ |
Get information about the authenticated user | User |
Edit My Account Info | PUT | /account/ |
Edit the information of the authenticated user | User |
Remove My Account | DELETE | /account/ |
Remove the account of the authenticated user | User |
User Signup | POST | /auth/signup/ |
Register a new user | User |
User Login | POST | /auth/login/ |
Authenticate and generate access tokens for a user | User |
Refresh Access Token | POST | /auth/refresh/ |
Refresh an access token using a refresh token | User |
Swagger UI | - | /docs/ |
Swagger UI for API documentation | User |
Swagger JSON (without UI) | - | /openapi.json |
OpenAPI JSON for API documentation without UI | User |
ReDoc UI | - | /redoc/ |
ReDoc UI for API documentation | User |
Clone the repository:
git clone /~https://github.com/aliseyedi01/Ecommerce-Api.git
Navigate to the project directory:
Create a virtual environment:
python3 -m venv venv
Activate the virtual environment:
On Windows:
On macOS and Linux:
source venv/bin/activate
Install dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Run Alembic migrations:
python migrate.py
This will apply any pending database migrations.
Run the FastAPI development server:
python run.py
The API will be accessible at
Access the Swagger UI and ReDoc:
- Swagger UI:
- ReDoc:
Feel free to contribute to the project. Fork the repository, make changes, and submit a pull request.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.