Simple script to upload a folder of photos/videos to a new set in Flickr
I have used several scripts to upload photos from my Synology NAS to Flickr, but recently all of them failed (due to a change in authentication api).
So I cooked my own script, based in the work of /~ and /~ /flickr-uploadr
I have tested these steps in my DS212j, but this procedure probably work in many other models.
Connect via SSH to your Synology NAS
ssh admin@mynas
Create a folder for the flickr api
mkdir api
Set python to use that folder
export PYTHONPATH=/var/services/homes/admin/api
Install the flickr api
easy_install --install-dir=/var/services/homes/admin/api flickrapi
Download the script (use your favourite browser, or wget command in your Synology)
Give it execution permissions
chmod u+x
Create a new app in your Flickr account: and jot down api_key and api_secret
Edit the script and adjust the api_key, api_secreet and paths at the begining
Run it!
./ /volume1/alfem/Pics/Coches/ coches
First parameter = Folder to upload
Second parameter = Tag for the photos
On first run, the script will show an URL you need to visit in order to authorize it.Open the url in your brwoser, authorize the script and copy the code shown.
You can install the api system wide and avoid setting the PYTHONPATH, but I prefer to keep my NAS system clean.