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Content that doesn't fit inline here

Reclaim disk space used by Docker objects

docker system prune -a --volumes

Development tooling

Dev/Prod access

Internet access desktop for development and experimentation with dummy data and access to Git repository and packages. Isolated desktop for testing on production data with access to Git repositories and filtered packages (e.g. using CodeArtifact), allow copy/paste. The developer experience would then be having two desktops open with copy/paste capability (might be able to copy/paste production data, as an accepted risk), moving code between the desktops through Git, and allow-listing packages for the production desktop.

Web application OIDC authentication flow approach

Client-side design:

  • Store refresh token as HTTP-only secure cookie
  • Store ID token in memory

Client/server flow:

  • Client sends POST request to /auth/refresh API
  • If user didn't authenticate yet, client gets 401 response (there is no refresh token cookie), and redirects to /auth/login API
    • After user authenticates, /auth/login API sets refresh token cookie, and responds with ID token
  • Client calls APIs with ID token in Authorization header
  • APIs authenticate calls using ID token

Related information:

Disable macOS Sonoma smart emojis picker

sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/FeatureFlags/Domain/UIKit.plist emoji_enhancements -dict-add Enabled -bool NO


Insert a hard space (works in Markdown)


OS Input method
Linux Compose Space Space or AltGr+Space
Windows Alt+0+1+6+0

Some text editors use Ctrl+Shift+Space.

Copy with hidden files to an existing directory

cp -r <source>/. <destination>

Remove all packages installed by pip

pip uninstall -y -r <(pip freeze)

List licenses of Python packages installed with pip

pipx install pip-licenses
pip-licenses --python /usr/bin/python -nv --output-file licenses.txt

Resolve packaging dependency version conflict between black and safety

pip-compile -P black==22.12.0 --upgrade

AWS CLI commands

Bash command to perform an operation on multiple AWS CloudFormation stacks:

for stack in $(aws cloudformation describe-stacks --query Stacks[].StackName --output text); do echo $stack; done

List physical resource IDs of specific resource types in an AWS CloudFormation stack:

aws cloudformation list-stack-resources --stack-name STACK_NAME --query 'StackResourceSummaries[?ResourceType==`RESOURCE_TYPE`].PhysicalResourceId'

List services that support AWS PrivateLink VPC endpoints but do not support VPC endpoint policies:

aws ec2 describe-vpc-endpoint-services --query 'ServiceDetails[?VpcEndpointPolicySupported==`false`].{ServiceName:ServiceName, VpcEndpointPolicySupported:VpcEndpointPolicySupported}' --output table

cfn_nag command for cdk.out directory

cfn_nag_scan --output-format txt --input-path cdk.out/ --template-pattern '..*\.template\.json'

PyCharm external documentation for AWS CDK

PyCharm => Preferences => Tools => External documentation => Module Name: aws_cdk => URL/Path Pattern:{}/{}.html

tree command for AWS CDK project

tree --dirsfirst --matchdirs -I '.mypy_cache|cdk.out|node_modules|__pycache__|.git|.idea'

history without numbers

history -w /dev/stdout

Disable AWS Cloud9 managed temporary credentials

aws cloud9 update-environment  --environment-id $C9_PID --managed-credentials-action DISABLE
rm -vf ${HOME}/.aws/credentials

Archive, tree and diff two projects directories


git archive --prefix=aws-cdk-project-structure-python/ -o HEAD


$ fd | as-tree

Diff two AWS CDK project trees

diff -qrub -x "cdk.out" -x "node_modules" -x ".git" -x "package-lock.json" -x "chalice.out" -x "__pycache__" -x ".idea" -x ".chalice" -x ".DS_Store" -x ".mypy_cache" aws-cdk-sam-chalice/ aws-cdk-project-structure-python/

Replace AWS CDK version in requirements file

sed -i .orig 's/1\.106\.1/1\.114\.0/g' requirements.txt

Make bash case-insensitive for the current user

# If ~/.inputrc doesn't exist yet: First include the original /etc/inputrc
# so it won't get overriden
if [ ! -a ~/.inputrc ]; then echo '$include /etc/inputrc' > ~/.inputrc; fi

# Add shell-option to ~/.inputrc to enable case-insensitive tab completion
echo 'set completion-ignore-case On' >> ~/.inputrc

Google Chrome deep linking


Stop iTunes from launching when connecting Bluetooth devices


pyenv plugins

pyenv-virtualenv - manage virtualenvs and conda environments

Pretty print raw JSON string

aws cloudtrail lookup-events --max-results 1 --query 'Events[0].CloudTrailEvent' | jq 'fromjson'

Restart macOS sound driver

sudo pkill coreaudiod

Outlook query for tasks in calendar

category:="Israel Israeli" OR category:="Israel Israelit" start:>=today isrecurring:no

Simple HTTP request handler

python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000

Change macOS font smoothing

defaults -currentHost write -g AppleFontSmoothing -int [0,1,2,3]

and restart

System design examples

GenAI for programmers

Without GenAI:

  • Coding - 2 hours
  • Debugging - 6 hours

With GenAI:

  • Generate code - 5 minutes
  • Debugging - 24 hours

Linking strategy, mechanism, tool and architecture

Cloud automation tools like AWS CDK and Pulumi allow you to implement application’s architecture and domain logic using the same programming language.


  • Context
  • Objective
  • Mechanism
  • Design decision


  • Output => Objective
  • Tool
  • Adoption
  • Inspection
  • Iteration
  • Input


  • Use case => Output
  • Stories and flows
  • Requirements
  • Architecture


  • Application


  • Repositories and pipeline
  • Domain logic


No description, website, or topics provided.







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