This guide will walk you through setting up a production Kubernetes cluster on Azure infrastructure using the Kismatic Enterprise Toolkit (KET).
The cluster will use WeaveNet as the CNI provider.
- Nodes live in a single VNet.
- Nodes live in a single subnet.
- Nodes use Azure Managed Disks
- Nodes do not have a public IP address.
- Bastion host (aka. jump box) is the only virtual machine that has a public IP address.
- Etcd, master and worker nodes are in their own Availability Set.
- The kubernetes API is accessible through a load balancer that has a public IP address.
- Default network security groups are created for etcd, master and worker nodes. The master node security group allows access to the API Server port from the internet.
- The default Linux user account is
- Azure account
- Azure subscription ID jotted down somewhere
- Azure CLI installed
- Terraform installed
Log into Azure using the azure CLI:
az login
Create the infrastructure using Terraform:
cd terraform
terraform apply
Create a Service Principal:
az account set --subscription="${SUBSCRIPTION_ID}"
az ad sp create-for-rbac --role="Contributor" --scopes="/subscriptions/${SUBSCRIPTION_ID}"
This will return an appId
and password
. Make sure to save these as we will need them when setting up the cloud provider integration.
Create a copy of the sample file:
cp kismatic-cluster.yaml.sample kismatic-cluster.yaml
Use your favorite editor to enter the following information in kismatic-cluster.yaml
- Private IP of all nodes
- Public IP of
load balancer in theload_balanced_fqdn
fields. - Admin password
Create a copy of the sample file:
cp azure-cloud-provider.conf.sample azure-cloud-provider.conf
Kubernetes can integrate with Azure to create Load Balancers and Persitent Volumes on demand. To enable this capabilities, set the required information in the azure-cloud-provider.conf
The following fields must be updated with your Azure account information:
- tenantId: Your Azure tenant ID
- subscriptionId: Your Azure subscription ID
- aadClientId: The
of the Service Principal created above - aadClientSecret: The
of the Service Principal created above.
bastion=$(terraform output -state=terraform/terraform.tfstate bastion_ip)
scp kismatic-cluster.yaml azure-cloud-provider.conf ketadmin@$bastion:~
SSH into the bastion node:
bastion=$(terraform output -state=terraform/terraform.tfstate bastion_ip)
ssh ketadmin@$bastion
Download KET v1.6.0:
wget /~ -O- | tar xz
Copy the SSH key into the bastion host at ~/.ssh/id_rsa
. KET does not currently
support encrypted private keys, so you must decrypt it first if it is encrypted.
Provision the cluster:
./kismatic install apply
- Create subnets for each node role.
- Create separate ssh keypair instead of using the
. - Template the nodes section of the KET plan file using Terraform