The snakecase package introduces a fresh and straightforward approach on case conversion, based upon a consistent design philosophy.
For a short intro regarding typical use cases, see the blog article Introducing the snakecase package.
# install snakecase from cran
# install.packages("snakecase")
# or the (stable) development version hosted on github
# install.packages("remotes")
# load snakecase
The workhorse function of this package is to_any_case()
. It converts
strings (by default) into snake case:
string <- c("lowerCamelCase", "ALL_CAPS", "I-DontKNOWWhat_thisCASE_is")
## [1] "lower_camel_case" "all_caps"
## [3] "i_dont_know_what_this_case_is"
However, one can choose between many other cases like "lower_camel"
, "all_caps"
, "lower_upper"
, "upper_lower"
and "mixed"
, which are based on "parsed"
to_any_case(string, case = "parsed")
## [1] "lower_Camel_Case" "ALL_CAPS"
## [3] "I_Dont_KNOW_What_this_CASE_is"
Also shortcuts (wrappers around to_any_case()
) are provided:
## [1] "LowerCamelCase" "AllCaps"
## [3] "IDontKnowWhatThisCaseIs"
Be aware that automatic case conversion depends on the input string and
it is therefore recommended to verify the results. You might want to
pipe these into dput()
and hardcode name changes instead of blindly
trusting the output:
to_snake_case(c("SomeBAdInput", "someGoodInput")) %>% dput()
## c("some_b_ad_input", "some_good_input")
The to_any_case()
function basically enables you to convert any string
into any case. This is achieved via a well thought process of
parsing (abbreviations
, sep_in
, parsing_option
conversion (transliterations
, case
) and postprocessing
, sep_out
). The specific arguments allow you to customize
the pipeline.
On this example, you can see the whole pipeline including some implementation details.
Some further cosmetics (unique_sep
, empty_fill
, prefix
) can be applied to the output, see arguments.
string: A character vector, containing the input strings.
abbreviations: One challenge in case conversion are odd looking
“mixed cases”. These might be introduced due to country codes or other
abbreviations, which are usually written in upper case. Before you
consider a different parsing_option
(see below), you might just want
to use the abbreviations
to_snake_case(c("HHcity", "IDTable1", "KEYtable2", "newUSElections"),
abbreviations = c("HH", "ID", "KEY", "US"))
## [1] "hh_city" "id_table_1" "key_table_2"
## [4] "new_us_elections"
Abbreviations are consistently formatted regarding the supplied case
However, for title-, mixed-, lower-camel- and upper-camel-case the
formatting is specified by the formatting of the
to_upper_camel_case(c("user_id", "finals_mvp"), abbreviations = c("Id", "MVP"))
## [1] "UserId" "FinalsMVP"
sep_in: By default non-alphanumeric characters are treated as separators:
## [1] "malte_grosser_gmail_com"
To suppress this behaviour, just set sep_in = NULL
to_snake_case("", sep_in = NULL)
## [1] ""
Since sep_in
takes regular expressions as input, to_any_case()
becomes very flexible. We can for example express that dots behind
digits should not be treated as separators, since they might be intended
as decimal marks:
to_snake_case("Pi.Value:3.14", sep_in = ":|(?<!\\d)\\.")
## [1] "pi_value_3.14"
parsing_option: We can modify the abbreviations example a bit. In this case, another parsing option might be handy:
to_snake_case(c("HHcity", "IDtable1", "KEYtable2", "newUSelections"),
parsing_option = 2)
## [1] "hh_city" "id_table_1" "key_table_2"
## [4] "new_us_elections"
Sometimes it might make sense to treat mixes of words and abbreviations as one word:
to_snake_case(c("HHcity", "IDtable1", "KEYtable2", "newUSelections"),
parsing_option = 3)
## [1] "hhcity" "idtable_1" "keytable_2" "new_uselections"
To suppress conversion after a non-alphanumeric characters (except
), you can add a minus in front of the parsing_option
, e.g.:
sep_in = NULL,
parsing_option = -1)
## [1] ""
And to suppress the parsing set parsing_option = 0
If you are interested in the implementation of a specific
, please open an issue.
transliterations: To turn special characters (for example) into
ASCII one can incorporate transliterations from
or this
package (also in
to_upper_camel_case("Doppelgänger is originally german",
transliterations = "german")
## [1] "DoppelgaengerIsOriginallyGerman"
to_snake_case("Schönes Café",
transliterations = c("german", "Latin-ASCII"))
## [1] "schoenes_cafe"
Additionally it is easy to specify tranliterations or more general any
replacement as a named element of the character vector supplied to the
transliterations = c("boy" = "baby", "snake" = "screaming_snake"))
to_snake_case("column names 100 % snake case", sep_in = NULL,
transliterations = c("%" = "percent"), postfix = ";-)")
## [1] "column_names_100_percent_snake_case;-)"
If you can provide transliterations for your (or any other) country, please drop them within this issue.
case: The desired target case, provided as one of the following:
- snake_case:
- lowerCamel:
- UpperCamel:
- lowerUPPER:
- UPPERlower:
- Sentence case:
- Title Case:
- This one is basically the same as sentence case with, but in addition it is wrapped intotools::toTitleCase()
and abbreviations are always turned into upper case.
There are six “special” cases available:
: This case is underlying all other cases. Every substring a string consists of becomes surrounded by an underscore (depending on the parsing_option). Underscores at the start and end are trimmed. No lower or upper case pattern from the input string are changed."mixed"
: Almost the same ascase = "parsed"
. Every letter which is not at the start or behind an underscore is turned into lowercase. If a substring is set as an abbreviation, it will be turned into upper case."swap"
: Upper case letters will be turned into lower case and vice versa. Alsocase = "flip"
will work. Doesn’t work with any of the other arguments exceptunique_sep
: Each letter will be randomly turned into lower or upper case. Doesn’t work with any of the other arguments exceptunique_sep
: Neither parsing nor case conversion occur. This case might be helpful, when one wants to call the function for the quick usage of the other parameters. To suppress replacement of spaces to underscores setsep_in = NULL
. Works withsep_in
: This case is returning the internal parsing (suppressing the internal protection mechanism), which means that alphanumeric characters will be surrounded by underscores. It should only be used in very rare use cases and is mainly implemented to showcase the internal workings ofto_any_case()
numerals: If you want to format the alignment of numerals use
(default), "left"
, "right"
, "asis"
). E.g. to add no extra separators around digits use:
to_snake_case("species42value 23month 7-8",
numerals = "asis")
## [1] "species42value_23month_7_8"
sep_out: For the creation of other well known or completely new
cases it is possible to adjust the output separator (sep_out
to_snake_case(string, sep_out = ".")
## [1] "" "all.caps"
## [3] ""
to_mixed_case(string, sep_out = " ")
## [1] "lower Camel Case" "All Caps"
## [3] "I Dont Know What this Case is"
to_screaming_snake_case(string, sep_out = "=")
When length(sep_out) > 1
, its last element gets recycled and the
output separators are incorporated per string according the order in
. This might come in handy when e.g. formatting file names:
string = c("YYYY_MM.DD_bla_bla_bla",
sep_out = c("", "", "-", "_"),
postfix = ".txt")
## [1] "yyyymmdd-bla_bla_bla.txt" "20190109-bla_bla_bla.txt"
unique_sep: (character): When not NULL
non unique output strings
will get an integer suffix separated with the supplied string.
empty_fill: (character): Empty output (""
) will be replaced by
this string.
prefix: (character): simple prefix.
postfix: (character): simple post-/suffix.
is an attempt to provide good low level control, while
still being high level enough for daily usage. For another example of
case conversion with good default settings, you can look into the
function from the
janitor package, which works
directly on data frames. You can also look into the
sjPlot package, where
automatic case conversion is used to provide nice default labels within
For daily usage (especially when preparing fixed scripts) I recommend to
combine to_any_case()
with dput()
. In this way, you can quickly
inspect, if the output is as intended and hardcode the results (which is
basically safer and good practice in my opinion). In very complex cases
you might just want to manually fix the output from dput()
instead of
tweeking with the arguments too much.
The package is internally build up on the stringr package, which means that many powerful features are provided “by default”:
is vectorised over most of its arguments likestring
.- internal character operations are super fast c++. However, some speed is lost due to a more systematic and maintainable implementation.
- special input like
etc. is handled in exactly the same consistent and convenient manner as in the stringr package.
In general combinations of one letter words or abbreviations are hard to convert back from cases with
as default separator:to_any_case("a_b_c_d", case = "upper_camel") ## [1] "ABCD"
However, it it not impossible:
to_snake_case("ABCD", sep_out = ".", transliterations = c("^ABCD$" = "A_B_C_D")) ## [1] "a.b.c.d" to_snake_case("BVBFCB:5-2", sep_in = ":", transliterations = c("^BVBFCB" = "BVB_FCB")) ## [1] "bvb_fcb_5-2"
Sometimes further pre- or postprocessing might be needed. For example you can easily write your own parsing via a sequence of calls like
str_replace_all(string, (some_pattern), "_\\1_")
. -
You can decide yourself: Open an issue here or build sth. quickly yourself via packages like base, stringr, stringi etc.
Conversion to a specific target case is not always obvious or unique. In general a clean conversion can only be guaranteed, when the input-string is meaningful.
Take for example a situation where you have IDs for some customers.
Instead of calling the column “CustomerID” you abbreviate it to “CID”.
Without further knowledge about the meaning of CID it will be impossible
to know that it should be converted to “c_id”, when using
. Instead it will be converted to:
## [1] "cid"
We could have also converted to “c_i_d” and if we don’t know the meaning of “CID”, we can’t decide which one is the better solution. However, it is easy to exclude specific approaches by counterexamples. So in practice it might be nicer to convert “SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE” to “screaming_snake_case” instead of “s_c_r_e_a_m_i_n_g_s_n_a_k_e_c_a_s_e” (or “screamin_g_snak_e_cas_e” or “s_creaming_s_nake_c_ase”), which means that also “cid” is preferable to “c_i_d” (or “c_id” or “ci_d”) without further knowledge.
Since the computer can’t know, that we want “c_id” by himself. It is easiest, if we provide him with the right information (here in form of a valid PascalCase syntax):
## [1] "c_id"
In this way it is guaranteed to get the correct conversion and the only
chance of an error lies in an accidentally wrong provided input string
or a bug in the converter function to_snake_case()
(or a sequence of
(one letter) abbreviations, see known limitations).
In many scenarios the analyst doesn’t have a big influence on naming conventions and sometimes there might occur situations where it is not possible to find out the exact meaning of a variable name, even if we ask the original author. In some cases data might also have been named by a machine and the results can be relatively technically. So in general it is a good idea to compare the input of the case converter functions with their output, to see if the intended meanings at least seem to be preserved.
To make this as painless as possible, it is best to provide a logic that is robust and can handle also relatively complex cases. Note for example the string “RStudio”. How should one convert it to snake case? We have seen a similar example with “CId”, but for now we focus on sth. different. In case of “RStudio”, we could convert to:
- “r_s_tudio”,
- “rs_tudio” or
- “r_studio”.
If we are conservative about any assumptions on the meaning of “RStudio”, we can’t decide which is the correct conversion. It is also not valid to assume that “RStudio” was intentionally written in PascalCase. Of course we know that “r_studio” is the correct solution, but we can get there also via different considerations. Let us try to convert our three possible translations (back) to PascalCase and from there back to snake case. What should the output look like?
- r_s_tudio -> RSTudio -> r_s_t_udio
- rs_tudio -> RsTudio -> rs_tudio
- r_studio -> RStudio -> r_studio
Both of the first two alternatives can’t be consistently converted back to a valid Pascal case input (“RStudio”) and with the first logic the further snake case conversion seems to be complete nonsense. Only the latter case is consistent, when converting back to PascalCase, which is the case of the input “RStudio”. It is also consistent to itself, when converting from PascalCase back to snake_case.
In this way, we can get a good starting point on how to convert specific strings to valid snake_case. Once we have a clean snake_case conversion, we can easily convert further to smallCamelCase, BigCamelCase, SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE or anything else.
In the last sections we have seen, that it is reasonable to bring a specific conversion from an input string to some standardized case into question. We have also seen, that it is helpful to introduce some tests on the behavior of a specific conversion pattern in related cases. The latter can help to detect inappropriate conversions and also establishes a consistent behavior when converting exotic cases or switching between standardized cases. Maybe we can generalize some of these tests and introduce some kind of consistency patterns. This would enable us that whenever inappropriate or non-unique possibilities for conversions appear, we have rules that help us to deal with this situation and help to exclude some inconsistent conversion alternatives.
During the development of this package I recognized three specific rules
that seem reasonable to be valid whenever cases are converted. To be
more general we just use to_x()
and to_y()
to refer to any two
differing converter functions from the set of functions including
, to_screaming_snake_case()
, to_lower_camel_case
and to_upper_camel_case()
. (Other cases like “lower_upper” or
“upper_lower” could be included, if we consider parsing_option = 2
within the equations.)
When we have converted to a standardized case, a new conversion to the case should not change the output:
to_x(to_x(string)) = to_x(string)
When converting to a specific case, it should not matter if a conversion to another case happened already:
to_y(to_x(string)) = to_y(string)
It should always be possible to switch between different cases, without any loss of information:
to_x(to_y(to_x(string))) = to_x(string)
Note that it can easily be shown, that rule three follows from the second rule. However, it seems reasonable to express each by its own, since they all have an interpretation and together they give a really good intuition about the properties of the converter functions.
To give a meaningful conversion for different cases, we systematically designed test-cases for conversion to snake, small- and big camel case among others. To be consistent regarding the conversion between different cases, we also test the rules above on all test-cases.
- If you are interested on (the history of) this package, you can watch this (older) talk.
- The state of naming conventions in R, Bååth 2012, R Journal Download article
- Consistent naming conventions in R, Lovelace 2014, RBloggers
- What is your preferred style for naming variables in R?, Stackoverflowquestion 2009
- Are there any official naming conventions in R?, stackoverflowquestion 2012
function from the janitor packageto_camel()
function from the rapporttools package- lettercase-pkg
Please note that the snakecase package is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By contributing to this project, you agree to abide by its terms.