Latest Laravel blog boilerplate starter kit application. A very basic set of features for easy start developing a new application. Education purposes only.
- Laravel
- MySQL migrations and seeds
- Bootstrap, jQuery, and vue.js
- Users, auth, and roles
- User profile page and avatar upload
- Posts, comments, and users CRUDs
- npm
- composer
- gulp
# get it
$ git clone /~
# edit config
$ cd laravel-starter-kit
$ mkdir -p bootstrap/cache
$ mkdir -p public/images/avatars
$ vim config/database.php
$ cp .env.example .env
$ vim .env
# install
$ composer install
$ npm install
$ php artisan key:generate
$ php artisan config:clear
# run
$ php artisan migrate --seed
# or
$ php artisan migrate:refresh --seed
# for development, in another console
$ gulp watch
# finally:
$ php artisan serve
We will try to keep this up-to-date. At the moment of writing, the latest Laravel version is 5.4.
- Unit testing (karma, phpUnit, Behat)
- Feature: search field for all lists
- Feature: hard delete for all views (invoking MySQL transactions)
- Minor: pagination last and first page when available
- Minor: modal pop-ups for creating posts and comments
- Workflow Tutorial
- Desirable: React/Redux branch
- Desirable: Bootstrap 4 + admin theme