A simple web app based on flask and python to download original sound files from freesound.org using oauth2 authorization. T
NOTE : If you want much more sophiscated and scalable search, filtering and effective downloads, use the freesound-python client library, you can also find some simple cases in the repo. An oauth2 example can be found here.
Code optimised from kemitche's repository.
Install dependencies from requirements.txt. Ideally create a virtualenv and install the requirements
Apply for your freesound API key from here and update it in the code
[IMPORTANT] Set your "callback_url" as http://localhost:5000/freesound_callback
Open terminal and navigate to your working directory and run the code.
In Mac
$ export FLASK_APP=freesound_oauth2.py
$ flask run
In Windows
$ export FLASK_APP=freesound_oauth2.py
$ python -m flask run
- Open your web browser with url http://localhost:5000 and authorise your app.
Find flask documentation here