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Welcome to my default Data Project Repo.

To use this project structure you will need to follow the steps below.


To use this project properly, you will need to install:

To install and configure Pyenv and Poetry in Windows, check this video. To learn how to manage multiple python versions using pyenv, check this article.

Poetry local environment config

To create the .venv local folder, type in terminal: *for this project only, add the argument --local at the end of the command. Below is the poetry global settings.

poetry config virtualenvs.create true
poetry config true

DuckDB install


winget install DuckDB.cli

For other OS, check it: duckdb download page

Installation Steps

Git Clone

Open a terminal window (cmd, bash, or anything with git commands) and type:

git clone /~ [NEW_PROJECT_NAME]
git init

Create new GitHub Repo from existing one

In the terminal window, type:

gh repo create

Choose the third option: Push an existing local repository to GitHub. Choose the current path (just put a dot "." and hit enter) Follow the instructions on screen, add a remote called 'master', and that's it!

Setting up the environment

We will need python 3.12.2, and to get this version we will use pyenv. In the same terminal window, type:

If you never used pyenv, or if you don't have the 3.12.2 version in your pyenv:

pyenv update
pyenv install --l

If you find the 3.12.2, then it's everything correct.

pyenv install 3.12.2

To check the python versions installed, use this:

pyenv versions

You will notice that one of the versions will have a * symbol. This indicates that the system is using this version. You can also check the default python version used by the system with this:

which python

If you have the 3.12.2 version in your pyenv: To use the project python version (3.12.2), use the command below:

pyenv local 3.12.2


To initialize the poetry in the project, type in the terminal:

poetry env use 3.12.2
poetry shell
poetry install --no-root


In the terminal:


If the above code don't work properly, go to the duckdb download page and get the latest zip file. Extract the duckdb.exe and put inside your project folder. This will allow you to use the duckdb in the terminal.

Folder Structure

The basic project folder structure are shown below.

├── .vscode
├── docs
├── scripts
├── src
└── tests

.vscode: VSCODE setting to the project session, like font size. docs: documentation folder, will store the mkdocs scripts: any script related to automation, instalation, compilation, test execution. src: the source code folder tests: the automated test folder to check the source code


LinkedIn: Alan Lanceloth Rodrigues Silva



Default project repository for data projects.






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