provides type-safe, ergonomic, polymorphic optics for TypeScript:
- Optics allow you to read or modify values from deeply nested data structures, while keeping all data immutable.
- Ergonomic: Optics are composed with method chaining, making it easy and fun!
- Polymorphic: When writing through the optics, you can change the data types in the nested structure.
- Type-safe: The compiler will type check all operations you do. No
, ever.
➡ Documentation ⬅
supports lenses, prisms, traversals, removing items from containers,
and much more!
Since optics-ts v2.2.0, there are two syntaxes for defining optics: method chaining (the default) and standalone optics (experimental). See the docs for more info!
npm install optics-ts
yarn add optics-ts
Here's a simple example demonstrating how lenses can be used to drill into a nested data structure:
import * as O from 'optics-ts'
type Book = {
title: string
isbn: string
author: {
name: string
// Create a lens that focuses on author.name
const optic = O.optic_<Book>().prop('author').prop('name')
// This is the input data
const input: Book = {
title: "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy",
isbn: '978-0345391803',
author: {
name: 'Douglas Adams',
// Read through the optic
// "Douglas Adams"
// Write through the optic
O.set(optic)('Arthur Dent')(input)
// {
// title: "The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy"
// isbn: "978-0345391803",
// author: {
// name: "Arthur Dent"
// }
// }
// Update the existing value through the optic, while also changing the data type
O.modify(optic)((str) => str.length + 29)(input)
// {
// title: "The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy"
// isbn: "978-0345391803",
// author: {
// name: 42
// }
// }
Another example that converts all words longer than 5 characters to upper case:
import * as O from 'optics-ts/standalone'
const optic = O.optic<string>().words().when(s => s.length >= 5)
const input = 'This is a string with some shorter and some longer words'
O.modify(optic)((s) => s.toUpperCase()(input)
// "This is a STRING with some SHORTER and some LONGER WORDS"
See the documentation for a tutorial and a detailed reference of all supported optics.
Run yarn
to install dependencies.
Run yarn test
For compiling and running the tests when files change, run these commands in separate terminals:
yarn build:test --watch
yarn jest dist-test/ --watchAll
You need Python 3 to build the docs.
python3 -m venv venv
./venv/bin/pip install mkdocs-material
Run a live reloading server for the documentation:
./venv/bin/mkdocs serve
Open http://localhost:8000/ in the browser.
$ yarn version --new-version <major|minor|patch>
$ yarn publish
$ git push origin main --tags
Open /~https://github.com/akheron/optics-ts/releases, edit the draft release, select the newest version tag, adjust the description as needed.