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Releases: akello-io/akello

Version 0.0.10

05 Apr 17:17
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This release brings multiple enhancements, fixes, and new features to the Akello platform, including significant documentation updates, security patches, and UI improvements. Below are the key changes grouped by their nature for easier navigation.

Feature Enhancements

Documentation and Cleanup

Infrastructure and Setup

  • Docker and Environment Setup: Instructions for initial setup of the infrastructure for development, including Docker-compose configurations.
  • Security and Dependencies: Updates to address security issues and manage dependencies efficiently.

UI/UX Improvements

  • Landing Page and Style Updates: Enhancements to the landing page and overall styles for a better user experience.

New Contributors

  • @hr1383 made their first contribution in #427
  • @aikido-autofix made their first contribution in #433
  • @petermetz made their first contribution in #479

Version 0.0.9

22 Mar 19:20
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Major Updates

  • Go Live Versions: Multiple deployments to production by @vselvarajijay, ensuring the platform remains up-to-date with the latest features and fixes (PRs #356, #357, #359, #360, #364, #365, #366, #369, #379, #382, #386, #389, #391, #394, #395, #397, #400, #401, #409, #411, #414, #415, #416).
  • Auth and Security Enhancements: Implemented improvements in authentication processes and added a feature allowing users to change their password for enhanced security (PRs #358, #385).
  • Documentation Updates: Significant updates made to the setup and operational guides by @jmb1993001, including initial setup, treatment session start, targeting treatments, running billing reports, and team coordination (PRs #370, #371, #372, #373, #375, #376, #390, #392).
  • Data Model Refactoring: Overhaul of data models and types to streamline operations and ensure data integrity (PRs #387, #388).
  • Deployment and Environment Setup: Improved deployment strategies for both production and development environments, including AWS CDK deployment fixes (PRs #398, #399, #412).
  • UI and Documentation Enhancements: Cleanup and updates to the user interface and documentation, ensuring users have access to the latest information and a smooth interface experience (PRs #403, #408).

New Features

  • Patient Data Management: Introduced prevention of duplicate patient MRNs, improving patient data accuracy (PR #361).
  • Billing and Reporting Enhancements: Added auto CPT code attribution to billing reports, simplifying the billing process (PR #393).
  • Tooling and Setup: Initialized a simple registry and set up CLI tools to facilitate development and operations (PRs #363, #368).

Quality of Life Improvements

  • Bug Fixes and Cleanup: Addressed build errors, cleaned up models, and made various small bug fixes to enhance platform reliability (PRs #362, #388, #413).
  • Documentation and Guide Updates: Updated README and various guides to improve user onboarding and provide clear instructions for using the platform (PRs #374, #390, #392).

Dependency Updates

  • Security and Maintenance: Updated dependencies across multiple directories to ensure the security and stability of the platform (PRs #383, #410).

New Contributors

  • A warm welcome to @jmb1993001 for their first contribution to the project!

⠀For a detailed list of changes, please visit the full changelog.

Version 0.0.8

08 Mar 22:59
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What's Changed in Version 0.0.8

New Features

  • Introduced the ability to custom score FHIR objects post-treatment session (#325).
  • Added Version 2 of the plugin with Metriport integration (#332).
  • Implemented initial working version of FHIR score Akello app (#340).
  • Added single registry app feature (#354).
  • Introduced Typeform integration (#346).


  • Completed data model cleanup (#327).
  • Updated Akello Apps configurations (#334, #335).
  • Established end-to-end working data flow for Akello app config (#336).
  • Migrated Metriport to new app configuration (#337).
  • Refactored Akello app for improved structure (#338).
  • Enhanced Template plugin for better usability (#333, #339, #341, #342).


  • Addressed various bugs in mock data generation (#328, #329).
  • Corrected unit test issues (#330).
  • Fixed app configuration bugs (#344).
  • Rolled back changes on COCM-registry to fix related bug (#355).
  • Performed cleanup after screening sessions (#345).



  • Version bump to align with new releases and updates (#324).

For a full list of changes, see the Full Changelog.

Version 0.0.7

23 Feb 22:54
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What's Changed

  • Integrated Metriport by @vselvarajijay.
  • Prepared for production deployment by @vselvarajijay.
  • Updated AWS deployment configurations by @vselvarajijay.
  • Developed and refined Cloud Stack including bug fixes and new features by @vselvarajijay.
  • Initiated work on Fhir server integration by @vselvarajijay.
  • Multiple refactorings to React package by @vselvarajijay.
  • Dependency updates by @dependabot, including bumps in starlette, fastapi, cryptography, and grouped updates across various directories.
  • Enhanced Metriport integration with on-demand request capabilities by @vselvarajijay.
  • General bug fixes, cleanup, and removal of a broken package by @vselvarajijay.
  • Improved Registry with bug fixes by @vselvarajijay.

New Contributors

  • Welcome @dependabot for their first contribution to the project!

Full Changelog: View the complete list of changes from v0.0.6 to v0.0.7

Version 0.0.6

09 Feb 06:02
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Akello v0.0.6 Release Summary

Documentation and Development Enhancements

  • Updated documentation version for improved clarity.
  • Enhanced local development setup for a more efficient workflow.
  • Transitioned scripts to Makefile, optimizing development processes. @rajdip-b in #196

User Interface and Functionality Improvements

Refactoring and Code Optimization

  • Refactored React components and UI components, including adjustments for dark mode and the re-integration of build scripts. @vselvarajijay in #199, #201
  • Initiated migration to a component library with React state, enhancing state management. @vselvarajijay in #203
  • Migrated the cocm-registry app to @akello/react2, ensuring consistency across applications. @vselvarajijay in #204
  • Addressed CSS overrides issues, ensuring consistent styling with Tailwind CSS and DaisyUI. @vselvarajijay in #206, #207

Authentication and Security Enhancements

  • Conducted an authentication system refactor, incorporating the Mantine component library for improved security and user interface. @vselvarajijay in #213, #214
  • Streamlined authentication processes, focusing on a more robust and secure framework.

Continuous Integration and Bug Fixes

  • Implemented continuous syncing updates, ensuring the platform remains up-to-date and stable. @vselvarajijay in #215, #216
  • Migrated to Akello service calls, moving away from client-coded APIs for increased efficiency and reliability. @vselvarajijay in #212
  • Conducted a series of bug fixes, including a specific fix for issue #97, enhancing overall system stability. @vselvarajijay in #198

UI Library Migration and Cleanup

Full Changelog: v0.0.5...v0.0.6

Version 0.0.5

26 Jan 15:57
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Metriport integration (server), simpler local dev setup, app bug fixes

Recent Updates

For a comprehensive list of changes, visit the Full Changelog.

Version 0.0.4

24 Jan 03:06
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Updates to Docs, Storybooks, and Various Bug Fixes to aid Local Development

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.0.3...v0.0.4

Version 0.0.3

18 Jan 02:52
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Minor release that removes hardcoded screeners from the CoCM Registry client app. The client app can now manage any clinical questionnaire for a population.

What's Changed

  • Local environment development setup
  • Removed hard-coded PHQ-9 and GAD-7 screener from the client app

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.0.2...v0.0.3

Version 0.0.2

10 Nov 18:55
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Here is what's new

We built out our react component library and started to migrate the initial MVP into the new package structure. Five new npm packages were introduced within our monolithic repo.

@akello/core - npm package for clients to connect and interact with data
@akello/react - react component library for Akello's core app components (buttons, navs, etc.)
@akello/react-insights - react component library for anything related to data, charts, reports, etc.
@akello/react-medical - react component library for medical/clinical standard components (screeners, dashboards, etc.)
@akello/react-fhir - react component library to translate FHIR objects into the UI

In addition we improved the CI/CD workflow for this repo along with adding new management scripts.

What's Changed

  1. Automated publishing of Python PyPI package (#69)
  2. update (#70)
  3. Resetting Python package version (#71)
  4. GitHub workflow for NPM package deployment (#72)
  5. NPM workflow automation (#75)
  6. Initial Akello Component Library with example (#83)
  7. Deployment to (#84)
  8. Fixing AWS Bucket configuration (#85)
  9. Enhancing button Storybook component and testing deployment (#86)
  10. Enhancing Akello UI Component Library (#90)
  11. Publishing updates for NPM package (#91)
  12. Setting up new app with new UI Components (#92)
  13. update by @ninar12 (#94)
  14. Merging up to save state (#95)
  15. Fixing broken Storybook component (#96)
  16. Extending UI Component Library (#97)
  17. Initial NPM package setup (#98)
  18. NPM package updates (#100)
  19. Refactoring auth and clearing up SonarCube bugs (#104)

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.0.1...v0.0.2

Version 0.0.1

03 Nov 22:58
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Initial release for MVP launched under and open sourcing akello.

What's Changed

  1. Cleared Cloudfront Distribution IDs (#1)
  2. Proof of concept for AWS CDK Infra setup (#2)
  3. Multiple updates (#3, #4, #5, #6, #7, #21, #22, #29, #35, #36, #58, #65, #67)
  4. Added screenshot to README (#8)
  5. Documentation updates (#16, #26, #28)
  6. Fixing commits (#17)
  7. Updating remote (#18)
  8. General updates (#19)
  9. Cleared temporary notes (#20)
  10. Created python package for the API server (#23)
  11. Cleaned up folder structure (#24)
  12. Fixed example app (#25)
  13. Added deployment scripts (#31)
  14. Rolled back financial model in a hidden route (#33)
  15. Created codeql.yml (#37)
  16. Mockserver for React apps (#40)
  17. Refactoring and initial GitHub workflow test (#42)
  18. Multiple GitHub workflow tests (#43, #44, #45, #46, #47, #48, #49, #50, #51, #52, #53, #54, #55, #56, #57, [#59](https

New Contributors

Full Changelog: /~