This repository contains the source code for the Akash Network website.
Clone the repository using git to your local machine.
git clone /~
The repo uses git submodules, pull the latest changes from the community repo.
git submodule update --init --recursive
Optionally, for existing repositories, you can pull the latest changes from the community repo using the following command.
git submodule update --remote
Install the dependencies using npm.
npm install
npm run server
npm run import:community
Changelog is automatically generated from commit messages. Please follow Conventional Commits when writing commit messages. See this: post for more information.
$ npm run release
# minor release
$ npm run release:minor
# patch release
$ npm run release:patch
# major release
$ npm run release:major
For all design contributions please visit our guidelines
Please run Google Lighthouse and SEO audits before submitting a PR. The v1.0.0 release scores are as follows:
- Homepage
- Write draft copy for benefits and features
- Add "latest from the blog"
- Add copyright in the footer
- Design homepage
- Implement 1st draft of homepage design
- Add subscribe to newsletter
- Add Privacy page
- Link Get Started to Docs
- Social Media Preview
- [-] Add connect with community
- (Stretch) Add Case studies preview
- Blog
- Render images in related blog posts
- Fetch Author from DatoCMS
- Fetch Tags and Categories from DatoCMS
- Add By Year Filter for Blog
- Import Images from DatoCMS
- Community
- Implement: Text Community Page
- Add News Section
- Add Contributors Section
- Token
- Add Token Metrics (Build time) on Token Page
- Docs
- Replace tokenizer with text replace
- Import all Docs
- Misc
- (Stretch) Enable GoAT diagram support (migrate away from doks)
- Enable Social Media preview
- Conduct Performance Audit (Google Lighthouse) and implement recommendations
- Conduct SEO Audit and implement recommendations
- Ecosystem (Stretch)
- Feature: Ecosystem Page
- Add Case Studies
- Development Documentation
- Add a "How to contribute" section to the README
- Add a "How to run the website locally" section to the README