A sample project showing how to integrate angularjs with bower and gulp, especially concerning the handling of third party scripts and assets.
This project therefore integrates some javascript libraries and angular modules to demonstrate how this can be used easily with gulp.
The key features are:
the app is structured using angular ui-router
scopes are used explicitly using the controllerAs mechanism
the angular services and controllers are wrapped in IIFEs
angular dependency injection using ng-annotate for DRY
during development there is a live reload webserver
the bower components are bundled together without explicitly listing them
jshint is triggered on every change, errors are reported to the notification center
For building and running this application, there are some requirements for the environment. The build is done using gulp (which is a node module) and uses bower for all browser dependencies (javascript, css).
To build the application, you need to have the following modules installed globally:
node & npm
To run the appliation, it’s necessary to install all dependencies used for building and packaging within the application. The gulp task then runs a webserver with live reload capabilities. So every change to one of the project files results in an immediate reloading. On Mac OS, Linux and Windows > 7 there will be notifications when some build error is detected.
npm install
bower install
gulp webserver
The project uses angularjs 1.2 and the great ui-router module for structuring the application code and handling navigation. The individual pages use the $http service or the restangular module to connect to some rest services. The places views integrate the angular-leaflet-directive to show some map component.
This is a sample project used to check out some features and third party libraries for angularjs together with the gulp build process. Due to this, there may be some hard coded paths and servers that will not be accessible for you. Nevertheless I will try to keep these references to a minimum, so that the project still can be run without having access to these systems.
Currently there are the following drawbacks:
the elasticsearch service fetches data from a certain hard coded url.
handling css / images from bower still needs some cleanup.