The Airavata Django Portal is a web interface to the Apache Airavata API implemented using the Django web framework. The intention is that the Airavata Django Portal can be used as is for a full featured web based science gateway but it can also be customized through various plugins to add more domain specific functionality as needed.
The following steps will help you quickly get started with running the Airavata Django Portal locally. This will allow you to try it out and can also be used as a development environment. If you just want to run the Airavata Django Portal locally, see the Docker instructions below for a more simplified approach.
The Airavata Django Portal works with Python versions 3.6, 3.7, 3.8 and 3.9. You'll need one of these versions installed locally.
You'll also need Node.js and yarn to build the JavaScript frontend code. Please
the most recent LTS version of Node.js. You
can also use nvm to manage the Node.js install.
If you have nvm installed you can run nvm install && nvm use
before running
any yarn commands. See the Yarn package manager for
information on how to install yarn.
Checkout this project and create a virtual environment.
git clone /~ cd airavata-django-portal python3 -m venv venv source venv/bin/activate pip install --upgrade pip setuptools wheel pip install -r requirements.txt
- macOS note: to install the MySQL dependencies you need to have the MySQL development headers and libraries installed. Also, on macOS you need to have openssl installed. See the mysqlclient-python installation notes for more details.
Create a local settings file.
Option 1 (recommended). The best way to get a local settings file is to download one from an existing Airavata Django Portal instance. If you have Admin access, you can log in, go to Settings and then Developer Console (/admin/developers) and download a
file for local development. Save it to thedjango_airavata/
directory. -
Option 2. Otherwise, if you know the hostname and ports of an Airavata deployment, you can copy
and edit the contents to match your Keycloak and Airavata server deployments.cp django_airavata/ django_airavata/
Run Django migrations
python migrate
Build the JavaScript sources. There are a few JavaScript packages in the source tree, colocated with the Django apps in which they are used. The
script will build them all../
Load the default Wagtail CMS pages.
python load_cms_data new_default_theme
Run the server
python runserver
Point your browser to http://localhost:8000.
To run the Django Portal as a Docker container, you need a
file which you can create from the
file. Then run the
Build the Docker image.
docker build -t airavata-django-portal .
Run the Docker container.
docker run -d \ -v /path/to/my/ \ -p 8000:8000 airavata-django-portal
Load an initial set of Wagtail pages (theme). You only need to do this when starting the container for the first time.
docker exec CONTAINER_ID python load_cms_data new_default_theme
Point your browser to http://localhost:8000.
To build and push multi-architecture images, first create a builder (one time)
docker buildx create --name mybuilder --use
then run
docker buildx build --platform linux/amd64,linux/arm64 -t TAG --push .
Documentation currently is available at (built from the 'docs' directory).
To build the documentation locally, first set up a development environment, then run the following in the root of the project:
mkdocs serve
Please send feedback to the mailing list at If you encounter bugs or would like to request a new feature you can do so in the Airavata Jira project (just select the Django Portal component when you make your issue).
See the Customization Guide in the documentation for information on how to customize the Airavata Django Portal user interface. To get started we recommend going through the Gateways Tutorial. This tutorial covers the different ways that the user interface can be customized.
For general information on how to contribute, please see the Get Involved section of the Apache Airavata website.
Run pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
to install development and testing
Use a code editor that integrates with editorconfig and flake8. I also recommend autopep8 for automatically formatting code to follow the PEP8 guidelines. Prettier is used for formatting JavaScript and Vue.js code.
See the docs for more information on developing the backend and frontend code.
Run ./
to run the Django unit tests.
The Apache Airavata Django Portal is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license. For more information see the LICENSE file.