ISA (Instruction Set Architecture) for MIPS 32 refers to the set of instructions that the MIPS (Microprocessor without Interlocked Pipeline Stages) architecture supports for 32-bit processing.
Instruction Formats: MIPS 32 instructions are typically 32 bits long and can be categorized into three main formats: R-type, I-type, and J-type. R-type instructions are used for arithmetic and logical operations, I-type instructions for immediate values "adding constant to register", and J-type instructions for jump operations.
Registers: MIPS 32 architecture has 32 general-purpose registers, labeled as $0 to $31. Register $0 is hardwired to zero and has special properties.
Data Types: MIPS 32 supports 32-bit data types for integers, but not supporing floating-point numbers.
![]() -Top level schematic for mips. |
![]() - Detailed schematic for mips. |
- Set of predefined MIPS instructions.
- Design a simplified MIPS processor in Verilog.
- Develop a testbench plan to verify the functionality and performance of the processor.
- Hardware Description Language (HDL) : Verilog
- Simulation and Verification : QuestaSim
- Synthesis Tool : Vivado
- Hardware : FPGA xilinx spartan 6 board
- Requirements Analysis
- Design Specification
- Implementation
- Testbench Design
- Verification
- Task 1.1 : Identify the subset of MIPS instructions to be implemented (ADD, SUB, LW, SW, .. ).
- Task 1.2 : Determine the required processor components (ALU, Register File, Control Unit, .. ).
- Task 1.3 : Establish performance goals and constraints (clock speed , timing constraints, ..).
- Task 2.1 : Define the architecture of the MIPS processor, including the datapath and control path.
- Task 2.2 : Create detailed specifications for each processor component.
- Task 2.3 : Design the instruction set architecture (ISA) and encoding scheme.
- Task 3.1 : Implement the processor components in Verilog (ALU, Register File, .. ).
- Task 3.2 : Develop the control unit.
- Task 3.3 : Integrate the components to form the complete MIPS processor.
- Task 4.1 : Develop a test plan outlining the tests to be performed, including unit tests for components and integration tests for the full processor.
- Task 4.2 : Write testbench code in Verilog to implement the test plan.
- Task 4.3 : Create test vectors and stimulus for each test case.
- Task 5.1 : Simulate the individual components using the testbench code.
- Task 5.2 : Perform integration testing on the full processor.
- Task 5.3 : Analyze the simulation results and verify against the specifications.
- Digital Logic And Computer Design By M. Morris Mano
- Computer Organization and Design RISC-V edition written by David A. Patterson and John L. Hennessy
- Digital Design and Computer Architecture Book by David Harris