React app that interacts with Github REST (V3) and GraphQL (V4) api to search for a user, if the user exists, a short description about the user is displayed, as well as the repositories and followers/following lists.
Please check the live demo here
npm i
npm run start:dev
Then navigate to http://localhost:3001
The user info and followers/following lists are fetched from Github v3 api, while the repositories list is fetched using Github GraphQl api (using apollo client).
This app is using webpack as a code bundler. Bundle Splitting (external libraries) and code splitting (for followers/following lists) are enabled.
Webpack-dev-server is used as the dev server with Hot Module Replacement (HMR) for faster and more efficient development process.
HTML-webpack-plugin is used to inject the chuncks to the HTML template.
Customized airbnb eslint rules are used to ensure consistent code around the website.
React router is used to handle the browser history and navigating between different routes.
Making use of the github Link response header to enable infinite scrolling to the following/followers list.