Project Domain: Demography
Tools used: Power Query and Power BI
Project details: Dashboards created to show the functionalities of Power BI to my students in my Data Analytics class.
- Data extracted from a PDF published by Universidad de Sevilla. One of the purposes was to show the students how to extract information from a PDF.
- Data was intensively worked in Power Query (as the original format was not friendly in order to create visualizations Power BI).
- Columns were later created using DAX language.
- Result: an interactive Dashboard that shows the most populated Provinces in Spain in the period 2008-2020. Changes in population growth (and decrease) rates can easily be spotted with the help of a time series visualization and a map..
Programming Languages: M and Dax.
Dashboard accessibility: Both the Dashboard and the original PDF are shaed as part of this repository.
Project Participation: I worked independently on this project
Preview: image
Other comments: Project developed only for teaching purposes