Function for allowing to pass API-Gateway generated api-keys as queryparameter. Allows for some edge-case usage.
This allows for the following usage with AWS API-key managing:
# Install dependency in lambda function
npm i @adneovrebo/api-gateway-apikey-query-authorizer
// In your authorizer lambda function add the following
import apiKeyQueryAuthorizer from '@adneovrebo/api-gateway-apikey-query-authorizer';
exports.handler = apiKeyQueryAuthorizer;
# ZIP content and deploy lambda function with aws-cli (or any other way you like)
zip -r . && aws lambda update-function-code --function-name <FunctionName> --zip-file fileb://
Go to settings and select
API Key Source
On the selected request select the authorizer and set
API Key Required
Deploy API for changes to take effect.
Create usage plans and API keys to the desired API.
Happy coding 🎉