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adam10603 authored May 10, 2024
2 parents ab18f9a + ecd19d4 commit c616f22
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Showing 9 changed files with 206 additions and 80 deletions.

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@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
NAME = Advanced Gamepad Assist Config
AUTHOR = adam10603
VERSION = 1.4.3
VERSION = 1.5.0
DESCRIPTION = Settings for the Advanced Gamepad Assist mod.

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Expand Up @@ -364,6 +364,57 @@ function M.SmoothTowards:reset()
self.state = self.startingValue

-- SmoothTowards2 class
-- would be a better version of SmoothTowards, but im lazy to migrate the whole project to use this

-- M.SmoothTowards2 = {}

-- function M.SmoothTowards2:new(rate, linearity, minValue, maxValue, startingValue)
-- startingValue = startingValue or 0
-- self.__index = self
-- return setmetatable({
-- rate = rate,
-- linearity = linearity,
-- range = maxValue - minValue,
-- state = startingValue,
-- startingValue = startingValue
-- }, self)
-- end

-- function M.SmoothTowards2:get(val, dt)
-- local x1 = self.linearity - 0.5
-- local rateCorrection = x1 * x1 * 0.2 + 0.95
-- local change = dt * self.range * self.rate * rateCorrection
-- local v0 = self.state + (val - self.state) * (change * 2.0)
-- local v1 = (math.abs(val - self.state) <= change) and val or (self.state + math.sign(val - self.state) * change)
-- self.state = v0 + (v1 - v0) * self.linearity

-- return self.state
-- end

-- function M.SmoothTowards2:getWithRate(val, dt, rate)
-- local originalRate = self.rate
-- self.rate = rate
-- local ret = self:get(val, dt)
-- self.rate = originalRate

-- return ret
-- end

-- function M.SmoothTowards2:getWithRateMult(val, dt, rateMult)
-- return self:getWithRate(val, dt, self.rate * rateMult)
-- end

-- function M.SmoothTowards2:value()
-- return self.state
-- end

-- function M.SmoothTowards2:reset()
-- self.state = self.startingValue
-- end


local _valueHistory = {}
function M.measureUpdateRate(key, value, dt)
if not _valueHistory[key] then
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Expand Up @@ -79,13 +79,14 @@ function M:new(vehicle)
local shiftUpTime = drivetrainINI:get("GEARBOX", "CHANGE_UP_TIME", vehicle.hShifter and 300 or 50) / 1000.0 -- Converted from ms to s
local shiftDownTime = drivetrainINI:get("GEARBOX", "CHANGE_DN_TIME", vehicle.hShifter and 300 or 50) / 1000.0 -- Converted from ms to s
local defaultShiftUp = drivetrainINI:get("AUTO_SHIFTER", "UP", math.lerp(idleRPM, maxRPM, 0.7))
local electronicBlip = drivetrainINI:get("AUTOBLIP", "ELECTRONIC", 0)

local cPhys = ac.getCarPhysics(vehicle.index)
local tiresINI = ac.INIConfig.carData(car.index, "tyres.ini")

self.__index = self

return setmetatable({
local obj = setmetatable({
vehicle = vehicle,
brokenEngineIni = brokenEngineINI,
baseTorqueCurve = torqueCurve,
Expand All @@ -96,6 +97,7 @@ function M:new(vehicle)
shiftUpTime = shiftUpTime,
shiftDownTime = shiftDownTime,
defaultShiftUpRPM = defaultShiftUp,
electronicBlip = electronicBlip,
gearRatios = table.clone(cPhys.gearRatios, true),
finalDrive = cPhys.finalRatio,
tiresINI = tiresINI,
Expand All @@ -104,8 +106,18 @@ function M:new(vehicle)
fastLearningTime = 0,
lastCompound = -1,
frontFlexGain = 0,
frontFZ0 = 0
frontFZ0 = 0,
maxEnginePower = 200
}, self)

if not obj.brokenEngineIni and obj.baseTorqueCurve then
for rpm = 0.0, 1.0, 0.05 do
local p = obj:getMaxHP(obj:getAbsoluteRPM(rpm), 1)
if p > obj.maxEnginePower then obj.maxEnginePower = p end

return obj

function M:getNormalizedRPM(rpm)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -195,7 +207,7 @@ function M:calcShiftingTable(minNormRPM, maxNormRPM)

if self.vehicle.mgukDeliveryCount == 0 then
local bestArea = 0
local areaSkew = math.lerp(0.95, 1.15, (gear - 1) / (self.vehicle.gearCount - 2)) -- shifts the bias of the power integral higher as the gear number increases
local areaSkew = math.lerp(1.0, 1.2, (gear - 1) / (self.vehicle.gearCount - 2)) -- shifts the bias of the power integral higher as the gear number increases
local nextOverCurrentRatio = self:getGearRatio(gear + 1) / self:getGearRatio(gear)
for i = 0, 300, 1 do
local upshiftRPM = self:getAbsoluteRPM(i / 300.0)
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Expand Up @@ -21,13 +21,17 @@ local uiData = ac.connect{
_selfSteerStrength = ac.StructItem.double(),
_frontNdSlip = ac.StructItem.double(),
_rearNdSlip = ac.StructItem.double(),
_maxLimitReduction = ac.StructItem.double(),
_limitReduction = ac.StructItem.double(),
_gameGamma = ac.StructItem.double(),
_gameDeadzone = ac.StructItem.double(),
_gameRumble = ac.StructItem.double(),
_rawSteer = ac.StructItem.double(),
_finalSteer = ac.StructItem.double(),
assistEnabled = ac.StructItem.boolean(),
graphSelection = ac.StructItem.int32(), -- 1 = none, 2 = static, 3 = live
keyboardMode = ac.StructItem.int32(), -- 0 = disabled, 1 = enabled, 2 = enabled + brake assist, 3 = enabled + throttle and brake assist
-- mouseSteering = ac.StructItem.boolean(),
autoClutch = ac.StructItem.boolean(),
autoShiftingMode = ac.StructItem.int32(), -- 0 = default, 1 = manual, 2 = automatic
autoShiftingCruise = ac.StructItem.boolean(),
Expand All @@ -52,6 +56,7 @@ local savedCfg ={
assistEnabled = true,
graphSelection = 1,
keyboardMode = 0,
-- mouseSteering = false,
autoClutch = false,
autoShiftingMode = 0,
autoShiftingCruise = true,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -121,6 +126,7 @@ end
uiData._appCanRun = false
uiData.assistEnabled = savedCfg.assistEnabled
uiData.keyboardMode = savedCfg.keyboardMode
-- uiData.mouseSteering = savedCfg.mouseSteering
uiData.graphSelection = savedCfg.graphSelection
uiData.useFilter = savedCfg.useFilter
uiData.autoClutch = savedCfg.autoClutch
Expand All @@ -142,12 +148,12 @@ uiData.maxDynamicLimitReduction = savedCfg.maxDynamicLimitReduction

-- MAIN LOGIC =================================================================================

local steeringSmoother = lib.SmoothTowards:new( 7.0, 0.15, -1.0, 1.0, 0.0) -- Smooths the initial steering input
local absSteeringSmoother = lib.SmoothTowards:new( 7.0, 0.15, -1.0, 1.0, 0.0) -- Smooths the absolute value of the initial steering input
local steeringSmoother = lib.SmoothTowards:new( 7.0, 0.13, -1.0, 1.0, 0.0) -- Smooths the initial steering input
local absSteeringSmoother = lib.SmoothTowards:new( 7.0, 0.13, -1.0, 1.0, 0.0) -- Smooths the absolute value of the initial steering input
local kbThrottleSmoother = lib.SmoothTowards:new(12.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0)
local kbBrakeSmoother = lib.SmoothTowards:new(12.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0)
local kbSteerSmoother = lib.SmoothTowards:new( 7.0, 1.0, -1.0, 1.0, 0.0)
local selfSteerSmoother = lib.SmoothTowards:new( 8.0, 0.15, -1.0, 1.0, 0.0) -- Smooths out the self-steer force
local selfSteerSmoother = lib.SmoothTowards:new( 7.0, 0.13, -1.0, 1.0, 0.0) -- Smooths out the self-steer force
local limitSmoother = lib.SmoothTowards:new(11.0, 0.01, 0.0, 32.0, 32.0) -- Smooths out changes in the steering limit -- tricky to get the rate right, too slow and it causes oscillations on turn-in, too fast and it lets noise through into the steering
local groundedSmoother = lib.SmoothTowards:new( 4.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0) -- Smooths the value that indicates if any of the front wheels are grounded
local frontSlipDisplaySmoother = lib.SmoothTowards:new(10.0, 0.05, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0) -- Smooths the relative front slip value sent to the UI app for visualization
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -185,13 +191,14 @@ local function updateConfig()
uiData.selfSteerResponse = uiData.filterSetting * 0.5 + 0.12
uiData.dampingStrength = uiData.selfSteerResponse -- * 0.8
uiData.maxSelfSteerAngle = 28.0 * uiData.filterSetting
uiData.maxDynamicLimitReduction = 2 * uiData.filterSetting + 4.0
uiData.maxDynamicLimitReduction = 3 * uiData.filterSetting + 3.5
uiData.countersteerResponse = (1.0 - uiData.filterSetting) * 0.4
uiData.targetSlip = 0.95 - ((uiData.filterSetting - 0.5) * 0.04)

savedCfg.assistEnabled = uiData.assistEnabled
savedCfg.keyboardMode = uiData.keyboardMode
-- savedCfg.mouseSteering = uiData.mouseSteering
savedCfg.graphSelection = uiData.graphSelection
savedCfg.useFilter = uiData.useFilter
savedCfg.autoClutch = uiData.autoClutch
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -497,6 +504,11 @@ local function getVehicleData(dt, skipCalibration)

-- VERY crude estimation, only based on power and nothing else
local function getTopSpeedEstimate(vData)
return (math.sqrt(vData.perfData.maxEnginePower * 80.0) + 75) / 3.6

-- Returns the rate multiplier that should be used for the steering filter
local function calcSteeringRateMult(fwdVelClamped, steeringLockDeg)
local speedAdjustedRate = steeringLockDeg / math.min(65.0 / (math.max(fwdVelClamped, 8.0) - 7.3) + 3.5, steeringLockDeg)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -529,8 +541,9 @@ local function calcCorrectedSteering(vData, targetFrontSlipDeg, initialSteering,
-- Steering limit

local finalTargetSlip = targetFrontSlipDeg * uiData.targetSlip
local angleSubLimit = math.min(targetFrontSlipDeg * 0.75, math.lerp(uiData.maxDynamicLimitReduction, uiData.maxDynamicLimitReduction * 0.8, vData.inputData.brake)) -- How many degrees the steering limit is allowed to reduce when the car oversteers, in the process of trying to maintain the desired front slip angle -- + math.max(0.0, -inputSign * selfSteerForce * vData.steeringLockDeg)
local clampedFAxleVelAngle = lib.clampEased(inputSign * fAxleHVelAngle, -vData.steeringLockDeg - 15.0, angleSubLimit, 3.0 / (vData.steeringLockDeg + 15.0 + angleSubLimit)) -- Limiting how much the front velocity angle can affect the steering limit
uiData._maxLimitReduction = math.lerp(finalTargetSlip * 0.4, finalTargetSlip * 0.75, lib.clamp01(uiData.maxDynamicLimitReduction / 10.0)) -- math.lerp(0.8, 1.2, lib.clamp01(vData.localHVelLen / getTopSpeedEstimate(vData)))
local angleSubLimit = math.lerp(uiData._maxLimitReduction, uiData._maxLimitReduction * 0.8, vData.inputData.brake) -- How many degrees the steering limit is allowed to reduce when the car oversteers, in the process of trying to maintain the desired front slip angle -- + math.max(0.0, -inputSign * selfSteerForce * vData.steeringLockDeg)
local clampedFAxleVelAngle = lib.clampEased(inputSign * fAxleHVelAngle, -vData.steeringLockDeg - 15.0, angleSubLimit, (angleSubLimit * 0.4) / (vData.steeringLockDeg + 15.0 + angleSubLimit)) -- Limiting how much the front velocity angle can affect the steering limit
if vData.localHVelLen > 1e-15 then
uiData._rAxleHVelAngle = localVelHAngle
uiData._limitReduction = math.max(clampedFAxleVelAngle, 0.0)
Expand All @@ -543,7 +556,7 @@ local function calcCorrectedSteering(vData, targetFrontSlipDeg, initialSteering,
local antiSelfSteer = absInitialSteering * -selfSteerForce -- This prevents the self-steer force from affecting the steering limit
local targetInward = finalTargetSlip - clampedFAxleVelAngle -- Steering limit when turning inward
local counterMult = math.lerp(math.lerpInvSat(-inputSign * rAxleHVelAngle, 0.0, 30.0) * (1.0 / 3.0) + (2.0 / 3.0), 1.0, uiData.countersteerResponse) -- Makes manual countersteering a bit less sensitive near the center
local targetCounter = (finalTargetSlip * (uiData.countersteerResponse * counterMult * 0.9 + 0.1)) - (inputSign * rAxleHVelAngle) -- Steering limit when countersteering
local targetCounter = (finalTargetSlip * (uiData.countersteerResponse * counterMult * 0.7 + 0.1)) - (inputSign * rAxleHVelAngle) -- Steering limit when countersteering

local targetSteeringAngle = math.lerp(math.clamp(targetInward, 0, vData.steeringLockDeg), math.clamp(targetCounter, 0, vData.steeringLockDeg), counterIndicator) -- The steering angle that would result in the targeted slip angle
local notForward = math.sin(math.clamp(math.rad(vData.travelDirection * 2.0 / 3.0), -math.pi * 0.5, math.pi * 0.5)) ^ 16 -- Gets rid of the steering limit when going backwards
Expand All @@ -565,10 +578,13 @@ local function updateDisplayValues(vData, assistFadeIn, assistEnabled, dt)
uiData._rAxleHVelAngle = 0
uiData._selfSteerStrength = 0
uiData._limitReduction = 0
uiData._rawSteer = vData.inputData.steerStickX
uiData._frontNdSlip = frontSlipDisplaySmoother:get(vData.frontNdSlip, dt)
uiData._rearNdSlip = rearSlipDisplaySmoother:get(vData.rearNdSlip, dt)

uiData._finalSteer = vData.inputData.steer

ac.onSharedEvent("AGA_calibrateSteering", function()
Expand All @@ -587,6 +603,7 @@ local brakeTarget = 1.0
local throttleTarget = 1.0
local prevBrakeNd = 0.0
local prevThrottleNd = 0.0
-- local mouseAcc = 0

-- Reads controller and keyboard input (if enabled), and performs the initial smoothing and processing
local function processInitialInput(vData, kbMode, steeringRateMult, extrasObj, dt)
Expand All @@ -601,13 +618,29 @@ local function processInitialInput(vData, kbMode, steeringRateMult, extrasObj, d
kbSteerSmoother.state = 0.0

local rawSteer = sanitizeSteeringInput(vData.inputData.steerStickX + kbSteer)
-- local mouseSteer = 0

-- if uiData.mouseSteering or true then
-- local ui = ac.getUI()
-- if not ui.wantCaptureMouse and ui.isMouseLeftKeyDown then
-- mouseAcc = mouseAcc + ui.mouseDelta.x
-- mouseSteer = math.clamp(mouseAcc / (ui.windowSize.x / 3.0), -1.0, 1.0)
-- else
-- mouseAcc = 0
-- end
-- else
-- mouseAcc = 0
-- end

local rawSteer = sanitizeSteeringInput(vData.inputData.steerStickX + kbSteer) -- + mouseSteer
local centeringRate = 1.0 -- Faster centering rate when the steering rate is under 50%
if steeringRateMult > 0.0 and steeringRateMult < 0.5 then
if (math.abs(rawSteer) < math.abs(steeringSmoother.state) and math.sign(rawSteer) == math.sign(steeringSmoother.state)) or (math.sign(rawSteer) ~= math.sign(steeringSmoother.state)) then
centeringRate = (steeringRateMult * 0.5 + 0.25) / steeringRateMult

uiData._rawSteer = rawSteer
local initialSteering = steeringSmoother:getWithRateMult(rawSteer, dt, steeringRateMult * centeringRate) -- Steering input with no processing (except smoothing)
local absInitialSteering = absSteeringSmoother:getWithRateMult(math.abs(rawSteer), dt, steeringRateMult * centeringRate) -- Absolute steering input with no processing (except smoothing)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -723,7 +756,7 @@ function script.update(dt)

local steeringAngleGraphLimit = math.ceil(vehicleSteeringLock / 10.0) * 10.0
local powerGraphLimit = math.ceil(vData.perfData:getMaxHP(vData.perfData:getAbsoluteRPM(0.85), 2) * 1.1 * ((vData.vehicle.mgukDeliveryCount > 0) and 1.75 or 1.0) / 100.0) * 100.0
local powerGraphLimit = math.ceil(vData.perfData.maxEnginePower * 1.05 * ((vData.vehicle.mgukDeliveryCount > 0) and 3.0 or 1.0) / 100.0) * 100.0

ac.debug("A) Relative front slip [%]", math.round(vData.frontNdSlip * 100.0, 1), 0.0, 200.0)
ac.debug("B) Relative rear slip [%]", math.round(vData.rearNdSlip * 100.0, 1), 0.0, 200.0)
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