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Install Android Studio:
Import as Android Studio project.
Required: Run the quickstart script from a bash terminal at the base of the project; ./scripts/
this will install the necessary
dependencies for the project to compile successfully.
Generate a new google-services.json file
Create a new sample Firebase project using your Google account.
a. Login to Google. > Go to > Add project
Generate a new google-services.json file.
a. Project Settings > Add an Android app > package_name:
b. Download the new google-services.json file created from the Firebase console and replace the existing google-services.json file under the app module in the app/src/env directory.
Optional: Run the bootstrap script from terminal via scripts/
. This will install the Google Java code style as well
as the official Android Kotlin code style and remove any file header templates. The script may indicate that you need
to restart Android Studio for it's changes to take effect.
Build -> Make Project
If there are build errors, in Android Studio go to Tools -> Android -> SDK Manager and install any available updates.
All new code must be in Kotlin. We are using the official Kotlin style guide, which can be applied in Android Studio via
Preferences -> Editor -> Code Style -> Kotlin -> Set from -> Predefined style -> Kotlin Style Guide
. It should be
noted that this is not currently the default in Android Studio, so please configure this if you have recently
reinstalled AS. Alternatively, simply run the bootstrap script and ktlint will configure your IDE for you.
All code must be tested if possible, and must pass CI. Therefore it must introduce no new Lint errors, and must pass
Ktlint. Before committing any new Kotlin code I could recommend formatting your files in Android Studio with
and running ./gradlew ktlint
locally. You can if you so wish run ./gradlew ktlintFormat
will fix any style violations. Be aware that this may need to be run twice to apply all fixes as of 0.20.
Use git change log style.
Where you have access to Jira, you should apply the git hooks with ./gradlew installGitHooks
. This enforces the
git change log style with Jira references.
Unit tests for the project can be run via scripts/
. This also generates coverage reports.
Security issues can be reported to us in the following venues:
- Email:
- Bug Bounty: