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DNS API Structural Info description

Sergey Ponomarev edited this page Dec 29, 2024 · 4 revisions

DNS API Structural Info description

For GUI we need to show a list of options and basic description. So instead of using comments describe a provider info in a special variable that later will be read and parsed. The variable must be called like dns_example_info where the example is your provider code as in a file name.

The basic example:

# shellcheck disable=SC2034
 Example_Token API Token
Author: Your Name <>

The format is both human-readable and easy to parse.

The # shellcheck disable=SC2034 is needed to ignore an error that the var is not used. The dns_example_info declares a variable with a multi line text.

At the first line is the title of of the API. If this is just a DNS provider then try use it's domain name. Please write long domains in a CamelCase e.g. This will help a user to distinguish providers in a list.

The Site: is a URL (without https://) to the provider's site. Sometimes it should be a dedicated DNS page:

dns_aws_info='Amazon AWS Route53 domain API

The Docs: is a link to Wiki page with instructions. Some providers may have own wiki page e.g. Lexicon. The https:// at beginning is stripped.

The Options: is a section with list of parameters (environment variables) to configure the provider. Each option should be declared on a separate line. The line Example_Token API Token starts with one space and declares a variable Example_Token with a title API Token. You may have multiple options and you can specify default value and show if the option is required:

 VARIABLE1 Title for the option1.
 VARIABLE2 Title for the option2. Default "default value".
 VARIABLE3 Title for the option3. A long description to show on UI. Optional.

By default all the variables are mandatory. The Optional. is a special mark that the variable is not required. The Default "default value". is a special mark and the value between the double quotes will be used as a default. Such variable are optional. Only the first sentence will be a title so the the A long description to show on UI will be an extended description to show separately and it can be long and contain links. The HTML is not allowed in a title or description.

A DNS provider may have alternative options like CloudFlare may use API KEY or API Token. You can use a second section OptionsAlt: section. See

The Issues: is a link to an support issue or a forum topic where you can reach an author to report a bug. At beginning you may omit it and we'll add ourselves once a PR is merged and the issue is created. The https:// at beginning is stripped.

The Author: Your Name <> is an optional field with a developer name and email (is not required). The author can be a GitHub username @yourname. You may use a link e.g. Author: Alex Loban </~>. Multiple authors should be separated with a comma , e.g. Author: Wolfgang Ebner, Sven Neubuaer.

Domain aliases

If a provider has multiple domains e.g. has an additional then you can declare them in a dedicated field Domains::


So here the is the main page but the is also used. So if user looking for the it may be confused it it see only the The Domains: may be also useful to search a provider in a drop-down list with autocomplete.

Extended description

If the API is not for a specific provider but for a software (e.g. PowerDNS) or a protocol (e.g. nsupdate) then the title will be not a domain but a text. Also you may add a description on the next line(s) staring with a space:

dns_acmedns_info='acme-dns Server API
 The acme-dns is a limited DNS server with RESTful API to handle ACME DNS challenges.

See the initial commit for mare samples.


Here a script (dash and ash complaint) to generate a list of all infos:

for f in ./dnsapi/dns_*.sh
  filename=$(basename -- "$f")
  echo "$dns_api"
  # shellcheck source=./dnsapi/dns_*.sh
  . "$f"
  eval info=\$$dns_api_info_var
  echo "$info"

Now execute it and stored result to info.txt file:

sh ./ > info.txt

The resulted file has size of 40Kb bytes and gzipped it's about 10Kb.

See example of how to parse it in JavaScript: /~

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