Welcome to EquiSports, your one-stop platform for purchasing a wide range of sports equipment, gear, and apparel. Whether you're a professional athlete or a sports enthusiast, EquiSports offers high-quality products across various sports disciplines.
: JavaScript library for building user interfaces.React Router
: Library for handling client-side routing in React applications.Firebase
: Authentication for user login and registration.Tailwind CSS
: Utility-first CSS framework for styling.Lottie React
: A React component for rendering animations.React Awesome Reveal
: A package for adding scroll-based animations.React Tooltip
: Adds tooltips to elements.React Toastify
: For displaying toast notifications.
: JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine.Express
: Fast, unopinionated web framework for Node.js.MongoDB
: NoSQL database for storing product and user data.Mongoose
: MongoDB ORM for handling data models.JWT (JSON Web Token)
: For user authentication and authorization.dotenv
: Loads environment variables from a.env
- Frontend: Firebase Hosting.
- Backend: Vercel.
- User Authentication: Users can log in and register using email/password or OAuth (Google/GitHub/Facebook/Twitter).
- Product Management: Admin users can add, update, or delete sports equipment.
- Private Routes: Certain pages, such as "Add Equipment" and "My Equipment List," are accessible only to authenticated users.
- Product Sorting: Users can sort products by price (ascending/descending).
- Responsive Design: The site is fully responsive, optimized for mobile, tablet, and desktop.
- Dark/Light Mode Toggle: Users can switch between dark and light themes.
- Product Details: Each product has its own details page with more information and a "View Details" button.
- 404 Page: A dedicated error page for non-existing routes.
- Loading Spinner: A spinner is displayed while loading data.
: ^18.3.1react-router-dom
: ^7.0.2firebase
: ^11.0.2lottie-react
: ^2.4.0react-awesome-reveal
: ^4.2.14react-tooltip
: ^5.28.0react-toastify
: ^10.0.6tailwindcss
: ^3.4.15react-icons
: ^5.4.0
: ^4.17.1mongoose
: ^6.0.13jsonwebtoken
: ^8.5.1dotenv
: ^10.0.0
- Node.js
- MongoDB instance
- Firebase credentials (for authentication)
git clone /~https://github.com/aburaihan98/EquiSports-Client.git
cd EquiSports-Client
npm install
npm run dev