Styled Component Primitives for rapid prototyping in React!
Styled Blocks is a bunch of primitives you can simply import, add some style props to, easily use your theme, ship! 🚢
No need to learn yet another API, you already know it. 🕶
npm i styled-blocks
OR yarn add styled-blocks
import {
} from 'styled-blocks';
_backgroundColor="c.primary.500" // see theming section for details about these values
For anything more advanced, you can extend usual way using styled()
The primitives are:
Block, Box, Col, Grid, Inline, InlineBlock, InlineCol, InlineRow, Row
All are divs by default: (Overridable using as prop, see 'Extending' section)
Box - has no style defined
Block - { display: block; }
Inline - { display: inline; }
InlineBlock - { display: inline-block; }
Col/Row - { display: flex; flex-direction: column/row; } - flexbox with flex-direction FTW!
InlineRow/Col - { display: inline-flex; flex-direction: column/row; } - same except inline flexbox
Grid - { display: grid; } CSS grid!
Theming follows styled components api, by doing:
import { ThemeProvider } from 'styled-components'
import yourTheme from './theme'
<ThemeProvider theme={yourTheme}>
<Block ... />
// theme.js
export default {
breakpoints: ['30rem', '60rem'],
c: {
primary: {
500: '#eebbdd',
600: '#11ee33',
700: '#33ff00',
shadow: [
'5px 10px #888888',
'7px 15px #999999',
In your theme, define breakpoints as a property and array as value.
breakpoints: ['30rem', '60rem'],
then in your components you can supply an array to any styled prop, for example:
<Block _color={['blue', 'red', 'green']} ...
(First value will become the initial value, the rest will be wrapped in media queries with corresponding breakpoints)
Rest of the theme follows your rules, simply create an object
structure that suits you. The lookup works just like
lodash get method, using dot notation. c.primary.500
for accessing arrays or objects in your theme:
shadow: [
'5px 10px #888888',
'7px 15px #999999',
Each primitive accepts 'as' prop, so if you need to add pseudo-classes or animations you can do this:
const HoverBlock = styled(div)`
:hover {
font-weight: bold;
background-color: ${({ theme }) => theme.c.primary['500']}; // theme also works here as expected
This project was inspired by excellent other efforts: