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Building the Library

abreits edited this page Nov 5, 2015 · 1 revision

Building the library

If you want to build the library from the typescript source yourself, you need to have the gulp and tsd global npm modules installed:

[sudo] npm install -g gulp tsd

Before you can start you need to install dependencies and type definitions using the following commands:

npm install
tsd install

For the tests to complete you need to have access to an AMQP server such as RabbitMQ. The default connection url for the server is amqp://localhost, you can override it by defining the connection url in the AMQPTEST_CONNECTION_URL environment setting.

You can build and test the library using gulp:

gulp test:coverage
gulp test:integration

The integration tests only work in windows at the moment and need to have enough privileges to stop and restart the RabbitMQ service, so you probably need to start this from an admin command prompt.