- Here Some of Our Best Sellers Products and Latest Collections are Listed.
- User Can click on any product to see about more details about that product.
- Here All Of Our Products and Collections are available.
- User Can click on any product to see about more details about that product.
- User Can filter products by category and sub-category and also filter by low to high price and vice versa.
- This Page Contain Information about our missions , our product quality and Why you Choose us!!
- Here You can find our contact information and contact on any queries.
- Here user can login by providing the Login Credentials belongs to that user.
- User is validating here by JWT tokens.
- Here if you are new to our website then you can register youself with unique email-id.
- Here also user is validated by JWT tokens.
- A Logged in User Can add Items to Cart by selecting the product and its sizes.
- User can see all his cart items by clicking on the Cart Icon which is on the righ top handside.
- After Selecting All our favourite Products to the Cart you can visit the Cart Page and Proceed to Payments.
- Here you can purchase products with a choice of 3 different pay options
- COD (Cash On Delivery)
- Stripe
- Razorpay
- After The Successful Payment You can view all you order by clicking the Profile Icon > Order.
- All of your Orders are listed here you can track these orders.
- Here Admin can login by providing the Login Credentials belongs to that admin.
- Admin is validating here by JWT tokens.
- Admin have the rights to add products so that user can buy them.
- Admin can share the various angle pictures of the products.
- Admin can Fill the product form and add the products.
- Here in List Items admin can see all products present in our website.
- Admin can delete any product if that does not exist anymore.
- Here Admin can access all orders that placed from different users.
- Admin can change the status of the order from here.
- Clone this repository
git clone git@github.com:abhi051002/Forever-Ecommerce-FullStack.git
- Then Go to the Project directory
cd Forever-Ecommerce-FullStack
- Go To frontend and install all dependencies
cd frontend/
npm i
- Go To admin and install all dependencies
cd admin/
npm i
- Go To backend and install all dependencies
cd backend/
npm i
- Then Copy all folder .env.example to .env
- Get All the Required .env values
- Then Start the application
Don't Forgot to star the Repository Thank You For Visiting